Out with friend (girl)

>out with friend (girl)
>bump into one of her other friends
>mention I think she's qt after
>friend sets us up on a date and qt says yes

What's a good excuse to back out of this so I can save myself the embarrassment of it all going wrong? I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't want my friend to know I'm a total fucking loser once qt feeds what a autistic sperg I was back to her.

Attached: 1548261842790.jpg (250x250, 15K)

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Should have backed off before setting up was done.
Recently did that when my friend tried to set me up. There is no way in hell I am gonna try dating her best friend who is also older than me. What would a girl like that do with inexperienced guy? That would be just embarrasing. I don't need to show my female friends just how bad things really are.

What specifically are you worried about? The less you think about what to do the better. A conversation is like a game of catch. Just end everything with a way for her to respond and the rest is easy

>>Waaaahhhh I'm an incel but its not my fault, 20yr old kissless vrgn I HATE WOMEENNN

>>OMG someone got me a date with a cute girl - how do i not not go so that other ppl dont find out what a spineless piece of shit i am???

Don’t be gay and go on the date you pussy. It’ll be fine! Fuck!

It can only go so far before one or both of them figure out I'm an incel and then my life is over.

OP, nobody will judge you solely based on the discovery that you haven't had sex in a long time (or ever, for that matter). In fact, it's not something that even crosses a normie's mind in any non-intimate situation. Is there something else you're particularly insecure about?

I am I currently can't even imagine girl actually liking me as more than as a friend. What would girl I described earlier even could get from a guy that doesn't even know how to kiss her.
I am asking girls out here and there but don't want my female friends know how inexperienced I really am.

Lack of experience is certainly not something to be ashamed of. You can't imagine how much emotional baggage people carry around from failed relationships. You're lucky to have a fresh perspective. If a girl is going to second guess you because you're not a good kisser or because you're nervous about having sex, then she's not worth your time.

BUT before you even consider any of that, you have to go on a date. And you have to become familiar with the girl in question. Most girls don't want to fuck in the first couple weeks of knowing you. Be wary of ones that do.

Also, this video is a lifesaver.

Fake it till you make it

How do you do this when your body betrays you? I get so nervous that I literally start shaking. I've had multiple people comment on it

>mention I think she's qt after
there's your mistake, never repeat it.
>how do i not not go so that other ppl dont find out what a spineless piece of shit i am???
So if I'm a piece of shit I should go out with as many people to make their day worse? Isn't it better to not go out and spare everyone?

Go on a date where you don't have to talk, like movies. Tell her to meet you there and come right before the beginning. Tell her you're sorry for being late and shut up to watch the movie.
After the movie, have a friend (whoms't she doesn't know) mug you and take your phone. Start running after him and never come back to her. She'll think you were robbed and couldn't call her to set up the next date.

(you)'re abnoxious.

Ok, stop focusing on what could go wrong and start focusing on what could go right.
If you imagine something happening in your head you will subconciously act in ways that will bring it about, so focus on what you want to happen and how you can get there. If you think you are going to sperg out you undoubtedly will, instead think about how you want the date to go and how your ideal self will behave.
The worst case scenario is that the date goes very wrong, your freind thinks a bit less of you, and you have gained valuable experience for next time. The best case is that it goes well, that a second will follow soon, and you again will have gained valuable experience.

>Go on a date where you don't have to talk, like movies.
That's way too obvious a tactic.

>The worst case scenario is that the date goes very wrong
and then I fucking kill myself.

When did he say he hates women? No joke but women on Jow Forums are just as obnoxious and retarded like the male incels.

>That's way too obvious a tactic.
Too obvious? To whom? No one's trying to "get you". You wanted to survive that date with dignity. She may or may not think you're nervous because you chose a movie as your date, but at least she won't know your real power level. That's the whole point, right?

>but at least she won't know your real power level
It's even worse, because it's a story that spreads. It's like if you invited someone around your house for lunch, throwing dog shit at them is much worse than burning the steaks.

how is inviting someone to a movie equivalent of throwing dog shit at them?
Just go to a late movie, tell her to meet you there and after the movie has ended tell her you have to work early and have to go home to get some sleep. It's not rude at all. No one in their right mind could say you were anything other than normal and polite if you do that.

Fuck a pussy, dont BE a pussy

Is the pic a picture you drew of her? Are you going to murder the qt like Ted Bundy (kinda bossy move)?

I'm not going to murder her.

But what if it goes wrong?
