Everyone is talking here about how they want to have a relationship and have as many kids as possible

Everyone is talking here about how they want to have a relationship and have as many kids as possible.
But that kind of lifestyle doesn't seem to satisfy me, isn't really in life anything more than satisfy your primitive instints and beast-like volitions.
In fact, it makes me sad how you want to have life as meaningless as possible, only here to reproduce spreading your genes.
>the more kids, the better
Look at pic related, those are subhuman quiverfulls, do this white trash look like the happiest people to you?

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You can always overdo it.
Imo, you should have no more kids than there are adults around. In most cases, that means two.
Everything more than that will lead to you having to deny your own needs far too often and long to get out of raising kids as a sane person with own ideas and interests. Other than that, people who become bland and lack any other fulfillment in live because they have kids would not have been interesting individuals without kids either. The thing those peopel have in common are not the kids. It‘s the lack of personality. Don‘t mix those things up, user.

Ignore them, user. They're almost all entirely Jow Forums larpers. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a couple of kids within your means that you can give the right amount of attention to, but if your focus is "I need to have white babies to save the white race," all you're going to end up with is a bunch of children who never get the proper attention and end up being leeches on society.

Yeah, you’re right, but what you’re hoing to realize is that rejecting all of that won’t make your life any more fulfilling. Your still going to live an empty, meaningless life until you die and are forgotten. The difference with people with partners and families is that they will be happy and not alone. I didn’t realize this until it was too late and I had already pushed everyone that loved me away. Now I’m just waiting for death.

Your brain is actually programmed to make the achievement of those base desires the most satisfying in life.

You can be happy and alone. Protip: the vast majority of your ancestors are forgotten. I know maybe about 5% of anything that went on in my great grandfather's life, and there's no one left to tell me any more about it. And that was me TRYING. By the time I die, That'll be about it.

Pretending like you're crafting some grand legacy just by shitting out a kid is completely silly. And pushing away people so you're perpetually alone is your fault, not the fact you didn't have kids. In fact, you could still do something way more meaningful and memorable than having a kid, you're just too afraid to try.

I don’t know, right now I’m really stuck on an existentialist tightrope. I left someone that loved me unconditionally because I felt trapped, held back. Now I can’t really bring myself to commit to thinking that there’s any purpose in life. Maybe I was better off just accepting meaninglessness but at least having someone warm to sleep next to and tell me they love me, and believe in me. At least I could have that until I die. Now I’ll probably have nothing.

having many kids, is either bad and good.
the good side: you'll never be bored,
the bad side: you will want to be lonely.
that's it, you can't predict what your kids will be, so just teach them like you want.

I did the same thing you did, but instead feel absolutely fucking fantastic about it. I guess we're all just one degree away from the other extreme, right?

I get to sprawl out in my bed and fart whenever I want to, and no one is going to take up my Saturday making me go to Bed Bath & Beyond and feign interest in the color of our new drapes, or the house remodel we need to do because she's "bored with it."

I believe in myself and don't need the other assurances either, I guess. But I used to be like you, so I do understand it. I think it's just about defining meaning for yourself. I don't have that part figured out yet, but I certainly don't think losing sleep and dealing with a screeching child that may or may not turn into a decent member of society, mostly regardless of what I do, is that answer.

>But that kind of lifestyle doesn't seem to satisfy me,

You write as if you already have a wife and kids. You don't.

Agreeing with this user.
I‘m not for having dozen of kids, but you really can‘t talk about how kids would‘t add to your life and how family life would not fulfill you till you've experienced it.
Believe me, as much as kids might annoy the shit out of you and you‘ll only see the exhausting sides of being a parent/spouse, the reward is still bigger (goven that you have your shit together and have a decent marriage and raise your kids properly, ofc). And what most people don‘t realize: your own kids are a whole different dimension than other people‘s kids. I would gladly give my life for my kids and second but other people‘s kids still annoy the shit out of me.

You have to define meaning, my dude. There is only ever value when achieving an end in accordance with an intent.
If people want a large family, and do everything in their power to achieve that, theyve done what they set out do, and have worked towards some goal more than you've worked towards any goal (or maybe you have, and are just complaining to complain).

