Last night I finally brought up a problem with my GF that I feel has been lingering over the relationship

Last night I finally brought up a problem with my GF that I feel has been lingering over the relationship.

I was very blunt, and told her she was the 13th best out of 15 girls I have been with at giving blowjobs. And one of those she beat out only because she refused to do it. I just laid it out and told her that oral sex is very important to me, and that the head you give is problematic.

At first I thought I hit a home run because she seemed to be attentive and taking it well. She asked about specifics and really wanted to improve. I said first of all the pros was that she always minded the teeth, not once has that ever been an issue. But for cons there was a lot. She didn't seem to be enthusiastic and never made any eye contact with me. Her rythm and technique was terrible and she and that I wasn't getting any real pleasure out of it.

I thought maybe if I could show her what she was doing wrong it would help, so I went to Phub and went to the amatuer section to show her some of the really good blowjob videos. That's when things went to hell and she got upset. I tried to point things out but she got more and more upset and was saying that she didn't want to watch videos so I could imagine over hot women giving me blowjobs. I explained that was not the point but she basically stormed out of my place and went home.

I feel like I almost had everything under control but then things god Fucked up. What should I say to her today? Do I owe her some sort of apology for the way I approached this? Of all the things it's hilarious to me that she only got mad once I brought up the blowjob videos, how is that even an issue?

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Just pretend it didn't happen until sexy time. If she cuts up again, pull your pants up and go play video games or something

She's happy to improve her succ but she doesn't want to be compared to and made to feel inferior to random whores off a porn site.

Women are very insecure

>Actually carefully considering and ranking your girlfriend amongst other girls in terms of blowjobs, then TELLING her.
>Actually bringing up amateur porn and saying "do this."

Imagine if your girlfriend came to you with either of these and how you would feel.

Ah, the female delusion that a man is concerned about anything more than his dick. Its a real shock but then again it isn't. She's an absolute fool if she stays with you after you threw 14 other women in her face.

We know what he would do. He'd beat the hell out of her and never let her hear the end of it as he pissed an cried about it everyday.

You should feel lucky that she even considered listening to your "problem" after your 13/15 ranking, what the fuck.


Shut the fuck up.
If OP got 15 bitches to suck his dick then he is most likely a good-looking guy and has no problem replacing useless cunts like his ex, and women put up with guys like that rather than settle for someone ugly.

If he's that goddamn hot then he brings in number one on his list and she gives his gf a demonstration on the dos and don't.

dozens of women have sucked my dick and had favorites but not stupid enough to bring that up to a partner.

honestly it depends on how she perceives her like... #bjskillz. like i know i'm shitty at it bc i haven't done it much and my bf actually did show me a video that was like, equal parts educational and?? funny??? i'd look for it but i doubt i'd be able to find it lol. but i appreciated it bc i could see this girl as an Expert giving me Advice rather than my bf just being like "look this girl does it so much better why aren't you more like her" (which would have made me feel. Bad.)

i think ur problem was the exact ranking, which comes across as Real Harsh, and then layering the videos on top of that. i think she'd appreciate the apology, and i hope that ur advice was better than "your rhythm and technique are terrible," and more along the lines of "can you do more of this instead"

Why do girls do this?

Wow op you’re a fucking asshole and you should leave her purely for the sake of letting her find somebody better than you

The videos proved to her that any random whore can suck dick better than she can, and she got upset about it. Women cannot handle being compared to others, it totally fucks up their minds.

>I was very blunt, and told her she was the 13th best out of 15 girls I have been with at giving blowjobs.
Bro I think you might be retarded.

but women won't kill you over it. try telling a guy your ex had a big dick, that will get you an expense paid trip to the morgue

Yeah, cause men don't throw tantrums over being compared to other men or anything.

Anyway OP, you're either autistic or a sociopath. In any case, kill yourself.

Imagine if your girlfriend told you that you're the 13th best of 15 guys she fucked with, and then showed you a video of how to fuck her well.

I'm glad this is bait.

better things to do than spell out whole words

Spot on. Literal garbage. I wouldn't feed you to my worst enemy's dog, OP. Your parents raised you like shit and should be ashamed of themselves. Never mind that YOU suck at blowjobs because in a sexual encounter, and especially a relationship, you're supposed to be a fucking grownup and explain to your partner what feels good and what they should do, little by little as you go, and not like a big dumb oaf shoving furniture around. You absolute idiot. I feel so bad for your girlfriend if her emotional state and self confidence are such that she wants anything to do with you after this.

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A relationship is take and give. She isn’t going to be perfect, try to focus on what you like about her. Blowjobs come and go but a person you can happily spend your life with is priceless.

I'd be happy. If I sucked (no pun intended) I would want to know so that I could improve.

I mean if my GF came to me and wanted to show me some porn demonstrating a new position or something she wanted me to try, All for that mate.

Do Sheilas want to just keep on sucking at sucking?

There is a much better way at teaching them. I have taught a person to do it without porn. Or telling that person that "you are the 5th worst person who has sucked my dick" like some sperg.

There isn't a universe in which you aren't a gigantic asshole, OP.

I hope she bites your dick off and chokes on it. Get two degenerates at the same time

Women are just so weird man. They like to have a good old chinwag about sex and are all chuffed about their prowess, but when the cards are on the table the sex more often than not is long and completely bog-standard at best, and at worst it's a cack-handed botch job.

What kinda immature bitch faggot are you? Fuck her in the pussy for fucks sake

I think the only real thing you did wrong was telling her she was the # best out of # girls you’ve dated, that was uncecessary.
Aside from that yeah if she doesn’t want to watch bj porn to learn from, then well that’s her choice... I would have just asked her to watch some videos on her own down time to learn from she would probably have been more receptive to that


If this is real OP then you’re a fucking legend