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Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>[insert humble (or otherwise) brag]
Fuck off.

>Why is there no new thread?
Just make one. You can use these macros:

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Girls: I am single and also really close friends with a girl who is also single. Valentine's Day is coming up. I hate it and it sucks, and I'm pretty sure she's a bit bummed out about it too... Is it the sweet end of being cheesy or the 'too much and slightly weird' end if I make her a Valentine's card, or get her some really minor token gift?

It would be really cute

It would be better to say "Well, valentine's day sucks. Want to go out and have an anti-valentines beer/coffee/whatever you guys usually do?"

How would a guy interpret this?

He is basically a NEET with a streak of bad luck with girls, so I thought it would be great to get some feedback here.
>Known him online for about 2 years, rarely met much until I moved closer recently due to a work opportunity
>never really had any romantic interactions between us, mainly due to distance
>grown closer, most likely primarily as friends at first, but we are both single, and have never had much of a relationship either of us
>been playing a lot of games together, but never while in the same room
>finally got my apartment fully up and running, and want to make a sort of housewarming with him
>intend in inviting him - and only him - for a housewarming with some gaming as well
I want to be clear on two things:

1. how would he most likely read this, from a girl who has shown no romantic interest in him prior to this, and
2. What can I do to make it obvious, while taking it slow and steady
Basically, I have no plans for sleeping together that night. I honestly wouldn't mind, but I somehow doubt that would happen. I just want ideas for how to best make it obvious I am legitimately interested in more with him, right away. I basically don't want him to think he is a friend, but I also don't want to force anything immediately.

Hope this makes sense.

I would but I'm pretty sure she's going to be working that evening so I'll only see her in the day.

Just do what said but during the day. lunch, coffee, breakfast etc

Female boss in her 40s is too touchy feely with me at work. I'm a 27 year old dude. What do? She hugs me and rubs my arms and stuff. I work in HR.

The girl I'm dating has hairy armpits and I kind of like them. Is this something I should say to her, even though we've only been on 5 dates?

Daily reminder to not listen to anything Peanut Nigger says. He's just a lonely, pretentious, narcissistic women beater.

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Is she like that with other employees? IF not, it's likely she wants the D

How to subtly let a guy know you like him? Like as least creepy and overbearing as possible

Tell him. Subtlety doesn't work for things like that.

I'd agree with . Telling someone you like them, regardless of what gender you are, is hard. You most definitely know that already.

I'd recommend trying to make moves to spend more time with him. Ask him out for a cup of coffee, maybe? Or just to hang out in whatever way you feel is most natural. Hopefully that will get the message across. If not, then your best option probably is just telling him, being upfront about it.

I'm the only man in the department. All the rest are women in their late 30s to late 40s. I'm the only one she does this too.

Just hang around him as much as possible, like, go out of your way to be around him even if just to stand there and do nothing.

If nothing romantic has happened by the end, when he's leaving say something like, "this was fun, I hope now that I'm here we'll have a chance to become closer" *hug*
Should plant the seed without being too forward

Not the person who originally responded to you, but if *you* are interested in *her*, then you should get her out to drink with you after work. Or have lunch with you. Or do whatever you do best in terms of socializing with people of the opposite sex.

It sounds like she's making advances. I imagine your boss would have to be strictly clear about any signals being sent, or not sent, in her position. Else it could lead to sexual assault charges and shit.

Just remember Jow Forums, this guy is giving you advice

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Why do all roasties when walking alone tend to look at the ground when I pass?

I'm not interested in her at all. I want her to stop.

Well, if that's the case, then it doesn't matter if she's making a move or not. You should tell her you're not comfortable with the intimate touching.

You don't have to make it seem like you feel sexually assaulted, just that you'd rather keep things at a professional distance.

>meet girl a few times
>busy schedule, postpone meetings multiple times
>Weeks since last meeting
>Days since last text
Time to call it off?

I might get fired though. Or they might all act bitchy to me

Just don’t talk to her again

Or worse, what if the girls in your department all tie you up and take turns kicking you in the balls? Wouldn't that suck h-haha

How do women feel about dudes hitting on them *successfully* and later finding out they used some shitty pickup advice from Men's Health. Do they feel used, or just think 'well, he was smooth :)' and just go about their day?

