To all the depressed lonely men

How do you live with yourselves? What keeps you going and not fully allow yourselves to be done it by the despair that is your extremely less than ideal situation and mental state in life?

I don't ask because I pity or look down on you, I ask because I've been having depressing thoughts and the occasional "what's the point of living if there's no guarantee of finding happiness?", and it would be nice to know what keeps you guys going besides the typical baseless "FAITH that things will get better" mindset.

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Fuck that pic! What is that?

I can't relate but, there is no happiness in happiness. Just make your mark and die. There are plenty of things you can do to put a tattoo on this world and sometimes you can fall into some pussy in the process. Live your message user.

I want to watch that if it is a movie and I don't know how to do shit on a computer. What is it?

i think i'm just too much of a pussy to actually end it all, but i really don't know whats stopping me from just giving up at this point

I keep going for a better tomorrow. Out of all the swimmers my dad shot into my mum, I was the winner. If I give up then what does that say about my family line.

If you're a man, you gotta have guts. That's just how it is

Yep. You also come from a long line of people who were "too pussy to actually end it all." Interesting isn't it?

when my depression hits harder I start working even harder to avoid thinking about such things.

Basically it's a combination of not wanting to hurt people who care about me and being too weak to get over my innate fear of death.
I wish I could say something nobler, but if I could do that then I wouldn't be the worthless piece of shit that I am right now.

What keeps me going is getting money to finance the cross country road trip where I'll drive wherever the hell I want and then kys myself once I run out of money.

I hate cunts who claim to be depressed while being able to work, succeed, have partners and friendships, maintain hobbies. Whiny whores who have everything.
I wasn't surprised when I saw the potential therapist have the reviews written mostly by women.
Everyone's lying. Whining that everything's bad but magically their shit is kept together.

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I just live to see new things and to see where keeping on living will ultimately lead me.

When it hits me real hard i just lie down and do somzthing stimulating enough to forget

Good attitude.

Looks like the Evil Dead remake.

Counting your blessing and conversing with God, in thought, verbal, vocal, action. Sounds stupid but most people don’t understand it.

(Be mindful of this metaphor)
And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit. 18For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. “K.J.ver”
Not hard to red/black pill into a depressive state. You must realize there are wheels within wheels in today’s society. Being sucked into these states is exactly what your enemy’s want. Sorrow, misery, suffering pain, self induced and to ignorant to know or feel it. The shiny material and flashy trinkets, have silenced your intuition. The education has separated you from us, love and the knowledge of God. The corruption keeps the faith from growing and oppression keeps us docile. 28 and only been 2 years of actually making myself a better person, it’s hard but rewarding.
:porn every day might not be good
:video games might not be good
:drugs might not be good
:alcohol might not be good
:mindless sex might not be good
Every action has a reaction, think what you do will effect others. One person always ends up changing the world. Much love OP and everyone that reads this. Always strive to be the best you can, convert anger and sorrow to humility and laugh. The world is a beautiful place when you want it to be. Trust me I’m not in a great spot, and I can see the light. Maybe you’r in a worse position, maybe not, someone definitely is.

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I’m by no means saying give all the above up and become a monk. (Not saying not to lmao) Just be mindful of moderation and self respect. We are all on different paths and you are all worth it!

If we go to the core, it's the fact that we are genetically programmed to survive and reproduce.

It's like asking an engine why it runs. Because it was made to run, until it fails.

MGTOW brother


It comes and goes, for me at least. Some days I just curl up in a corner, wanting to end it all. Other days I'm filled with motivation and I feel like I could conquer the world. I've had to learn to take the good with the bad.