>you really can‘t talk about how kids would‘t add to your life and how family life would not fulfill you till you've experienced it.

You also can't take that shit back, dude. It's not a puppy that the store will take back and pass on to the next family without blinking an eye. You have a kid and you're stuck with that thing. Forever.

Sure, you could put it up for adoption, but who really wants to do that? Have a kid, just to abandon it to the system when you realize you can't hang? Having a kid "just to feel it out" would be the stupidest thing ever.

>Worked toward a goal
Dude, fucking is one of the easiest things we have out there. No, I know there's infertility and shit, but having a kid literally amounts to about two minutes of nutting in another person capable of having kids.

Oh boo hoo. They achieved something no matter how shallow you deem it. What do you value? What do you want? Have you done it yet? Why waste energy attacking people who have already done something when you could spend energy furthering your goal?

I'm just taking exception to "they've worked more than you have toward any goal." We don't know what OP has done, but in my personal spot, I've been a VP of Marketing for a Fortune 500 company and have an MBA - it's a hell of a lot more work toward a goal than the family on welfare that had 7 kids.

I most of all value my happiness. That's a mixture of accomplishments, friendships, and relationships, and I've done a pretty good job in knowing that if I dropped dead tomorrow, I've done most of everything I want to do, within reason. I'm only attacking people who suggest doing something you absolutely cannot take back that affects multiple other human beings to someone who doesn't really feel comfortable to committing to it.

Especially, because coming from the people who are obsessed with other people having kids, it's always some shitty fear tactic designed to make you doubt how happy you can be in life without it. How about you fuck off instead of telling someone to fuck over a bunch of lives because you're happy with a difficult decision?

I imagine that a lot of people here are LARPing, personally I don't worry about how many kids people have as long as they can afford to take care of them. I also think there's nothing wrong with electing not to have kids at all. I have two kids (one boy, one girl) and I'm content with that.

The cool thing is that you don‘t need to „feel it out“. Nature has pretty reliable ways to make sure you‘ll enjoy being a parent.
Unless you‘re severely mentally damaged, you‘ll get enjoyment of having a family. Again, provided that you‘re able to keep up a sane and stable family.
People who lament about how shot it is to be married and have kids just need to sort their lifes out. Ofc it‘s going to suck if you‘ll barely make it out of bed every day, your kids behave like monsters and you‘re constantly fighting with your spouse. But guess what, the issue there isn‘t the concept of kids, family and marriage. It‘s you - and your partner. Not wanting to blame anyone, everybody has their reasons why they‘re not capable of doing what they actually want to do. Pretty fucking good reasons. But there are no good reasons to not work on those issues and resolve them.

>Unless you‘re severely mentally damaged, you‘ll get enjoyment of having a family. Again, provided that you‘re able to keep up a sane and stable family.
That's a pretty big leap in logic. Also, "you'll enjoy it if everything goes right" is not an answer. Of course, if my wife and I had a gay ol' time together and I had a million dollars sitting around so she didn't have to work and they were already promised clothes and college educations, sure.

But for parents just getting along and needing to send their kids to daycare for most of their developmental years, which is where most people are these days, there's no "just sorting it out."

You've got a very idealistic mindset on this. Of course mine is a little pessimistic, but my suggestion is "only have kids when you have the resources and the time," yours is "yolo just have a bunch of kids and it'll work out!"

What grander meaningful pursuit do you suppose could take the place of raising a family and kids?

Maybe you have yet to overcome an illusion of grandeur?

Said perfectly from a person too stupid to know it's delusions of grandeur.

>What's more grand than something almost everyone frequently does awfully and poorly!?

>do this white trash look like the happiest people to you?
Actually yes. Infinitely better than the materialistic, hedonistic, empty lives that many people live today.
t. Wealthy family

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What are you on about? I literally never said anyone *should* do anything. I said they accomplished their goal. I assume you have too, and take pride in it. You think your subjective view overrides their own, and I disagree. You can critique them all you want, but I just think it's silly to waste energy doing something when there is quite literally no outcome to it. Unless you want people to stop having kids. In which case, prove your point if you'd like