A question for women : how often do you masturbate ?

a question for women : how often do you masturbate ?

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on a monthly average about 40 times. I might go a week without but then masturbate 5 or 6 times in one day.

Every time


Highly depends on my cycle. Around ovulation and during mensturation, i‘m the horniest and sometimes masturbate 5x a day. Then i can easily go two weeks without it.


I don't know what happens but I will get really horny, like kinda crazy horny and lock myself in. I'm exhausted by days end.


well its not. my vagina smells like canned cream corn by the end and I'm so disgusted and disappointed with myself

Why would masturbation change the smell of your vagina?
Maybe you should go to a doc about that. Sounds like an infection to me.

Even hotter

no infections but constantly playing and rubbing myself like for 10 hours and not cleaning myself all day I smell.

Why don’t you clean yourself?
But i know what you mean. The whole fluids and hormones can really add up.
Why would you feel guilty about this?

havent done it since october of last year

I‘ve also had phases of about 4 years where i did not masturbate at all. I guess girls are weird sometimes.

God I wish I can small you

Depends if I'm working from home or not. Can range between once every two weeks to 7 or 8 times a week. But I also get laid pretty regularly and live with my partner so if I feel like getting off it's usually more practical to just have sex than go hide away on my own.

oh, I wipe off a little but then when I touch it I end up rubbing again and again. Its bad. I guess because I waste a whole day for nothing when if I had real sex it would do me for a few months but having a bf is too much work and I don't want to hook up just for sex, that would make me feel worse.

oh no you don't, no fooling, not like that. right out of the shower is best

my pussy is too dry.
It rarely smells.
A mere queef is sometimes enough to tear the inner linings

Maybe next time instead od feeling guilty about „wasting time“ try to wnjoy yourself?
You‘re going to masturbate anyways, so why not have some fun and not feel guilty about it?
Maybe you would be satisfied with a bit less if you actually let yourself enjoy what you‘re doing, effectively saving time in the long run?

Also, i‘m married and have regular sex, yet i still masturbate if i want to. Those two things are definitely not interchangeable, so don’t think that a bf will magically make you not masturbate anymore.

right? I used to do it so often we are weird haha

Ouch. You should definitely use some hydrating intimate cream. Sounds unhealthy af.

I use pic related and i really like it. For me, it smells exactly like a vagina should be smelling.

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>bf will magically make you not masturbate anymore
oh, I know, I just don't have all day marathons when I had a bf