I'm new here

i've always meant to start using Jow Forums but i haven't got around to it until now. got any tips/tricks for me? inb4 some asshole says "get out while you still can"

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KEK, that file name

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Prepare to get banned a lot even when you’re on topic and made a popular thread because the jannies are annoying

Lurk moar.
No, seriously.

lmao yeah sorry I'm on mobile

all noted. thanks guys!

If you don't have thick skin, don't stay
The majority of users on Jow Forums are bitter assholes who wants to make everyone miserable as they are

haha yeah, i'm well aware of that. don't worry user, i wouldn't have come here if i didn't know i could handle it

The "get out while you still can" meme is actually real

You seem nice, get out.
Sage in options to not bump a thread
Don’t get into arguments
Don’t take everything so seriously
Don’t get sucked into fads or political rhetoric
Don’t browse shitty boards
Don’t let the shit people say here bother you

Don't namefag or tripfag unless you're posting relevant and important information to a thread and need to be seen as the familiar and reliable source of information.
Don't use emoticons in text. Ironically this used to be a big part of Jow Forums's posting culture over ten years ago, but as the site grew and became more filled with lonely, cynical assholes, using emoticons became seen as childish or "Reddit".
While Jow Forums has an overall "image" of its users being shut-in cynical assholes that hate everything, board audiences vary a lot. Some boards are full of the typical jaded shut-ins (/b/, Jow Forums, /v/), some have genuinely nice anons that just want to stay on topic (usually "cute" boards like /c/, /u/, /an/), others are filled with hyper-dedicated autists (/tg/), some are filled with horny waifufags (/vg/), and many can be a mixed group.
Don't try to get close to anons. /soc/, Steam Friends threads, ERPing, anything like that should be a no go. There's some nice anons out there, but a lot of them are freaks carrying a lot of baggage that you don't want to have to carry with you.
And as always, lurk moar. You'll always learn more just by lurking and observing how anons post.

Never post. Just browse

go fuck yourself, newfag
^this guy is a redditor

browse for a year before posting on any board


Lol no need to be sorry bro, i dont care about it, i just found it funny

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>get out while you still can
That's good advice though, this place is a timesink and it'll likely make you feel like shit. It also isn't the fun place it used to be years ago, everything is regurgitated crap and SRS BIZNS!!11

Forgot to add advice such as LURK MOAR is more or less redundant these days with everyone being a spastic newfag posting retarded wojack variants, frogs, and images taken from other cesspools of the internet. OC is virtually non-existent.

this. FUck my life

First you fuck off.

Lurk and learn how to post before you embarrass yourself and get trashed by user.

>why yes, I DO use a trip!

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Get out while you still can OP.

>inb4 some asshole says "get out while you still can"
Just because you say ''inb4'' doesn't mean it isn't true. Once you're integrated into this board you'll be stuck here for the rest of your life.

>Don’t get into arguments
I agree with this one, arguing with a random user on Jow Forums is usually pointless because you have no idea what their upbringing/religion/background is.

Give your advice/opinion on threads but don't be too obsessed with trying to convince other anons that you're right and they're wrong.

Go to the homepage and read the Rules and FAQs. If you have any other questions, google is your friend. Don’t make a useless thread just to ask “hey guys what does “b&” mean??”

>only one person said lurk moar
Fuck this place has changed

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Jow Forums attracts plenty of newfags, the response would be different on most other boards.

also op ant inb4

Don't abuse the quote function.
"Be me" is the start of an instant trash thread.
This most importantly until you can learn how to make good posts.