I have low self confidence

Please be honest and rate me out of 10 once again be honest with me because that's what im here for

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why im here *

6-7/10, i am guy tho

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Not bad, 7/10.


learn how to take pictures better, this angle does you no favours. do you normally dress in all dark colours? Not THAT bad a look but v dark. hair is alright and ur eyebrows are blessed, HATE the way you hold your mouth though?? why is your top lip so much further left than your bottom????? do you always hold your mouth like that? if you do then change that shit because it's v easy

u could v easily be an 8 though

Apart from autistic stare you look exceptionally good. Next time when taking selfie do smug smile for extra attractivity and try to have head a little tilted away from camera so your bone structure looks better.

Also i bet you look even better with beard. Almost chad / 10

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eight over ten.better to take off your clothes for a total observation and judgement. Thank me later.


Thank everyone for being honest with me I really appreciate it
I will try my best to follow up your advices, thanks again, even you mr who loves sucking cocks :P

It was funny first 10 times, now is just kinda boring


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Fuck, linking shit songs under every post is so retarded. Is it all you, or is this a thing now?

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As a guy and judging based on this picture, i'd consider you somewhat above average. Would say 6.5-7/10.

But how tall are you though? Can't really tell. If you're above 6 feet as well, you definitely have chadlite looks.

No, thats just me.


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Can't be rated without knowing personality. You are either 1 or 0, attractive or unattractive, attractive to me and unattractive to me.

That is how women rate men.
Men use an arbitrary rating scale vut would fuck whoever offered regardless making it useless and a way to cope with low self esteem.

If that is you, you are a 0.

>If you're above 6 feet as well, you definitely have chadlite looks.
Oh fuck off with the 6 foot bullshit.

Its true, women prefer tall men. Doesnt mean its impossible to be a chad below it, but it certainly helps

u need a relaxed facial expression

Pretty nice. I think you could improve your hair game.
Your eyebrows could use some work but only if you really want to looksmax
Your fit is nice but all black is pretty boring.
Also keep your hands out of your pockets

This guy is pure cringe. He's honestly ruining one of my favorite characters.

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Right? In my opinion, he’s the worst of the tripfags. I don’t think any of them bug me as much as this faggot. He wants a girlfriend and acts like fucking girl repellent, and he refuses to acknowledge that the shit he does is cringey.


He's a big cringelord.
The dude is a pure newfag, posted here for the first time like 2 months ago asking for some hair shit.
Since then he started going to every thread with his cringey pics and songs and cringey advice. Honestly ruining L.

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Nooo anons he got a girlfriend from Italy! You wouldn't know her, she's from different school

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I remember that, I was there for that. I remembered his first post, and he didn’t take any of that fuckin advice. And then he posted another thread asking for more advice on his hair, and didn’t listen again.

I was the guy who gave him genuine advice on how to achieve what he wants even providing him with a picture of a real life person. He just shrugged it off because it doesn't look like L.
Pic related is the closest you can come to L without looking like a clown. But no, let the guy think he's smarter than everyone.

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Oh yes, that must’ve just slipped my mind.

It’d be a miracle if he actually did find himself a girlfriend though. Have you guys seen his fucking dating profile? Half of it is just pictures of anime girls.

I think I told him to go to a barber and ask what would look good on him, and he said no, and posted some weird ass video of some Asian guy doing an “anime hairstyle” tutorial.

>Have you guys seen his fucking dating profile
I haven't but I've seen his face so that's enough.

Realistically, he probably wouldn’t have such a hard time finding a chick if he fixed his hair and wasn’t such a fucking weirdo.

No one would, all you need to do to find a girlfriend is to not be weird.

You’re exactly right. Even then, I’ve seen some ugly weirdos find some attractive girlfriends. This dude is just going all the wrong routes though.

What are you doing, i know you are one guy, for real get help dawg

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>i know you are one guy

lol ok

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Nah definitely not the same guy, sorry Ted.

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Oh now you've put your name back

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I’m not gonna rate you because the only people who can’t really rate you are girls and homos, and I’m neither

Ok, hahahha, on what discord are you guys on?
Let me come in

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implying you’re important enough to have a discord made about hating you

It's called common sense. I doubt you have that software though.

8/10 would hold hands with
Just get a better haircut and like mentioned above fix the weird intense stare and you’ll be hot

guys stop insulting me please? :3

you look like you have a brain disorder, why are you making that face?

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I can’t imagine you have low confidence out of 10

maybe if you weren’t such a faggot, we wouldn’t have started in the first place

guyzzz stawp 3x

Not even those guys but it's really obvious that you're just trying to make it so it seems like you're friends with them and it's an inside joke.

Get a life cringefag.

Thats not me lol

I'm wasn't replying to that post specifically rather whole thread and every time I see your cringey looking ass, in general you seem like a massive fagot.

lol poo eyed shitskin


>his pathetic thread gets deleted
Hope you get banned, sincerely, a guy who hasn't said anything up until now. Take it as you wish.

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Ok, whatever just dont be racist

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My fucking sides, dude. I got pictures of the whole thing, this is legendary.

Oh fuck, turns out it WASN’T his thread.

We’ve been bean-boozled.

I already reported you, idk why have to be such a pain in the ass tho

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It was me lol, i have no idea why mods deleted it

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>report someone for trolling
>on Jow Forums
Ohh no

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No it definitely was his thread.
Remember that trap he posted? He didn't post it here or in the other thread but he does post it often.
The fake couldn't have found that out, it's definitely him.

Well yeah read the rules lol xD

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Fuck, well never mind then.

This man ain’t gonna last long though.

Great job inspector, it was me, L

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H-..hh..hello M.-m..mods!?!?! He made fun of me... please ban.

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my sides are in orbit

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It brings a tear to my eye knowing that is strangers can bond over our mutual hatred for this fucking weirdo.

The wonders of the internet.

He's at it again, this man doesn't sleep!

Yeah, everyone are welcome to come

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