What kind of mental illness is about being obsessed with wanting to experience exclusively results and erase any sort...

What kind of mental illness is about being obsessed with wanting to experience exclusively results and erase any sort of action leading to those results? This feeling has been haunting me since i was a child and i want to finally know more about it and what it exactly is

Attached: schizoidman.png (463x841, 986K)

it's called laziness

no idea but i fucking hate that you felt the need to attach a pic of diavolo to this

I'm not lazy, i just can't care about anything else than result. Experiencing action feels painful and brings nothing for me.

>I want results without work
>I'm not lazy

fucking lol

Why? He felt very relatable to the problem i have

Correction. I want to skip whole process of doing something (regardless whether i felt like doing it or not) straight to achieving result

you're not very bright are you

i don't disagree, but that's still laziness. im the same way man. i dropped out of college because i didn't want to deal with the action of going to class/studying/doing work, even though i still wanted the result of having a degree.

it's the same with my work nowadays. i don't like the action of having to go to work, but i do enjoy the result of getting a paycheck.

i think part of life is just learning how to deal with this

it's called being impatient. That's why you're still a virgin

More like you can't understand what i say and provides no real help

Everybody in the world wants results without effort. You're not special. It's not a special feeling or condition. Rewards are good. Work is hard. People like things that are good and avoid things that are hard. But life doesn't work this way or else we'd all have everything we wanted.

>I'm Lazy
>It must be a mental illness!
Women, I swear.

It's not about fucking effort, work being hard or rewards being pleasant it's about making effects/results occur instantly and knowledge of being unable to do that doesn't let me stay fucking calm, what's hard about understanding that

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>making effects/results occur instantly and knowledge of being unable to do that doesn't let me stay fucking calm


I can be patient, but i still can't stand that effects can't occur instantly and that's makes me really uncomfortable

Attached: here.png (240x240, 142K)

What a coincidence, Diavolo is also severely autistic

When mental illness connected to being socially solitary has anything in common with me having obsession with something?

lmao youre so fucking pathetic for this, I hope youre trolling

What's wrong? Can't a man understand what's not ok with him?

See, most people this thread perceive as liking the idea of results without the legwork in between, but I would think the charm would be in the fact only your would see the Inbetween, if you could erase that part of time then if its anything, it's a power fantasy, total control over what exists and what is erased. And a desire for control is basic instinct, not even on the scale of ruling the world, but say you had that power, you'd be the master of your domain, like being able to reload a game. I get it

That's not what i meant, i don't care about control or pleasure in result. I just want to make every result occur instantly and skip/erase whole process of action leading to it

Attached: Bestgirl.jpg (240x240, 17K)