Hit me with any questions about life, hookups, philosophy or anything! I'd love to answer
Chad answering all your questions
Why is ur forehead so big?
Cuz I'm smart. I rent it out during election season for some pocket money
Why's your face so small?
My head is actually huge, I haven't noticed my face being small.
Also I saw that you want to fuck 14 y/o-s in that other thread - that's messed up
That's the posture of a frogposter. Nice try.
this is your brain on Jow Forums - you’re surrounded by so many absolute bottom of the barrel types that you think you’re Chad for almost being a normie.
What’s your job, and how much do you earn?
Okay hold up I can't wrap my head around this one.
I've been trying to see what's wrong with my posture but in this leaning position I have to look up for my back to be properly straight
Forfeit thy whores to me normie
I said marry her, not "fuck". come on
I study business and economics in Europe and I earn jackshit I earn my rent by trading stocks
Kek rekt
I mean it's a bit redundant to get married if you ain't gon fuck her
And your powerfantasy of kidnapping some innocent girl into a relationship is false. 14 year olds irl are the most fucking annoying spawns of satan well until 17-18
Why are your ears so big?
so I can hear you better
Are you going to jump off?
Well these roasts are starting to get to me..
Why is that?
I was kidding but my posture is genuinely something I'm going to have to improve on to stay a chad
Why do you consider yourself to be a chad?
I'm really into the way I look and I'm quite confident around people and I have a bright outlook on life
Huh. Do you think you’re superior to everyone on this board and site?
Hold on a second. Is that Bladee
How do I really get into partying? Is it something I make happen myself or do I seek a certain groups? I've never been to a real club before.
I'm actually attractive these days and have a bit of money kicking around. So I'm thinking of just need to build up a squad and some money then just hit the clubs hard. I want this summer to be fucking sick , like a whole week of partying , skydiving, shooting, sex etc.
You are not a Chad, sorry to break it to you.
Femanon here.
What can a girl do to win a Chads heart instead of becoming just another hookup? How can an average girl get stuck in a Chads mind?
You look like a lanky chinlet
>How does an average woman get stuck in a Chad's mind
She doesn't, if she wants to get stuck in Chad's mind she had to be more than average. Never just settle with where you are , you always need to be improving yourself.
Easy, poke holes in the condom and 9 months later he’ll be sure to at least acknowledge the child support he has to pay
Just stop man, not cool
>you always need to be improving yourself
user, you're talking to a woman. Have a look at Tinder and the landwhales there if you want to see how they are improving themselves.
What kind of person do you consider to be a loser?
how do you start a conversation with irl girls AND e girls?
>Have a look at tinder
Tinder is for worthless whores and using them to represent women is a sample bias on an extreme level. There are actually interesting woman out in the world, you're just gonna have to try a little harder than fucking tinder to find them
e-girls is easy, just talk to them about their interests. Not OP btw, but if you’re just taking about randoms, they’ve probably got some interest they want to gush about
Literally anything, I once chatted up some punk bitch about birth control for ten minutes before we drank and fucked for the rest of the night.
Talk about anything and see where the night takes you , if you look good enough and have at least a decently interesting personality the work does itself