I feel like i'm out of options, like i'll never again find someone. I'm too fed up with shit to keep trying, but the feeling is weighing heavily on me, and negatively impacting other things in my life.
I don't want to bother my ex, our lives are just not on the same trajectory to make it work. It ended on alright terms, but i wish it were different.
What should i do? It's been almost a year.

Will do.

Honestly, can you just give guys a tiny LITTLE break for just a second?
We are scrambling over here just trying to make things work and you JUST. CAN'T. DO. IT. RIGHT.
YOU try going out and approach men and make shit work, how about that for a change?

dude, I AM A DUDE. A 30yo khv at that.

Just take a break, focus on other shit.
It's what I am doing and it's honestly liberating.
Just take a couple of weeks and don't try to get women AT ALL.
Talk to women like they are dudes. Don't hit on them, don't approach them asking for their number, anything.
You don't need to be with someone right now.
Just relax and have a good time for a while.
Learn to paint or some shit, idk.

Sorry, I realize that... just frustrated.

I only date people I was previously friends/acquaintances with.
I strongly dislike being hit on.

>I only date people I was previously friends/acquaintances with
That's kinda weird, not gonna lie.

Said the dude on Jow Forums.

I did that for a month in october, it helped, but i asked out 2 girls in november and it just reinforced my insecurities (hung out but kiss dodged).
I'll try again, thanks user. I was dumb enough to try again last friday only to get ghosted.

Would it be pushy to ask a girl with if I can sit next to her in class after chatting a bit and trading notes for weeks?

do you know a shitload of people?
I couldn't imagine that being practical. I have 2 or 3 female friends. It's almost impossible that both of us would not be in a relationship and would want to date each other.


>"this was fun, I hope now that I'm here we'll have a chance to become closer" *hug
Doesn't this sound vaguely "let's be friends"-like?

I'm just reading it, and I feel like this is something I could expect to get from a friend seeing me off.

Where do I stand here? I'm a literal girly long haired trappy faggot.

I'm a college sophomore in a big uni, lives alone in a single suite, math major... 3days/week classes.
Mondays are for projects and the rest of weekdays for school except friday. so from Friday to sunday night. I drink and smoke a lot of ciggies a lot

girls & boys, u guys wanna be friends with me?

No not at all. You sound like an arts student.

I don't see the point of dating people who are only interested in me because I look cute. I prefer getting to know someone before.

>do you know a shitload of people?
I don't find it too hard to meet new people. I just chat people up in school, get to know friends of friends, and if someone catches my attention I try to get to know them better.

(Not part of the conversation until now but..)
I think you guys forget how many people you know by proxy.

I have 1 friend, a sister, and a cousin I actually talk to. That's my immediate social circle. It's all I have, because I'm a terribly asocial person.

My friend knows like 6 other people she sees regularly, and has 3 cousins who regularly visits. 2 of these cousins sometimes bring a friend each. If I meet up with one of that cousins friends, they have their own circle of friends.

My sister has a ton of friends, who has more friends. I've been "introduced" to 7 different guys through them, just by being around.

It's hard to do if you are autistic (Which I am, trust me, I know full well how difficult this is), but you have a far larger network than you think you do. You can easily but 100+ people in your dating range (and not part of your family) if you talk a bit more with the friends and family you have.

And no, this isn't due to my gender. They met me the exact same way, after all.

You could make it a cheek kiss to up the ante

...sorry, I'll pass.

It sounded fine at first, but
>so from Friday to sunday night. I drink and smoke a lot of ciggies a lot

I don't mind the "faggy hair", in fact, I like guys with long nice hair. Much better than ths closely cut hair style that might as well be bald.

Kinda hard to generate any sort of sexual tension with a "platonic friend", seems kind of awkward for everyone involved, but maybe that's just me.
If there is sexual potential from the get go, then there is not really anything platonic to begin with, just two people pretending to be not interested in each other.

Guess i could try.

Though I am probably missing myself if I think I have the bravery for that. Oh well, if I spagetthi it all up, I guess I can just text him a few heart emoji in the next couple of messages to make it more clear I suppose.

