Do most single guys who are dating date multiple girls at once until they settle down on one...

Do most single guys who are dating date multiple girls at once until they settle down on one. This seems to be the way things are now.

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I dont think so. But seems like a very effective way of meeting the right person without wasting too much time on one person.

that's the proper way to go about it till your late 20s/ early 30s when women see the wall coming and calm the fuck down, unless of course you're lucky enough to meet a chick that's worth settling down with. But you'll have a hard time telling if she's worth it unless you date multiple girls casually for a while

I get the drift that this is the way it goes when you're younger, and then as you get a bit older, it's not as easy to juggle your time between multiple people.

I wouldn't say it's necessarily the norm though, there's still plenty of guys who have a one track mind about a specific girl. I mean, I personally don't understand how you can date multiple people to "narrow them down," like you're car shopping, but that's just how some people are.

See, I don't get this (I'm not OP). How can you commit to actually liking someone if at the time, they were just someone you were just as likely to go bang someone else during if they weren't around?

I already made the analogy, but it's like used car shopping, where you're starting from "I really need a car so I'm going to try lots of them," when it should be "Wow, this is really the car for me, so I'm going to do everything in my power to get this one."

If you let a woman know you’ve invested completely in her she’ll use that power against you and start fucking other men. If you have other bitches in line, they all think you’re desireable so even more line up for your cock. That’s the way it is. Not like I like it.

you never have to commit to liking someone,it happens naturally if the two of you are compatible, you'll naturally want to be with each other as more than just fuck buddies

if it's not you it's the next guy bro,"if she breathes shes a thot" isnt just a meme bro

and when you "put all your power into getting this one" it's a turn off and at best you'll only have their attention for a limited period of time. Why would she actively want something she already has a plethora of (your attention)

Teenager incel being an expert on dating as an adult: the post.

It's a prisoner's dilemma. Most of the time, depending on where you live, it can be assumed most people are dating multiple people at once. If you put a lot of effort into a single person, you risk them ghosting you or getting bored of you or settling down with another one of their partners, and then you're left with nothing.

Fine, then she sucked and I don't give a shit. Maybe I'm just a higher value guy? I don't seem to end up holding the bag ever. Not even trying to talk shit, it's just like... this seems like advice from college kids.

I also don't mind being alone, so that's kind of a thing. If she's not into me like I am her? Cool, I'll go do my own thing until I meet the next girl. But trying to juggle them and pick them out based on a features and benefits package? Seems lame.

Like I said above, what's wrong with nothing? If I knew a girl I was seeing was seeing another guy, I'd tell her to move along, not interested. I don't have time for us to not be adults and address our feelings about shit because we're afraid of hurt fee fees.

Yes because it works
if you spend 4 months building on one girl then she drops you youve just wasted 4 months
thats why you try as many as you can at the same time, eventually some lose interest and if all goes well you eventually settle for one

hey bro set your own rules to the game if thats how you wanna do it man hell I recommend and respect that but dont be surprised when you're getting a different outcome because you're playing soccer and everyone else is playing tetris bro

I give this advice and say it's bullshit because of shit like is spewing.

What kind of advice is "just settle for one?" This is why relationships don't work, people get hurt, and people get divorced. A severe lack of commitment to anything.

It is because if we only go after one girl, we will feel horrible when it eventually dies. So to counter that, we date as many girls as possible at the same time, to give girls less power over our feelings. This is only happening due to girls leading on because they want a confidence booster, you fucking hoes

Maybe the dogs, but for the most part, guys are monogamous

its always been like this
think of it like a business

Youre not going to go to one supplier and then when it doesnt work out look for the next one, thats wasted time and effort.
You look for multiple supplies at once, then when you find a reliable one you stick to those and drop the others.

Some people get it right away, others never stop fooling around but overall its common practise

That's the issue though, this isn't a commodity. In a business, you NEED a supplier for your product. This is more like wanting a shiny new building and hip logo eventually, but it also should be in the right place for your customers.

>This is more like wanting a shiny new building and hip logo eventually, but it also should be in the right place for your customers.
in which case youre also going to be looking for multiple properties if youre serious about it, rather than stumbling by a nice building with a hip logo one day, doing the paperwork and finding out later that its already sold

Its not a hard concept to grasp, or well, it shouldn't be

i can tell you that I'm normally looking for various girls and testing the waters (by chatting) and if one seems to be interesting I'm cutting off the contact to all the others

It's need vs. want. You're not going to go search a bunch of buildings when there are bigger priorities in the business, you're going to find the right one. Not go set up your business in each one three days a week.

The analogies are stupid. The point is, you don't NEED a girlfriend, and if people keep pursuing the concept like it's a desperate need to be filled by someone who kind of fits the qualifications, people are going to continue to break up, get divorced, and most of all, do whatever they can in their power to protect their precious feelings instead of taking a risk for the right person.

obviously you need a girlfriend or youre not going to be posting in a thread about needing a girlfriend, if you dont want one then why the fuck are you complaiming about what other people do, lmao?

I'm single, but happily single. I'm posting so the thread doesn't get overwhelmed by stupid kids with stupid ideas, so OP doesn't think it's just the norm to fuck around with a bunch of people and never form a truly caring relationship.

>Do most single guys who are dating date multiple girls at once until they settle down on one.
Yes? You're basically saying why do guys date when they're dating.

>u-ur all kids and ur anology is STUPID!
nice counterargument bro, I'm sure you will stay a "happy" single for a long time

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The analogies were just getting too complicated on my end. It doesn't change the fact that "dating around" is more something kids have a chance to do in college when they have all of the free time in the world and everyone around them is more or less single (unmarried).

Used to be like you, untill I realised girls have a habit of breaking your heart. Stop focusing on a single girl and you will avoid the pain, live like the song "parting glass", be free from the pain.

See? This is why shit fails. You're going to guard yourself so much that you're going to look at this as an equitable business relationship and find yourself somewhere down the line realizing you're unhappy, not heartbroken... but now married.

I'm giving this advice as someone who has watched it happen throughout life.

>Well I need to have a boyfriend/girlfriend... so I guess this guy/girl will do...
>Well, my parents were married at 26, and we've been together for five years... so I guess we should get married...
>Well, married people are supposed to start a family by now, so I guess we'll have a kid...
>Wow, now I'm 35 and I have two kids, but I've got all of the romantic interest in my partner as I do a potato. Do I want to keep this up forever? Or end it?

I don't get how anyone dates multiple people at once. It's hard enough to get a single date, for me.

chad dates all the women and leaves nothing for beta bob until stacie needs a ring

t. ex chad

Hahahaha imagine being this much of a faggot. Why are you afraid? Being somewhat vulnerable is an important part of a healthy relationship.

Because not all guys are dating.
I never saw the point of dating and all my past relationships started as being exclusive.
The whole American "fooling around->date->bf/gf->marriage" setup seems like a way to break people before they have a good experience together.

I do personally yes, but I don't think most guys do. I don't think most guys have the options. One exception is the hipster/druggie/commie crowd. They are all open. Change your friends if that applies to you and you'll find what you're looking for. Watch PragerU on youtube.