Where do I find friends and a girlfriend? I have been isolated for a lot of years now

Where do I find friends and a girlfriend? I have been isolated for a lot of years now.

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Outside. Or so I'm told.

Its just a fairy tail. Thats not a real place!

I once found a gf on a steam while playing r6, she was like 100 km away from me.

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It's a myth. Stay inside where it's comfortable.

Step 1 stop watchingy shit like pic related unless you want fellow friends who peak highlight of an activity is watching shows and no substance.
Otherwise start with discord man, just random spots. Go on day trips randomly on the bus and literally talk to anyone you see. Like em? Ask for their social media. Pick up a hobby or a class. I started sketching and its nice to meet people randomly by just sketching

No, that was a trap

what the fuck is that cancer in that pic

No, it was a girl from Italiy.

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Scuffed Ted Cruz larping again

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Please don’t fucking listen to this guy, OP.

How old are you?

>100 km away from me

Slovenia is quite a bit further away from Italy than 100km.
Fuck off cringelord

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This, unless both live close to the border but that's unlikely. The guy is just spewing bullshit in every thread.

is true lol, why would i lie lol
Slovenia is bordering Italy lol

>he deleted the name out of shame

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Hey everyone, just wanted to let you all know that I LOVE TO SUCK BIG MEATY COCKS ALL DAY LONG!

What a bitch you are.

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Just wanted to confirm that this is in fact my post.

Get a hooker.

Get help bro, why would i lie?
Lol, are you guys on discord?

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Why do we need to be on discord to have common sense?
You're a retard, we don't need to talk with each other to figure that out.