I kinda hate not having gone through this in my teens. It feels super awkward to have this sort of stuff happen this late.

How do you tell your gf you want her to lose weight? I don't want to be an asshole, but fat girls genuinely make me sick, maybe that's hyperbolic but I find them extremely unattractive, always have. Honestly, a little chub on a girl is cute/hot to me, but after a certain point it just becomes gross.

What's the best way to bring it up?

yeah, i know a lot of people by proxy, but 50% of them would not say hi to me if we saw each other on the street (neither would I). Another 40% literally only say "hello". I know it's still better to approach those people than total strangers, but they're still very much strangers. If any of them wanted to hang out with me I'd probably be freaked out

>platonic friend
You aren't a platonic friend right away, user.

You start out as acquitances, right as you are introduced. You use the company of others to check out your personalities in the company of your own friends, and then slowly go more directly for their attention. Just like you would when finding friends.

It results in friendship, or romantic interest, depending on where you decide to take it.

WHYYY! Oh gosh! I wont smoke around u

I obviously have no intention of dating the guy I've been best friends with since I was 3, who I'm actually platonic friends with.
I simply much rather get to know someone a little before actually dating them, because I feel like if someone wants to go out with me just because I'm cute it is just... shallow, and often really pointless. Dates are often really boring, with people like that, because you don't turn out to have much in common and just do small talk till you go home. Committing myself to spending an evening with a person I don't really like as a human being, just because we both find each other to be physically attractive, is really a pain to me.
Getting to know someone in a more social context and then eventually moving to dating always felt much easier and more natural to me.

No you dunce, you don't go directly for them. You get together with them and your friends, and build rapport together with them.

You are not cold approaching someone you vaguely know through shared acquitances. You do it under the guise of being with another common friend. Maybe you get someone to go see a movie with you, and have them invite a couple of their friends, and you ensure you chit chat a lot with someone who catches your eye.

>How do you tell your gf you want her to lose weight?
you don't
>What's the best way to bring it up?
the best way is to be on your deathbed dying of cancer in the next 5 seconds

>also you're fat, bleh

I don't do it like that.
I put people into two camps "people I would fuck" and "people I would not fuck".
To qualify for anything romantic, you obviously have to be in the former category.

>*WE* should go to the gym more often.

oh, okay, that makes sense. I've never thought of that.

Girls, how many of you hate me?
How many of you would date me?

>I wont smoke around u
You wouldn't know, I suppose, but smokers actually has the worst breath imaginable, whether you are a "weekend" smoker or not. That stuff doesn't go away.

And it's not just the fact that you smoke. You just sound like some artsy party Chad, and I would never be able to deal with someone who goes out to party every weekend.

If your personality is okay and you don't act pretentious, or just bore me, then I'd be your friend.

don't listen to IT CAN'T BE DONE! ABORT MISSION! If in any way you imply she should lose any weight you'll wish you were never born.

Dates are meeting with the sole purpose of getting to know someone. But it's clear that both parties are interested romantically. You don't need years to find out if you are interested in someone, you know that pretty much right away.
I respect your approach, but it seems like a surefire way to create drama and hurt feelings over wrong expectations.
I can't truly be friends with someone that I am attracted to, and I am not looking to be.

Very few.
Equally few.

>I put people into two camps "people I would fuck" and "people I would not fuck
Call me autistic, but I cannot put anyone in the "people I would fuck" box before getting to know them. It's sort of a prerequisite for being comfortable being alone, vulnerable, and naked with them.

>>Where do I meet girls/guys?
>Anywhere outside. Or online.
So let me rephrase the question, where do girls usually hang out? The only place I see them is the train.

Yeah. I have found the whole "dating" culture to be kind of contrived and awkward.
And it really only is an American thing.
In my country, it works more like you are describing.

Go to the gym. I guarantee you'll have seen a handful of guys you would love to be fucked by, if you stick around long enough to see more than just the fat asses.


Exact same feelings i have.

It's why I hate dating apps.

Unfortunately, I suck at meeting people, so there is that.

That's not edgy, that is true.

