6 foot tall

>6 foot tall
>Good looking
>Well dressed
>At least 6 or 7 girls I know have had crushes on me but lost interest because I never made a move
>None of these girls seemed into me so I had no idea
>Every time I go to a club girls flirt with me but they don't actually make a move
>Im too scared to make a move because I'm afraid of rejection
>Also I dont know how to kiss or have sex or do anything intimate and have never been on a date
>So Im scared that I'll fuck something up badly and humiliate myself

I'm literally never going to get a date or a gf am I? Whats the plan here boys? What am i meant to do?

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meet a girl, just go for it and remember that if you get rejected you'll feel less fearful of getting rejected the next time

>None of these girls seemed into me so I had no idea

I fucking hate that
Just keep going user, you either face your fears or die a coward

I cant do it. The fear of rejection is too strong. Even when girls like me they dont give me any signs that they do. So because of my low self esteem due to being a kissless virgin, I just assume that every single girl wouldnt want to date me... I really need a girl to come out and say she likes me first

>I really need a girl to come out and say she likes me first
I did it with my boyfriend, but he's an 8/10 and I'm maybe a 5/10 on a good day.
If he wasn't a huge pussy when it comes to asking girls out, he'd be probably dating a much better looking girl than me.

date an awkward girl, she`ll embarrass herself imedietly, after you`ll se that everything should go your way. Also about your inexperience, don`t worry, this types of girls dont know anything either. Trust me, I have been there

How the fuck am i gonna manage to date an awkward girl? Awkward girls usually dont even speak to guys they like. I've had it happen before that an awkward girl is interested in me, and she just acts like she fucking hates me and never even makes eye contact with me, until some day a year later when her friend tells me "yeah lol Emily used to have a crush on you". Like fucking WHYYYYY would you act like i'm pondscum or dirt thats beneath your feet when you actually want to date me, why not give me a fucking chance

I need a confident girl who isnt afraid to show her feelings for me. That is literally the only way i will ever get a gf, unless someone invents a magical confidence pill that will make me into Chad within a week

Dont do this, you are puting a girl on a spot, 90% times she will say no.


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I'm in the exact situation as OP. The feels...


Thank me, later

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Why do girls do it though, what is the point?

I think im the only one who took until my adult years to realize this. Every other guy seems to instinctively know that men have to be the pursuers. But for some reason im sexually passive. I dont know how to make a move and im too scared to. And 95% of girls seem to absolutely refuse to ever ever ever make a move beyond like looking at your for 1 second with a blank stare or some shit

I shiggy diggy

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nah man, I've had women imply pretty hard they want to get fucked, some even initiated kissing.

How? Its literally never ever happened to me

I've had girls flirt with me heavily, grind on me or touch me in certain places etc. But they never actually make the move and kiss me or ask me out. So i just have to stand there doing nothing because I'm too scared. i fucking hate my life. I hate being a kissless virgin, i want this to end already

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This. Do this.

is completely right -- except that they forget to mention that 90% rejection rate is normal, and that ALSO means you get 10% acceptance rate, which is also normal.

You can ask ten girls out in a day, with practice.

but start with just one. Asking girls out is like any other thing -- start small. Work it out. Work it up.

Start with one.

Actually ... here's a trick I learned a few years ago. It's called the Ten Step Ladder.

1: get a paper and a pen.
2: Make ten lines, mark 'em 1-10. So 1, 2, 3, etc.
3: At the #10 mark, write, "go up to a girl and ask her out". That's your goal, what you want to build yourself up toward.
4: Here comes the mental work: Fill out the steps below #10, with items like "say hi to a stranger", or "compliment a stranger girl's hair", or "ask a stranger for the time" -- you know, social interaction stuff. At #1, you want something that's so easy you can do it reliably, 9 out of 10 times ... like saying "hi" to the cashier at a store. At #2, put something a bit harder, like "look into the eyes of the cashier, smile, say hi". At #3, something harder -- like, asking a stranger for the time.

Fill out the entire ladder like this. This is your training program.

Start with #1. Work your way up. Look at your Ladder every day.

I dont have any problems socializing so making goals with "ask a stranger for the time" or "compliment a girl" is utterly useless...

My problem is im sexually passive. Im too scared to flirt or make any moves because of rejection. Its not a social thing, its a lack of sexual confidence. I dont think im good enough for any girl no matter whether shes beautiful or hideous or anywhere in between

I cant do it. I cant ask a girl out. I just know its going to go horribly. I'll say something wrong or i'll fail to make eye contact properly because I can't talk to women properly in a romantic context. Every time a girl even so much as touches me I start getting a hard on and developing precum. I have all the sexuality and charisma of a 12 year old boy...

This is it, its over for me. I am resigned to the life of a kissless virgin. Born with all the right genetics but precisely zero (0) of the right mental components necessary to function like a normal sexual human being. Its over. I've lost. I'm never going to get a gf

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>At #3, something harder -- like, asking a stranger for the time.

ahaha you fucking faggot we are in 2019

But other than that good advice if you want to work on your mental health, but i think going into bars and clubs with friends is way easier than this tho


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I have a very similar problem, so bumping for interest

Do I just make a move on a girl when the time seems right? Is that all there is too it? Asking honestly anons

You have to form a relationship first, than gain her trust, and then only then do you ask her for a date

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Didnt you see new Gillette ad? You cant just go to girl on street and flirt wirh her if you dont know her. Toxic masculinity, bro. That aint the PC way!

But you say this, and then there are other girls who would prefer to be asked out first and will lose all interest in a guy if he doesnt make a move within the first few weeks at least of them knowing each other.

You can't win. As a shy guy afraid of rejection, you can't win. Every route could possibly lead to failure. And even a 10% chance of failure is too much for me, even the thought of being rejected makes me want to die of embarrassment.

Dont be shy, is kill or be killed in this world, fight, discipline yourself, become a free man, dont be afraid of people


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Im not shy. Im just scared of rejection.

Literally the same OP, literally the same. Then when I do go after a girl, and we both show interest in each other, it fucking dies outta nowhere and she goes complete cold on me.

I can't begin to describe how horrible and soul crushing it is. Makes me think I will never make it.

You are afraid, you have to lose that fear user

>6 foot tall
>Good looking
>Well dressed
again no
>At least 6 or 7 girls I know have had crushes on me but lost interest because I never made a move
all in your head

fuck you

are you my gf? wtf. Im a 8/10 dating a 5/10 girl bc too scared to ask out hot girls

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Psychologist / therapist
Alcohol as social lubricant

gna kms in 15 with fentanyl

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gna inject now. see u in the next life.

Dont do it dawg, i like you :(

bye bud. gonna be done after i send this.

Why bro, dont be stupid you can get a gf, i can help you out, i can be your friend too.

ive had 7 gfs. im injecting after this message. see you boys in heaven.

Buy a plane ticket to pattaya thailand
There is a exsclusive escort website for all the working girls and you can book time and they will make love to you.
Just order a few on your 1week trip and you should destroy all your anxieties enough to be confident to not act a fool around women,

Say hi to a god, and tell him that i am a nice person and i should get a gf, thanks.

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