From what I've learnt from other people that feel the same way is that it helps to have goals to work towards, you can teach your mind to block out the negative thoughts (the effectiveness varies from person to person, butit has personally kept me going for longer than I'd imagine)

Unironically there are two thoughts keeping me alive.
1) that I can kill myself at any time. There are countless ways to die, and I am confident I could actuate one if shit gets much worse
2) this is the more powerful one. I unironically have hope that one day soon, and before I get too old, society will collapse and I'll have the opportunity to kill blacks and everyone else I see as my natural enemy. Furthermore, if I can't prove myself and earn a woman via these means, at least I could probably get away rape, and more than likely would do so.
So basically rape and death are what keep me holding on

It's mostly but I also know that, though extremely unlikely, there is always that small chance I'll just one day not be this wretched anymore. I've survived these feelings since adolescence, I figure I can keep going into my 30s if necessary.

Discovering and playing new music, drawing something cool, my family and drugging myself into oblivion are what keep me going most of the times. I haven't had a girlfriend in about 3 years (that lasted like a month) and before that 5 years. Theres like three people I could call my friends that I see monthly just to spark a blunt with and catch up.
If you don't find something you love to do by the time you're 25 the loneliness will eat you and spit you out.
Good luck anons

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"Life is suffering, and our job is to give it purpose. For suffering without purpose is hell." I've heard Jordan Peterson say this in a YouTube video, and I've got these words printed into my mind ever since.

>How do you live with yourselves? What keeps you going and not fully allow yourselves to be done it by the despair that is your extremely less than ideal situation and mental state in life?
I find my happiness in the little things.

I never had faith that it would somehow get better. I developed confidence in myself that I could always make it better.

Do some cool shittin could not do if you were burdened with kids and crap. Go backpack the Appalachian Trail, visit Maccu Piccu, buy a motorcycle, walk around your house in the nude...

People say that you have to be brave to kill yourself are bullshitters. It’s the opposite. You gotta be brave to live.

Because fuck you OP

It's all relevant, it both is and isn't depending on your personal outlook.

Is it cowardice to make that final choice, even though you're afraid, even though you might leave some people hurting?

Is it bravery to end it all, fighting through despite your fears and doubts to make your own final choice?

The immense responsibility that is on my shoulder to carry on my genetic stock. I might feel bad sometimes, but its nothing compared to what my ancestors went through, to keep our genetic line alive.

I work about 70 hours a week. And on my off time I go to the gym and play video games, this keeps me busy, keeps my mind from wondering, although today Iam here sitting at work trying to not fall apart, thinking about the past.

The only thing that really helps is Jesus.

As someone who's only reason for not killing themselves is that they can't muster the courage to do it, that is a load of shit.

I tried to kill myself, but in the end I simply was not able to make myself pull the trigger.
What choice then do I have but to go on?

I believe that I can still improve myself in every possible way. Other people have more than me, are more courageous, are smarter, enjoy stable relationships, live fullfilling lives? Good for them, I dont care.
Do I have more than I had yesterday, have I become even a teeny tiny little bit better? Yes I have and thats all that matters.
Conquer yourself, beat your past , just keep going for the sake of it, you will be dead FOREVER but you only live a very miniscule amount of time in this crazy ass universe, might aswell try.

Suicide is 4 dummies.

What if the afterlife is even worse than here?

What kept me going? To be honest, I dont know, maybe i had hope that the sun will shine again, maybe it was the thought that life isnt just suffering and that there will always be ups and downs in life, and you can stay down and admit defeat, or get up and make the best of things. Just whatever you do, dont give up hope. If you give up hope, then all is lost

That's stupid.

this sounds exciting user. dopamine addict?

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Nah, Satan's a cool dude

If you give up now, it won't get better.

If you don't give up- who knows? Nobody can tell the future. Nothing is promised.

But you won't know that if you don't get there. And you won't get there if you give up hope.

Go ahead and end it chief

But you don't know what comes after death, if it truly is nothing, than is nothing not better than suffering?

I live out of curiosity, I don't expect or hope things get better, I'm just a spectator.


Endless escapism and work hours. If I get time to catch a breath I will definitely off myself.

Mostly spite for everything I hate in/about the world.
I also really hope that something like Yellowstone or another major event happens so that I can watch everything collapse and see the world burn. I'm 90% sure that won't happen, but i won't know for sure if I an hero. Also that's the coward's way out.


