Software engineer diploma (5 years)

>software engineer diploma (5 years)
>working as business systems analyst for 2 years
>$60,000 CAD/Year

>gf 2nd year taking business information technology
>job offer for $80,000 internship

Where did I go so wrong? I can't be happy for her because I'm disappointed in myself.

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's a woman in Canada
Businesses are literally killing themselves for more "diverse" employees

It's true that Canada is pretty gung-ho for 'diverse' employees, but I imagine the difference in our experience should far outweigh the desire for 'diverseness'
I am much more qualified, and yet I'm working a job I hate for an unacceptable wage.

I'm pressured to stay for company loyalty and my own integrity. If I leave at this point it's still an non-integrity move. I know loyalty has been said to be worth less nowadays, but I don't know what to do to make myself happier. It's a problem that troubles me a lot.

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Everyone has parts of their life they could have done better.
Some more than others.
Life isn't fair, some people will have better opportunities through reasons you, or they can't control. And some people just get lucky.
Stop comparing yourself to other people and your life will be much more fulfilling.

Where can I buy your keycaps?

Is this your first job? 2 years is long enough. Get a better job.
Why the fuck are you "loyal" to a job that isn't paying you what you're worth? Get your head out of your ass and look out for #1

That's where you went wrong, sorta. Being born in Canada isn't your fault.


I was planning on leaving after my review coming up. It's for last year's work and this year I am beginning to take up lots more responsibility but I don't know if I'll wait another year for my wage to catch up with what responsibilities I am taking on this year. I hear companies won't hire employees with lots of jumps to different companies and I worry about that a bit.

Yeah it sucks.

I was disappointed before this. It's just that this situation brought it back to light. I wanted at least $70,000 but I settled at $60,000 to keep employment after my $40,000 internship. $70,000 was bare minimum to me but I convinced myself that it was the best I could get.

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>I hear companies won't hire employees with lots of jumps to different companies and I worry about that a bit.
Do you have "lots of jumps"? You made it sound like this is your first job out of school

It's ok to be disappointed with life not going the way you expect it.
But don't get so hung up on it that it starts affect your life. Because it's not going to affect it in a positive way.

This is the 4th company I've worked for, the first 3 being internships. So yeah it's my first job our of school.

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It affects my life because I cannot afford to live on my own at this rate and retire before I die. Luckily I am paying cheap as hell rent, but at the expense of only having a carboard box room to live in. Accepting this way of life for years and then seeing her surpass me so fast and easily really shocked me and I'm just upset about it. Honestly, I don't know if I could get a job that's just as good anymore because I've been doing shit work at this company. I feel like I've failed myself and wasted my time.

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Do you hate the actual work, or just how you're being paid?

By "it affecting your life" I mean your insecurity issues, not your career

This isnt even close to bad

Both. I make web apps with a shitty table-based framework that has lots of components that don't even work. I studied AI, software architecture, embedded systems. Much more complicated things. I even placed 1st in a group in an AI programming competition with over 300 students and local companies competing. Now I'm doing this and struggling with it.

I would say affecting my career. I've lost my grasp on a lot of technical skills I learned at school at this point. I don't think I'd do as well in a technical interview as I would back then.

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As simple as that is I'm glad to hear it. I worry about my degrading technical skills, but I'll believe that I have some hope.

Oh I misread your comment sorry
The degrading of my skills makes me insecure, but I don't know how I would stop it from making me insecure. I can act confidently when looking for jobs so maybe that's all I need to do to become more secure. Change jobs.

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At least you have a fucking job dude. I would literally murder someone and suck dick for a 60k job.

Yeah people have it worse than me, but I still want to work toward the best I can do.

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The good thing is that you have a good foundation. You might struggle for a little while to "ramp up" your technical skills, but it's like polishing something up rather than starting from scratch.

I feel like I'm in a similar, but opposite situation sort of if that makes any sense? I want to grow my technical skills and find more fulfilling work, but I am afraid of losing my salary and benefits. I'm making like $72,500 as QA in the U.S. and can expect a 5-10% increase in pay per year, but honestly I find more joy in problem solving, figuring out new shit, and making stuff. So like I want to make the jump into actually learning how to actually write complex logic and entire programs but I'm afraid of making that leap and possibly losing out on tens of thousands of dollars for years as I start over again as a jr. dev. I basically started as an intern at $40k just under 4 years ago, but most of my friends who went into software engineering jobs have had their pay increase way faster than mine.

and THERE you have the reason for low pay. You are not paid for what you can do, but for what you do. Try to find a job more suitable to your cv. Did you even try to find a job in AI?

Question for both of you. I'll be looking for a job soon, but my best reference is my current boss. Actually I have 2 bosses since I work in multiple departments. They are beginning to give me and train me for more responsibilities. How should I inform them that they might hear from employers?

Thanks for the advice, I agree with you. I knew company loyalty was bullshit but I followed it anyways, but I guess I'll stop and look for jobs sooner than I expected. I know my relationship with a company is purely business. I guess I just needed a kick in the ass and reassurance. Thanks again. I guess I'll be searching sooner than I expected.

Yeah I applied to many places for many different positions and I didn't have much luck. All my specialties didn't seem to have any effect on responses, I just heard back from the simpler jobs. I guess I need to get off my ass.

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You played yourself idiot. Someone wants to fuck your GF and offered her money because they think she’s a dumb cum filled slut.

Your work doesn’t matter in SJW Canada. You can try to work your way to a raise or better paying position but it will be fought because “muh wahman and diversity”