
I'm confused. So, women say they don't want to be objectified and sexualized. They get upset if a stranger looks at them the wrong way.

but. but then they post pictures on instagram just like this, on a public account where anyone can see.. why do they do this?

Do women want to be objectified for their bodies or not?

Attached: thot.png (882x450, 530K)

I'm a good looking guy, and I like when I get looks from qts, but not from old/hambeasts, it feels weird.

Same applies

Easy, women don’t know what they really want

ok, well that girl from example. So she wants people to look at her ass and think about fucking her, right?

She wants people she finds attractive to think about fucking her, she probably hopes everyone else was asexual

It's almost like women are not a single minded entity, and each one of them has their own personal desires.

It's almost as if individuals act and think differently and are not a hive-mind within their gender.

In my experience women put up a strong front and will do everything to be strong individuals. But in the bedroom they just want to be a fuck doll. Now they will NEVER EVER tell you they want to be a fuckdoll unless they are a whore. So you gotta play the relationship game.

Nutshell: All women are whores inside, but they won't show it to you unless they trust you. And even then some never will.

the thing is, that same girl would probably get pissed if she caught someone looking at her ass at the gym.


so basically the take away from this is any girl who posts pictures like in the OP is a whore?

she wants to be objectified, but only on her terms, when she feels like it. it can change day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment. and yes, of course, being objectified by someone attractive is better.

hot women want to be objectified. Ugly women will go complete sour grapes and ruin naked ladies for everyone because no one wants them.

>trying to understand women

you don't need to understand them, it will only make your head hurt.

You cannot say it.
But, again: different context, and different people who give you attention.
Normally, a person who appreciates receiving validation on her physical appearance and being sexualised won't get mad if she caught someone looking at her ass.

Anyway, there is a difference between a situation where you willingly put yourself out there for receiving sexual attention and a situation where you don't.
I sometimes dress in a way that enhances my curves, for example when I'm on dates with my boyfriend, and I do it mostly for him. Other people stare, and I accept it is a possibility, but for example if they commented on it it would be inappropriate.
On the other hand, if I'm sitting there in sweater and jeans on a random day and a dude yells at me "nice mouth, I'd stick my cock in it" I'm going to be upset.
It's not that because I enjoy getting sexual validation from my boyfriend then I enjoy getting it in any context, by any person.
Obviously a woman who dresses in a way that shows off her body, goes to a club and gets mad if people look is not the most reasonable one.

well you have a boyfriend so its different.

that girl in the OP because she posts pictures just like that, it makes her a whore right? because she wants every single person to look at her ass?

I don't care to be objectified, but I don't have Instagram and don't upload any pictures of me at all. My only selfie for my Facebook account is 4 years old.

That said, the girls I know who upload photos of themselves on a regular basis and sometimes/always in revealing clothes do want to be objectified for the attention/admiration, aka self-esteem boost.

It doesn't, necessarily. It might simply mean she enjoys looking hot and having other people know it. It doesn't mean she wants to get fucked by everyone.
You need to have a very liberal definition of "whore" for it to fit in.

Women want to look good, but they don't want to be objectified or sexualised. Just because they look sexy doesn't mean they are a whore. Why dress like a whore if you don't want me to think you are a whore? Why are you thinking of women as whores?

but she clearly wants to be sexualized, right?

She is looking sexy, so yeah, she probably wants people who look at this picture to think of her as a sexual woman.
That doesn't mean she enjoys it in every moment of her day, by every person she meets, in every occasion, or that she wants to be perceived as a mere object.

but her account isn't even private. It's not like she only wants certain people to think this way. She has it public so any person can look at her. Hell. even her work could google her and find those pictures

I don't know how to put it more simply.
When you look at this picture, yes, she wants you to think "Oh, she's hot".
Let's pretend she's a professor: when she's explaining to you about algebra, se doesn't want you to think "Oh, she's hot" but "Oh, she knows what she's talking about".
Different context, different way to present yourself, different expectations about how people will perceive you.

It's almost never okay to go out of your way and make overtly sexual comments about random people tho.

that makes no sense.

Yes, it does.
Let's say you enjoy posting pics of your cock on Jow Forums. Does it mean you want everyone to know that and you want your mom to think of you as "that dude who posts pics of his cock on Jow Forums"? Probably not.
Different contexts, different ways you present yourself, different expectations about how people will perceive you.

They just want attention, and the only way to get is with their attractiveness either because it's the easiest way or they don't have any other redeeming qualities.

>not everyone lurks Jow Forums
>plus, anybody and everyone who does Jow Forums could see my dick
>fags and girls alike
I would never post my dick on Jow Forums because I dont want fags to look at my dick

Way to miss a point.
Would you say "fags" in front of your teacher or your employer? Probably not. You say that on Jow Forums tho.
You present yourself differently in different situations, according on how you want to be perceived by people in that specific scenario.

Jow Forums is also anonymous.

instagram is not.

I know. But the point was that in different context you present yourself in different ways, according to the desired perception of yourself you want to give to people.
Which everyone does. You don't act with your friends like you do with your employer, you don't act with your teacher in the same way you do with your mom, you don't act with your girlfriend the same way you do with your granny. You polish yourself according to the situation.

You can have a sexier image of yourself on social media, and still desire to be treated respectfully at your job. I don't think it's a great idea, personally, but it's quite normal to do.

that sounds like a terrible idea

It's not up to you to decide.
Ideally, people would judge you based on how you act at your job and your skills and not on your life outside of your job. It's almost never the case, so I don't post anything online that I would mind my employer to see, but at the same time I understand that it's a wrong behaviour to judge someone at their job, or even their character really, based on a picture of their ass on instagram.

women want what they don't want. There's an evolutionary reason for this.

think about it.

The mistake you're making is focusing on this one example. Back away and look at the big picture.
"I don't want to be objectified" (doesn't want)

Which means, she wants it.

But if she admits to that, then she doesn't want it. She has to not want it in order to want it.

If you have an apple, and a girl really wants it, and you give it to her, she loses respect for you and you're less attractive to her. You always have to make her work for the things she wants to some degree, or tease/taunt her first.

>Easy, women don’t know what they really want

I really fucking hate kikes

Attached: 2000px-Woman-power_emblem.svg.png (2000x3235, 142K)

She's selling herself. The answer is yeah, but it's a sales tactic

The issue is you lack the intelligence to differentiate between individuals and instead want to assign traits as a group so you have "permission" to act inappropriately.