>Jow Forums -still- doesnt understand that natty physiques only attract other men

I get that, I still don't want to spend 4-5 hours sitting awkwardly at the table being bored out of my mind because some dude who I have nothing in common is talking to me about his passion for videogame and big tittied anime girls.
For example, my boyfriend: he's really good friends of the boyfriend of one of my classmates. We went out for a beer and he came with us. I chatted with him, we got along really well, asked my friend to invite him again next time and then again for another 2-3 times. Started dating after a few weeks.
I obviously found him attractive, but I also knew we had common interest and shared a sense of humour, which made our first date awesome (we did something related to a common interest, and had a great night) and made things a lot smoother.
If I didn't get along with him, I simply wouldn't have kept hanging out with him or wouldn't have asked my friends to invite him.
Most of the time when I accepted to go out with dudes I didn't know, which I did 2-3 times when I was 18, it just ended up being bored out of my mind and it never worked out. All my relationships were with people I met through friends, or in school.

>I can't truly be friends with someone that I am attracted to
And no one is asking you to be. Again, it doesn't mean you have to become best friends. It just means getting to know each other in a context that isn't a date.

I go to the gym 3 times a week, and no, not once.

I don't know if you are a girl or a guy, but being a relatively small girl, I specifically feel MORE uncomfortable about well trained guys who has twice my body mass. It's just pointless anxiety, but it's unfortunately not unfounded, because any of the guys from my gym, even the fat guys, would easily be able to overpower me.

If I am to have any desire to have sex with someone, it needs to be someone I at least feel remotely comfortable around first. Otherwise, I would be permanently afraid of something bad happening.

>because some dude who I have nothing in common is talking to me about his passion for videogame and big tittied anime girls.
Holy shit you must of had really bad dates

I think that building a good social circle is basically 90% of it. It's easier if you're still in school, but you can still do it with colleagues.

I agree with it. I always found it really awkward, I had much more success with people who I knew at least a little bit before we dated.

Here is an idea, if you are bored with your date don't sit around for FIVE fucking hours, holy shit.
Like, just walk away lmao.
Other than that, yeah, I get your thing.
Seems REALLY slow and opportunities to meet someone will be really scarce.
You will miss out on a lot of great people just to avoid a lot of people you will find kinda bland.
Maybe it's just harder for a dude to meet people where mutual interest is a given, idk.
If I did it like you, I would never meet anyone, cause my friends are mostly dudes and their girlfriends.

Yeah, it's sorta like dick size.

A couple of friends even had this recurring joke where they started whispering about someone having a big dick, just to mess with a couple of nearby guys who acted like they were cool. Its funny how quickly some guys just mentally collapse when they start comparing themselves to other guys.

I mean, I get it. It's the same as when guys start talking about breast size. I get super uncomfortable as well, because I know I'm flat as a board, but at least I know most guys prefer good curves. I have never actually met a girl who seriously cared about the dick size of a guy, outside of pointless bragging rights.

What if I actively -dont want- a larger social circle because of the issues it would pose

Not really. Guys and girls are the same. Unless you are mentally impaired, you can be sexually attracted to a hot individual of your preferred gender, especially given the right circumstances, and a gym is guaranteed to cause that, especially when said men are pumping iron.

It only attracts women and gay men.

See a doctor. You are unhealthy and/or mentally ill if your body doesn't have it's natural reaction to that.

>your taste is wrong
Typical Jow Forumsizen
>I dont understand! I'm OBJECTIVELY attractive!

Natty physiques are EXACTLY the same as motorcycles and high end sneakers
Only men care
Women just want you to not be Ralphie May, or at least be as funny as Ralphie May.

You're not convincing anyone my dude.


If she is that uncomfortable being naked and having sex with a random hot guy she meets - a completely natural thing, which you would know if you have the slightest idea of how evolution works - then she is not mentally healthy, and should seek out help.

Don't fucking encourage her to revel in her anxiety induced misery.

I'm not rude, I'm not going to get up in the middle of a meal just because I'm bored or I find the dude annoying.

>Seems REALLY slow and opportunities to meet someone will be really scarce.
I met like 10 different people through my friends group just this month, and I'm not even trying. It's not that hard if you try.