>what keeps you guys going besides the typical baseless "FAITH that things will get better" mindset.
The fact that I do see a lot of great things in the world. There is so much to live for and I can see it but yet I still can't stop feeling miserable. I don't want to actually kill myself I want to keep living but it is like my mind is split in two and one part of me sees this but feels nothing the other part feels intense dread and can't listen to reason. I don't really know what the fuck is wrong with me.

All Satan ever really did was teach humans critical thinking and kill fewer people than God did along the way. All the devil bashing is just Christian propaganda to put up a smokescreen to hide what a nasty piece of work God really is.
If there is a plain of existence occupied by Satan, I'd wager that he'd treat you a hell of a lot better.
Well, you know... if religion wasn't bullshit.

You've never cried at work have you? My workplace has a designated social worker that you can visit at any time. My coworkers have the highest rate of suicide out of any other field. Depression exists outside of whiny neets, some people just have no fucking option but to keep going on or else you end up broke, homeless, and probably killing yourself. It's not magically keeping your shit together, it's called being an adult or getting your ass kicked by life.

This. Find a way to at least pretend your work had some meaning, too. I work in a genetics lab so I like to fantasize that maybe I'll accidentally make some incredible discovery even if the chances are basically 0

Actually blew my mind

At least your job is actually engaging and challenging. I mow lawns; how the fuck do you jazz up that mind-numbing shit heap of a job?

When I was in highschool, I read the legend of Drizzt, and he fascinated me as a character. He grew up in what I regarded as a parody of my own drugstricken hellhole, and I wanted what he had, unwelcome by most, but defiant and free.
It doesn't matter if how many doors are shut on me now. If I have to backpack to the coast, I will. I'm going to survive and take what I want from this life.

Looking at pictures of gardens through history and thinking about all the people that are going to be walking by that beautiful lawn.

Fuck and I thought I had some powerful delusions.

It's not like you're being paid for nothing...It looks good when you're done.

>going to muay thai in the evenings, hitting some bags, doing some sparring, chatting with the guys.
>doing some weightlifting the other evenings and crossing way with a gym cutie and chatting with her, absolutely spilling my spaghetti
>meeting one or two friends or my sister on the weekends
>jerking off and meditating before bed
>warm summer nights on weekends

My work is fairly meaningless and I'm on a fool's errand; but if I were worth anything I wouldn't even be there.

I'm so much of a fuck up, that being in a relationship with me would ruin a poor girl's life.

So by being alone, I make everyone else happy. It's a comfortable arrangement.

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I live myself for two years and depress hit me but I overcame it by playing online games and watching anime.

If you and your work were meaningless, you wouldn't get paid. You can't exactly sandbag with a freelance job.

go to the gym everyday, was once ugly, sad and skinny-fat, now ugly, sad and swole. no gf

I have heard many times, you find happiness when you're not looking. When you look for happiness, you won't find it.
Makes sense

Bill Bailey once put it in a way that made complete sense: Happiness is a fleeting emotion, a dopamine rush. Its the feeling you get when you wish to use your warranty to get your PC fixed and the agent asks "do you have the original receipt?" and you say "yes" with a smug smile gazing into his defeated eyes.

This is not lasting. What you are after is a term from Finland which envisions you on a comfy sofa on a freezing winters night. Its unbearably cold outside but you don't care because you are comfortably watching your 9/10 qt with your child sleeping on a bear rug (which you hunted yourself) in front of a warm fire with smiles on their faces. The essential meaning of this term could be summed up with the passive knowing that "all is well".

Don't try to be happy, it wont last.

Just try to work towards a day when you can get that comfy feel. It sure isn't going to happen tomorrow, but if you don't make a painful step to the journey now, you'll never get there in the end.

Life sucks in general. So walk towards the change you want to see.

Protip: NOT killing yourself has a 100% success rate at getting you closer to what you want.

