Why is this happening to my strings? It's my first guitar and the strings that came on her...

Why is this happening to my strings? It's my first guitar and the strings that came on her. I played around 20 hours on them...

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Gonna bust. replace it.

But why did it go like that? What can I do to prevent it... I'm almost sure that they don't bust after 20 hours of playing then I'll spend 100$ every few months replacing them every 30 hours





What brand/gauge strings do you use?
Are the frets sharp/pointy?

Well that surely helped me figuring this stuff out. Thank you so much for your intelligence that you decided to spread on here and great pun line at the end "nigger" bravo!

I don't know the brand of the strings, it already came on them.
Frets don't seem sharp at all.
Heres a close up of them.
If it matters anything the guitar is Yamah C40 II.
Maybe it's a marketing trick making me go back there to buy new strings good quality ones? But they can't earn that much strings are like 12$ a pack here.

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Just replace your strings. They’re probably cheap strings put in at the factory.

I was thinking exactly the same. I hope you're right and everything is OK with the guitar I worked at a horrible uncle for this money. Thanks for the advice.

Guitar brand and model?

Yamaha C40 II
Serial number : HNH 134265
Price: 150$/160€/300BAM(my currency)

That’s a really good model and brand actually. Shame you’re having issues. Why did you choose to buy a Classical? Where are you from? Looking to start learning for myself soon.

I chose classical only because it was the only guitar in the entire shop I could buy. I'd much prefer an acoustical though but they were all around 50$ more... Thats the only reason I bought classical.

I highly recommend using songster if you're gonna practice learning songs. I myself. Am. Trying to learn one Metros(video game post apocalyptic I think) Subway Guitar and the tabs are great! Best of luck in your journey.

Is this your first time learning an instrument? You know classical use nylon and acoustics steel right? Did you hear the difference in the store? I can’t for the life of me decide between Classical nylon and acoustic steel. I like both but can only buy one.
If you’re gonna switch to acoustic in the future consider brands like Yamaha, Epiphone, Squier. Gibson and fender too if you can afford those.

I’m trying to learn how to play the Xfiles theme and tubular bells from the exorcist kek.

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Yes I know classical use nylon strings. It's my first time learning an instrument yes it came out of blue and I got it around 12 day b ago and I play it every day as much as I can.
The only difference I could hear between the two is that my fingers hurt a lot when I tried playing the acoustical (steel) and that it was much more "real" sound and a lot louder. Classical is mellow, quieter and super easy on your fingers.
So I guess it's just up to how loud and pricey you want to go I guess.
BTW 90% of tabs you read will say they're for acoustical (steel) but you can play them on the classical too but you'll have to slow it down just a tiny bit.

Nice man. I really like Stalker songs, Metro songs since im a slav myself and they make me feel different when playing. Good luck learning!!!

This is now nearly 6 years out of date, any music guys here confirm this is still the way to go?

Why out of date? Nothing really changed man but I would recommend getting an Epiphone Les Paul Standard instead of a Squier Strat. You can go with Epiphone Les Paul Special 2 if you are on a really tight budget.

Am slav too. Looking to play Silver is for monsters on my guitar soon (witcher3 song). Can anybody recommend me those Stalker or Metro songs you were talking about? Never played those games but im sure I’ll love the music.

oooh just looked that one up and that's fucking sexy. I'm a yamaha guy for instruments usually but their electric guitars are ugly.

yeah my dude, I'm only looking at like 200 ish because I really don't know if I'm going to stick with it.

Why do you have to go slower on classical?

Dude you’re defiantly gonna stick with an Epiphone Les Paul Standard for years... But since you are on a budget get the Epiphone Les Paul Special 2. It’s amazing value at the price.

Did you buy the guitar used or new? Did you get from a guitar shop or a random craigslist? Did anyone set the guitar up before you took it home?

According to guys I know my first guitar won't be my last. But I have a lot of trouble with sticking with hobbies. My therapist suggested to follow through with something so I have her to keep me on it.

You don’t have to answer this but why are you visiting a therapist. Also go over to the /mu/ board and find the guitar general thread /gg/ and post this again there. They will really help you out. Waiting to see you there slav.

Guitar is new. Bought it from a guitar store that had around 20-30 electrical guitars, dozen of amps, some bongos and some sort of drums idk. The guy told me the guitar is recommended by most of the musical teachers for a begginer guitar because it's cheap yet good enough to figure it out do you wanna play or nah.
He tuned it with a tuner thingy and that's about it. I heard him play it and it sounded great I think.

Oh I'm not OP btw.

The short answer is I'm 24 and still only have a part time job. No college. Never had a relationship. No friends. No hobbies. I just sit inside all day except for food and my job.

I've been to /gg/, I didn't ask anything because they seem to be annoyed by newb questions.

Same shit here but I don’t visit a therapist.
Don’t be afraid to ask stupid shit on /gg/. I do it all the time kek. Most of them will just ignore you but someone will defiantly answer from time to time.

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I would get the frets checked by someone who knows what to look for just to be sure they're ok, but its probably just that you got some shitty stock factory strings. Go get yourself some new strings and learn how switch them out yourself. If anything it'll be a good learning opportunity. Id recommend 2 or 3 packs because you will almost certainly fuck this up on the first attempt. Also worth noting in the future that guitar strings have a limited lifespan sometimes they just break naturally if they're old enough. Good luck user and keep practicing.

I hate working at horrible uncles for money. Sorry user

I've only been a few times but it's the highlight of my week. Someone I feel like I can actually talk to rather than stay bottled up at home. Even if she is just getting paid to do it. (paid by my insurance company, not even me heh)

I don't know if it will help in the long run but I'm so stuck in life and I feel like that is the best option.

I don't really have any friends who play or any friends at all since I live on a hill 20 minutes from the road so I didn't learn how to communicate since I never went to school my dad was a teacher and he taught me basic stuff including English.
But anyways thanks for your advice I think we will go to the town by the end of April for our supplies and I'll get new strings. And about the frets things since idk who to ask I'll have to take some good pics of the frets and post them around the boards to see what's up with them. I really hope it's just the shitty strings I got. Thanks a lot bro

Indeed it sucks but it's the only means of supporting myself. Cheers :)

Strings only cost 5 bucks OP