Gender Identity:

Basically a girl with a dick who wants to have sex with girls who don't have dicks.

Is there a name for this, or should I just KMS?

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Other urls found in this thread: - Sexing the Body.pdf

You're saying in a convoluted way that you like to be seen as weak and inferior

i believe the correct term is mental illness

What? Fuck you.

The belief that girls are weak and inferior is what will hopefully lead you to ruin, you misogynist atavistic fuck.

You should lose your dick for that, in my opinion.

Oh, okay. Care to diagnose it, doc?

Make me :)
Oh wait, I'm bigger and stronger. No woman can be as strong as a man. That's a fact, Jack. Or do you prefer "Jacqueline"?

So trans girl who likes cis women then? Why would you ask if you should kys?

lesbian trans-women are a thing. just move to portland oregon, user. lol

Derp - [Ronda Rousey gives you the fucking beating of your life that you probably deserve for being such a myopic little shit who hordes their false belief in natural dominance like a heroin addict who's forgotten to pay their dealer]

You're probably just triggering me to bring out what you'd call some kind of bullshit "masculine" side, and which I would gladly see you cold-cocked for by a fifteen-year old girl who knows what the fuck she's doing.

Good job on inspiring the desire for violence, though - too bad that doesn't belong to either sex.

It's probably some fantasy of yours to get beaten down by girls, though, so I won't further feed into it.

You're missing the point.
It's not about me being stronger than a woman. It's about men being stronger than women. And they are. Look up Olympic records. Or even just how amateur male teams/competitions beat the best women casually.

And best of all, since you want to be a girl, any average woman can be stuffed hard by any average man. Have you tried it before?
My girlfriend likes it. We play wrestle.
I can hold her down without any effort.
Even if she's on top. I can force her arms upwards. She goes to the gym as much as I am. And yet I can bend her arms so easily
Without testosterone, women really are weak

Because my body is masculine af, that's why. I'm not like super-hairy (which has been equated with masculinity for whatever reason), but otherwise, I can tell you I've never been mistaken for a woman.

But that doesn't mean I haven't identified with them my whole life.

That usually makes you gay, I have learned, and I've been told I come off as gay sometimes.

I get along better with gay men, but only because I know that they respect my status as virtually 1 on the Kinsey scale as something as foreign to them as their relative homosexuality is to me.

It's the fucking "straight" dudes who can't handle how gay they are that really irk me.

If you find that sexual contact with males satisfies you, and you identify as male, then you're sorta gay. How gay? I don't know, and that's up to you to figure out.

I'm good, though, and I've gone as far as to imagine giving a pity-jerk to a super-fem ladyboy because it would be that fulfilling, but it's sort of an imagined act of service more than anything that genuinely gets me off.

That's as close a 1.1 as I can get, though, and I have nothing but respect for those whose numbers rate higher.

But stop pretending that you don't have that option. It's not actually a great place to be when you legitimately don't.

If you do, though, then please - have the best gay sex you can possibly have, with as many people as you can have it who consent.

It makes me happy to know you're happy.

>The Progressive response
Lesbian transgender woman. Basically, the holy grail of modern leftism, socially speaking
>The real response
Just...a man. Why do you think you're a girl?

>It's about men being stronger than women

Well, sort of.

Considering that the data from those cultures is skewed by the amount of intersex babies they murdered or sacrificed, it's not really that great of a sample.

Contemporary medicine isn't that much better, to tell the truth ( - Sexing the Body.pdf - there's a chapter in here about it, but you should read all of it).

See, we think in terms of penis vs. vagina, but it's really penis vs. clitoris, and the length of either at birth determines which category you belong to, and then very often surgical and/or hormone treatments are prescribed to ensure that whichever one was assigned to you aligns with your bodily development.

My body is unambiguously masculine, save for the occasional appearance of bitch-tits.

I'm swinging pipe, though. And I can guarantee you that a vast number of women could totally kick my ass.

You do remember that the Greeks believed in an abstract world that they attempted to model in their physical lives, right?

Plato. Forms and Ideals. That "perfect chair" that humans have been looking for that drives the spirit of innovation for chair-artisanship.

But even if we could narrow it down to the "man-chair" and "woman-chair," there would still be people for whom it doesn't quite fit, despite every chromosomal, hormonal, and pheremonic test that places them firmly in one or the other category.