>You will miss out on a lot of great people just to avoid a lot of people you will find kinda bland.
I don't want to date people who are "bland", even if they're great people. Like, sure, you might be the next Mother Theresa but if you can't make me laugh or I can't have a good conversation with you, I'm not going to want to be with you more.
I'm only interested in dating people I have fun with, who are also great people.

>Maybe it's just harder for a dude to meet people where mutual interest is a given, idk.
My boyfriend always did the same, his serious ex is the sister of the girlfriend of a school friend of his, the other girls he dated he met them at parties or through school.
So no, I don't think it's that hard.

How does one get a larger social circle with girls in it?
What do you do when you get rejected by someone and have to keep seeing them often?

>You are unhealthy and/or mentally ill if your body doesn't have it's natural reaction to that.

I have had sex, FYI. Only with one guy, but let's just say that I prefer slim, average guys, over ripped muscle beasts. And I had no problems, not even with my first time, because i knew him well, and was comfortable with him.

Your Tinder world view is fine, but I am not part of that hook up culture, and never will be.

Damn, I got trolled, didn't I.

You retards really need to get off this revolutionary biology kick. You think you're on some galaxy brain shit but it's actually Time Cube.

Fuck Samsung

It sounds like you have an unreasonably massive social circle and dont realize it.

Usually ends in a shitstorm

>t. used to be in a large social group before cheating ex reared her bitch head

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Also fuck anyone that mentions school, the majority of us are long gone.

Literally 10 people I hang out with regularly. They bring their boyfriend, who brings his friends, etc.

Yep. You actually know hundreds of people and neglected to mention it. They all sound normal, too.
>and they bring their friends
How are they going to bring me to meet me
I dont think you understand that most people, if they even have friends, those friends dont HAVE other friends. We have our circle, and that's IT. There are no freinds-of-friends, everyone already knows everyone that everyone else already knows and that caps at like 20 people.

A meal doesn't take 5 hours. It's not rude to simply excuse yourself after an hour or so.

>I met like 10 different people through my friends group just this month, and I'm not even trying. It's not that hard if you try.
I mean sure, it's not hard if you have such an insanely active and ever changing social circle where you meet TEN potential dating propects within just a month.
I meet that many in a YEAR if I am lucky.

>I don't want to date people who are "bland"
Not what I said. I said you will miss out on actual great people just because there will inevitably be some people, that you don't like.
Please read carefully.

I don't go to school anymore. Picking up girls at parties is not what you have been describing thus far. I do that. I don't consider these girls to be acquainted to me, they become dating prospects as soon as I meet them.
Many people I meet only ONCE, so playing a long game is not possible.
Only option when you meet someone like that is to get number and ask out.

I don't know, I've never met many people who don't have other friends outside of a small circle, in which everyone doesn't have a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a sister, a brother, or a cousin who can hang out with us sometimes and bring their own friends.
It's a choice to only hang out in a small group, which I get. But it's not normal and it's not how it is for most people.

>A meal doesn't take 5 hours.
At least a couple. Again, I just find the whole thing really awkward.

>TEN potential dating propects within just a month.
Ten people. Not 10 dating prospects.
I met maybe 3-4 people I'd actually date, in total, but again, I look for something a bit less shallow than "he looks fine" when I think of a dating prospect.

>I said you will miss out on actual great people just because there will inevitably be some people, that you don't like.
I don't like most people, I never liked a person who was a stranger before the date.

I think we can all agree that dating acquaintances vs dating strangers both have their pros and cons.

>greater social accountablity
>less chance of shitty date
>more time for attraction to build naturally

>Need active social circle
>Potential for VERY awkward situations
>Might not meet very many suitable people

>Lot's more options
>Clear cut, fewer misunderstandings
>If it doesn't work out, they will be gone forever

>Wading through shit to find someone good
>Easy to get ghosted and lied to
>Contrived, almost forced pretext

My two cents:
Don't limit yourself to one or the other.
If you meet someone nice at a bookstore, or your friend brings someone new when going out, don't categorically say you wont date them, cause you never know.
You never know when destiny strikes and you don't wanna miss any chances.

How do I convince my GF to let me have sex with other girls/have three somes?