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What's your field?

I force myself to smile and rember that no matter how bad I feel there are people who love me and I love them :)

im honestly happy living off a combination of vidya beating off and drugs

You rang?

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If society collapsed, you wouldn't last long enough to kill or rape anyone you stupid asshole. If electricity goes out, food refridgeration goes with it, and if that happens, three quarters of the world population will starve to death within a few months.Your fantasy is stupid and pathetic. Get a new one.

TV box sets

It depends on the person, but for me it's raw stubbornness at best. I've been depressed for a pretty substantial amount of time for a variety of reasons, some of them can be considered avoidable, and it's arguable that my depression is manic as I'll be okay one half of the week and be cycling through frothing homicidal rage, hatred to stoic despair over everything about myself and my life the next. the thought of death has crossed my mind more often than not, but most of all, despite everything, I can't call myself suicidal. I don't just yearn for death, I yearn for a death I feel I deserve. Really all that means is I'd either die in some ditch in the middle of a warzone riddled with bullets in a nice uniform or in the jaws of a hungry animal on land or sea. neither of these fates are things I regard as pleasant or a peaceful way to die, but that was never something I wanted. as massively autistic as it may be, I refuse to die as a coward's death, which is how I view suicide. I can have all my trust, all my happiness lost or taken away from an entire lifetime of misfortune or bad decisions, but as long as I get to die for something larger than what I have to offer or return my body to nature, there's some comfort in roughing past all the arbitrary bullshit and fuckery on self esteem that plagues every person on a daily basis.

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I masturbate or work towards things becoming badn't.

I feel the same. I'm gonna die anyway so why not wait and give everything I got?

Im gonna get rich first

>Money over bitches that is still my favorite love quote

His field is getting dunked on by customers and/or management. That's why he feels the need to belittle vulnerable persons on the internet asking for advice.

It's sad but I just choose to accept it. Maybe one day I'll grow a fucking pair but until then I just go dead inside and just tell myself in my head to keep going like a robot so I can stop burdening people around me. I don't want pity I want to just live in the mountains or something way from all these people who "give a shit". The only thing that keeps me going is money, and the idea that if I can sustain myself I also can kill myself as well.

I use capitalism.
>Rent a friend.
>Cuddle companions.
>Strip clubs.
It's not cheap. It's very fake.
I should feel ashamed but, after 10+ years of failed legit attempts to get a gf, I found contentment.

>How do you live with yourselves?
Hope, fap and try to have nice conversations with girls online.
Find a hobby, something to spend your time and money on. Make yourself appealing.
It's not all bad, but the older I get the more worried I get.

Sometimes it is very hard though, knowing people my age have a wife and even a kid.... I worry my Gparents won't get to see any grand kids.

>What keeps you going
Right now? I have a rather unusual situation, where I'm responsible for taking care of my family's elderly pet cat. She's 19 and has gone completely blind from both eyes following an onset of glaucoma. She can't fully take care of herself anymore, and my parents, who are also getting older, no longer have the strength to keep up with her demands 24/7. So I stay up with her all night long, and tend to her needs. I feed her, administer her meds and go outside with her when she needs to take a piss or shit. A living being literally fully depends on me for its survival, and trusts me to be there for her. Can't abandon her now.

I'm also looking forward to seeing that new anime of Danberu nan kilo moteru this summer.

>and it would be nice to know what keeps you guys going besides the typical baseless "FAITH that things will get better" mindset.
It's not baseless to have faith , if you don't have the patience to wait for a better opportunity while you improve yourself then you're going nowhere in life

Transhumanist/singularity coping.
I'm a short, balding, circumcised HKV depressed NEET.
I'm moneymaxxxing with the hope that future tech (incluidng anti-aging) can fix me enough so I can I enjoy all that I was denied.

This stuff gives me hope.

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I like masturbating more than not breathing.
Plus I don't feel loneliness so I basically just exist.

A healthy, raging hatred for the majority of people I meet.