So maybe it's time to abandon the model of the ideal in terms of binary humans.

>I'm not like super-hairy (which has been equated with masculinity for whatever reason)
>for whatever reason
Yeah a total mystery.
Anyways you sound like you’re trans but holy hell I guarantee you do not pass at all

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>modern leftism

Like, fuck off with your politicization of my gender.

It doesn't belong to you. Or your movement, or your framework, or whatever other shiesty kind of shit you want to make it work for.

Fuck off. My sexuality is my sexuality, and I don't care how it aligns with your stupid worldview.

>you do not pass at all

Pass as what, Gandalf? A man? I guarantee I've passed that test, and I know a number of people with vaginas who can attest to my girthy member, even if it's not a whole lot.

Having a dick doesn't mean you have to be one, though.

You can be sexually dominant without allowing it to invade any other aspect of your life.

Just because she lets you fuck her over a kitchen table doesn't mean she wants to do your dishes, you idiot.

If you want to play man, then you better figure out what belongs to masculinity.

And most of the shit you've been taught is wrong.

I'm gonna preface this and say that I am very drunk. If I had a vagina or penis, I think that identity would be lost in in this drunken fog.
So let's sift through the post you just dropped .

Ok, I understand. Honestly, I didn't expect that coherent a point. I'm now more on your side than not.
You're saying there is an Aristotelian identity about sex. There is an identity. Male/female. Your "chairs". (I get the reference).

What I think is the exact opposite of yours. There are exceptions, of all the ways you said. But that doesn't mean the difference does not exist.

I'll be blunt. As blunt as I can. You are born with a vagina or a penis. Everything else is fancy. Yeah sure, there are "intermediates". But just like how purple doesn't mean blue or red exists.
Let me be clear, I don't hate "purple" people. Like the ones in between.
But that does mean that there is no difference.

Ah okay you’re just baiting. Got it.

There's no such thing as a girl with a dick. You are a guy who wants to be a girl and larps as a girl. Accept this and be honest about it, and vast worlds of experience will open up for you. Nobody wants to be with a headcase who has health problems. EVERYBODY wants to be with someone who's weird and loves being weird.

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Yes, you are a.
Girl (male)
There, simpler.

>hairy people with vaginas don’t exist

>My gender is my gender
How have you come to this conclusion that you are a woman? Please explain to me.
Also, the leftism thing was a joke.

>I am very drunk

Like, I'm on my seventh or eighth whiskey-diet, and I've smoked a couple fat nugs.

We are fully equal right now.

That being said, what the fuck does "If I had a vagina or penis" mean?!

Like, if you honestly don't identify has having either, then I am so interested to know, you have no idea. Like, no matter how crazy it sounds. Are you something that identifies as non-human, or do you negotiate this gender-ambivalence as something that is conducive to the ability of human beings to expand their construction of gender to the point where it might include asexuality as a valid perspective?

I myself understand it only academically, so I am at a loss.

I dig purple, though, and I'm a little confused by your ambiguity at the end of your post.

Blue and red imply mutually exclusive categories, and your claim to not "hate 'purple' people" implies that you have been categorized by others into one who would qualify as bivalent in terms of bimodal definitions (metaphorically speaking, this obviously translates into one who has been identified as primarily either "male" or "female" in terms of the context of this discussion).

So, do you also admire those whose bisexuality transcends your own, but which you just can't get into? Because I honestly admire anyone who takes a dick, because I sure know I wouldn't unless my life depended on it.

Doesn't mean I don't got one, though.

Where's my gender identity, Jow Forums?

That's a comforting identity rendering, desu.

I'm not even saying it's anywhere near wrong.

The lexical components depend on a framework of coding that most people alive today are ignorant of.

Those who are literate enough understand, but those who aren't... well, I guess they have to spend more time here.

If it's funny, you laugh, though.

The only death is the point at which you fail to see the humor, anons.

That's the last and best punchline you can hope for.

You ever notice that crying and laughing are almost the same thing, given the proper intensity?

I'm not, though. I have no idea what the fuck I even am, so it's sort of hard to bait.

Pls no bly

>You are a guy who wants to be a girl and larps as a girl. Accept this and be honest about it

I mean, I'm almost tempted to just accept this except for the fact that I'd lose my dick.

I like my dick. I don't think my dick has to do any harm. I think there might be other people who want a piece of it.

So, again - where is my gender?

