What's your ideal 3D woman?
Both phisically and mentally.
What's your ideal 3D woman?
DD or bigger tits
Wide hips
physically strong
Mentally very focused
intellectually average but learns fast
Emotionally simple but can handle a lot
This is more like a /b/ or Jow Forums thread
>14 years old
>perfect health, intellect, genes
>interested in art
>has a massive ego and lots of desires
>know how to manipulate others
>knows how to pull my puppet strings (metaphorically speaking)
>and speaks 3+ languages fluently and plays an instrument
>has a hobby I admire
that's basically it
rip pedo
Lean body
Really slim legs
Cute face
Long hair
Very deep, can understand anyone, a real genius.
um no.
By definition that would mean under 11 years old or so
What to do when she turns 15
years old
I'm slightly concerned.
been a while since i have seen a tripfag fail so hard.
I like silly girls that make me laugh. If you're semi cute the prior is all you need.
top tier taste, my salutes
>intellectually average but learns fast
Aka I'm insecure around women
Actually married with kids and described my wife XD
my wife
>small framed
>qt in a girl next door way
>perfect feet
>open to my fetishes
>supportive in anything I want to do
>way smarter than she wants people to believe
>lefty AND liberal
>feminist in the equal gender way (old type feminism, not the bullshit new "girl power" crap)
What more can you want.
gud 4 u bro XD
>these are the people who give you advice
>coming to Jow Forums for actual advice
>less than 5'10
>not fat but not super skinny
>big boobs and/or nice ass
>reasonably cute face
>not stronger than I am
>likes me for who I am but encourages me to improve
>doesn't expect me to be dominant
>not politically crazy, open to disagreement and debate
>likes/wants kids
>talks about problems before they get out of control
It's pointless because even if such a girl existed she'd already have a boyfriend.
My age, white, not fat, flat, 5-5'9, biologically female, fertile.
Does not buy into fashion.
Resourceful, devoted, curious, cuddly.
Listens to reason. Learns from her mistakes.
There's more if we really want to go in-depth, but this is realistic. Ideals don't exist.
A girl I don't fall in love at first sight, that consently chase me with fun joke like (in the steins gate anime, I would love to have Christina)
Yeah I decided Christina is best female assistant.
>Length: 107' 5"
>Wing Span: 55' 7"
>Manufacturer: Lockheed Aircraft Corporation
>Height: 18' 6"
>Maximum Weight: 170,000 lbs.
>Maximum Speed: Mach 3.3
>Redhead or blonde, fringe bangs haircut
>Beautiful smile
>Blue eyes
>5'4-5'7 so she can wear heels
>Long legs
>Doesn't show her feet much
>Smaller breasts
>Shapely but smaller ass
>Not religious
>Not a homebody; wants to do things and travel
>Has her own friends; Only needs to see me like four times a week, but keeps in touch; likes my friends
>Socially liberal, reasonably fiscally conservative, but approaches politics without thinking it's a team sport
>Intelligent but doesn't have to be a genius
>Good sense of humor, understands that everything has a context and doesn't take it all at face value to get offended
>Even if she doesn't embrace my hobbies, at least occasionally shows a slight interest and never asks me to get rid of them
>Exposes me to her own hobbies and world
Hey, we said ideal. Basically give me Virginia Gardner with a slightly different haircut and some of the above.
Not fat
Not anorexic
Loyal and trusting
Belives in love
Sanity not much lower than mine
Willing to share everything with me
No substance addictions
Does not want kids (except adoption)
Has any hobby
Open to new things
Yep, I'm gonna die alone
>Wavy dark hair
>B cup
>Perky little well shaped ass
>Creepy-cute looking face
>Autistically right wing
>Vitriolically racist
>Studying a real science
>Strong personality on equal footing with me in normal life, but a depraved sub in bed
>Outwardly stoic and intimidating to others, girly and sweet in private
>just a bit smaller than average height
>brown hair
>slender body
>emotionally intelligent
>articulate and can back up all her opinions
>loves to read
>not religious
>enjoys movies
>loves to learn
Off the top of my head.
My oneitis.
Get in the oven, degenerate tripfaggot
Ideal, huh?
At least 6' tall, the taller the better with no feasible limit
Giant tits that eclipse her torso
Perfect model face
Acceptable coloration, meaning no nigger eyes and nigger hair
Mentally she would be exactly like me except fully invested in pleasuring me and helping me build my future
lol @ i only want to date me as a sex slave
Is there a part of you that wants to be someone's little sex slave?