Lol; you're so wrong, and sometimes you want to fuck a hairy chick, don't lie.

What I meant is that I'm just me. I'm always just me.
I hate this gender shit where you have to be some kind of person.
I am masculine and I have a fantastic cock if anyone was in doubt.

Bottom line, everyone should be self sufficient. Man/Woman no matter what. You look after you. I hate this new age crap where young people feel like shit and then feel entitled to help.
Fuck you.
Earn it

Yeah, you're participating in some pissing contest. though.

We've all got fantastic cocks around here.

It's not really our place to determine, however.

You don't earn what you're born with.

So you're a heterosexual male?

Basically, yes.

But with a caveat: I don't identify with dominance as equivalent to "male," and I encourage the degree to which female audiences explore this tract of human behavior.

It basically makes me a heretic of my gender.

Behold; the field in which my fucks grow: they are barren.

So, yeah.


What's the point of asking for advice if you're just going to lash out at everyone who doesn't tell you exactly what you want to hear? You're a heterosexual, autogynephillic man confusing insecurity for femininity. Not liking sports doesn't make you a woman. Being sensitive doesn't make you a woman. You're just a weak, emotionally soft man with a fetish. There's nothing wrong with that, but stop trying to be something you're not.

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You are literally a man if you want your dick and think it's a part of you. Why do you think you're a woman?

You sure you're just not like, an NF
We don't often fit into standard gender roles. I'm an INFJ male and through subjective judgment, I would consider myself 40-60% "female" psychologically. I resonate with a lot of stereotypically female behaviours, including empathy, caring, providing, aversion to conflict, being emotional, having an affinity for emotionally-based domains, and providing sexual pleasure. In an enabling situation I bet I could perform the role of a woman really well.

But that doesn't make me a woman, and fundamentally it wouldn't be 100%, because I still have male neurology, endocrinology, reproductive systems, and tens of other sexually polymorphic systems and thousands of sexually polymorphic system-points that will ultimately affect my behaviour.

So that's why I embody the male gender role. Because despite suspecting I can fulfill the female one to a higher degree than most males, I don't have the *right* to. In exactly the same way I couldn't take the heritage and identity of a specific race that I'm not.

Something to think about.

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Don't fuss about your gender. You are your body and what it does and your mind and what it does. One of those things can be lies, or you can embrace and speak the truth: My body is male, but I feel female, and though there are biological female things I can't do, there are cultural female things I can do, and playing along the border of the biological divide can be great fun.

"Ray Blanchard conjectured that autogynephilia is a misdirected form of heterosexuality"

Interesting... except it's not misdirected. You stop trying to be something you're not.

Thanks. I'll put on a care-bear costume.

>Basically a girl with a dick who wants to have sex with girls
That is called a man.

Hes mentally ill.

Okay. You tell that to men.

Thanks 1970s mental health, for that valuable input.

I don't understand why people tie anything to gender other than biological sex. Hell, until like 2010 nobody even claimed they were different things; gender was just the polite term.

Really makes me tempted to start using Male and Female just to make sure there's zero ambiguity in my language.

>I have no idea what the fuck I even am
An error

Lol mate regardless of your gender identities you really seem to have some problems

I can't believe the worst bait I've ever seen on Jow Forums got this many replies, it's actually a new low

I'll give you credit OP, you sure got a lot of (you)s. More than I ever imagined. These fucking idiots.

When your only character trait is being gay and taking it up the ass/dressing up as a woman... Must be a really sad life

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I guess. Neither of those things remotely describe anything discussed in this thread, but sure; if that's your "only character trait."

What the fuck are you on about
>lol you’re wrong
Sorry you fell for the myth of hairless adult baby women but 99% of people have hair
>I bet you want to fuck a hairy woman
And? Lmao I’m a bi woman and I’m not stupid enough to think that women don’t have hair

You're just a dude who wants a dominatrix.

Your lazy and think being a women would make your life easier. Your like a non venomous snake trying to copy the colours of the truly venomous one. Your to lazy and entitled to be a good man, and you arnt a women due to rng.
And your vindictive responses support that idea, since you see any vaguely negative comment about your “condition” to be someone pointing out your inner faults.
>tldr lazy guy who thinks girls have it easier, and acts vindictive when it’s pointed out

>Is there a name for this
You're a man.

>should I just KMS?
ding ding ding