Not too picky about the physical part actually. I'm fine with any height, body type, ethnicity etc. Although I prefer more feminine looking girls usually.
Personality wise I'd say the trait I look for the most is strong self dependence. Kindness, sense of humor, and good family values are also important to me.
Well, I'd be her sex slave and service her in any way she wanted as long as it meant doing whatever i wanted with her. She would be very understanding of course, as she and I would share a similar mind with similar understanding of how best to conduct our relationship
It's funny; I used to absolutely hate Literally Hitler but now, I don't think he's so bad. Maybe it's because I've become more degenerate, but I think it's more because I've seen Peanut Butter post his shit and LH is a genius in comparison.
Do you even know what that word means? The woman I described is the most pure, highest ideal possible.
I mean,. I can take many criticisms, for my post, there's many words you can fling at me. But 'degenerate' is just not true.
I described YOUR dream waifu, ffs.
LH was always very intelligent. You guys were fogged by your anger toward him.
I guess now that I'm the lightning-rod of your hate, all that's left is LH's intelligence.
Someone who likes me for who I am instead of what I have to offer.
Literally just
>not completely ugly
>not mentally retarded
>likes me for who I am
>wants kids
Strong Christian
Wants kids
Prioritizes our relationship
Most negotiable, except the honest/Christian parts.
You guys are too afraid to ask for what you really want.
Then I do it and ti blows up in my face. ASK FOR WHAT YOU ACTUALLY WANT, PEOPLE!!!
kill me
>he has to explicitly state 3D because he fell for the /d/ nomenclature
What a faggot you are.
Pic unrelated and what is mentally?
What does this mean? Does he get v& just for mentioning it these days?
I'm with user. The love of my life will be off limits for some time. I'll just do my thing and wait. I love my wife, I chase after grown women, but someday it's going to be me and this girl, at least until she gets sick of my shit. You might be thinking "well it's only a matter of time until he gives in and violates her," but I've known this girl for years and wouldn't dream of that. Not only it's wrong but how would I face her? The thought of her confronting me as an adult, in tears, saying "how could you do this to me, i was just a kid" ... i can't wrap my head around why anyone in his right mind would cross that line. I want to freeze myself while this girl grows up. I want to grow old with her.
>marrying a woman who doesn't eat pussy
why live
actually this was the pic unrelated and i got sidetracked
>skinny and fit, strong arms and firm midriff
>short dark messy hair
>small chest
>wears shorts and flip flops virtually all the no matter the weather, dorky looking is fine
>round face
>bright smile
>loves kids and animals
>has good priorities, the people and the place around her, not abstract political movements, probably does volunteer work or something
>feels most at ease outside
>likes stories whether its from peoples personal lives, books, songs or movies
>has opinions and can disagree and argue but still loyal
>curious and loves to learn, not necessarily in an academic way
I sympathize with you. I'm really not happy with the status quo of Western governments.
Pretty much this chick.
me except i dont want kids
I honestly couldn't give you one account. The most beautiful thing to me usually is the face, eyes, and skin color. Whenever I see a beautiful girl, my ideal woman changes. It's a curse and now I don't even know what she'd look like. Keep in mind I've never seen a naked woman before outside porn
>long, mid-waist length black or blonde wavy hair
>blue, Grey, or green eyes
>either a rounded bubbly or sharp and defined nose
>a pleasant and proportional mouth
>slightly thin neck
>generally a young looking physique
>noticeable breasts, probably some I could struggle to fit inside my hand
>wide hips, but not too large an ass
>a thigh gap but otherwise skinny legs
>small delicate feet and hands
>obviously white, though Mediterranean white wouldn't be bad either
>I'm not sure about height... as long as she's shorter than me and proportional. I guess between 5' and 5'7.
>mentally she'll be smart but understanding
>she'll want a large family
>she'll want and know how to live away from cities
>she'll be engaged in music (piano or singing)
>she'll be unquestionably loyal
>she'll be understanding at all times
The worst part is knowing that I'll probably meet, if I haven't already, a girl that looks like this. She'll show no interest in me, and I'll continue on my life, alone, destined to die or destroy this world.
a true libertarian
I can make an exception then.
because you're a pedo, my negro
I don't have too many requirements but I just want her to be chubby and around my size. Asian or white. And of course, cute too.
Fit with definition
Nice ass and tits
Piercings are fine
Long hair
Cute face
Blue eyes
Smart , real smart
Funny . actually funny
Kinda goth punk nerd
sexually compatible
Into occult and psychology stuff
Really emotionally intelligent
Has friends
Loyal af
Basically my gf minus blu eyes