I need help with trip code

How do i install trip code to my username, is there any tutorial out there, thanks?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah come to the discord, we'll help you.

Ok, give me the link

Attached: Death-Note.jpg (731x500, 164K)

read the faq

I did but i dont get it, english is not my first language

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He’s so stupid. He’s like a dog, but without the cuteness. I almost feel bad.


If he was nice and well mannered I'd feel bad for him.
But he goes all over the board trolling people and looking down on them pretending he's the smartest one here because he has seen a entry level anime with a somewhat deeper plot.

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I dont find dogs cute lol

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I didn’t think it was possible to hate you more, but somehow, it happened. Of course you don’t think dogs are cute.

Of course you don’t.

Yeah I doubt they find you cute either.

His IQ is too high for liking dogs, do dogs have wacky hair? No. Do dogs have theme music playing when they think? No. Are dogs sitting le weird xD on chairs? No. Do dogs have le emo attire? No.

That's the only pussy you can get.
And even the cat looks like she's pushing you away. I'd call animal service on you if I were near.

>use kik in 2019

I’m gonna off myself, you guys. It just keeps getting worse. Just when I think he’s hit rock bottom.

Casual reminder that I love nothing in this life more than sucking big meaty cocks.

I am a cat person, also if anyone wants you can add me on kik: acoman32

Attached: 20190129_213936.jpg (1458x1881, 1.12M)

Son I am disappointed in you.

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Reported for animal abuse.

Lol what?
But i am the smartes here, i was tested and i have a IQ of 159

You forgot a . there

I never touched you i promise

Attached: 20190124_032347.jpg (460x532, 118K)

Well beat me harder daddy :3

Oh my fucking god, you guys have me in stitches right now. This has been the best 2 or 3 hours of the year so far.

Irrelevant. Having to see your face is torture in itself.

No problem, lets all have fun, just dont be racist


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As someone who legitimately has an iq of 160, I can confirm that this level of autism is appropriate for that.

When I become the president I will ban all of you from life I swear
Just you wait

"insert le deep philosophical song" youtube.com/watch?v=j8z7UjET1Is

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Hahahaha rekt

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Forgot the "xD"

There's a difference between laughing with you and laughing at you.

Didnt you use to actually try to give advice and be serious at some point? What the hell happened? Or am I confusing you with some other namefag?

Dogs tend to reject humans with slovenly, unclean appearance.

No it is him, he used to try to give advice but now he's gone mad because people don't like his cringey bullshit.

Wow really? Thats cool, where you from?


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He does legitimately give advice and shit on different threads. People actually take this nigga seriously.

People post with my name lol


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No one will take him seriously after this thread, hopefully.
Again, they post that only in threads with you to mock you, do you actually think there are people copying you?
Or are you just setting up a "that wasn't me" kinda thing where you deny everything we say?

I’d hope as much, but not everyone might see this. Maybe it’ll spread like a rumor? “Don’t take advice from Lawliet, he’s autistic”?

Hahaha you guys are actually funny and thanks for attention, can i get in discord now please xD?


Attached: Death-Note-Gif-Light-Yagami-Kira-Smirks-2-death-note-40336809-400-222.gif (400x222, 2.17M)

That wasn't me guys, people post with my name because I'm smart and they want to be like me lol.

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We don't want your kind, no one likes you, go away.

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Still no discord, buddy. It doesn’t exist.

Hahahah, you know that manga is not bad, but i like death note more :P


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Smart move, now he won't search for it more and we can continue plotting against him in peace.

You haven't even read it brainlet.
I've been posting it for ages replying to you and you acknowledge it just now and call it "that manga". You're fooling no one.

We out here playing 4D chess with this poor queer

Oh please, let me in xD, lol
Calm down, ok?

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Hahaha i am playing 5d chess, so joke on you


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Find a better role model, here's a list you can try!

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I did lol, i also read liar game, i like mind games mamgas/anime


Attached: 220px-Liar_Game_vol01.jpg (220x315, 25K)

Yeah it's the only way you can experience what it's like being smart.


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Jesus Christ, my fucking sides. Dude, you have some bomb ass bants.

It's a combination of me being bored and him, like the stupid retard he is, practically setting himself up for the jokes.

Nah, btw post the original post lol, i visit /a/ too you know lol


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I might just be stupid then, I’m not able to come up with this shit on the fly.

That is the original post you wouldn't know that. It doesn't have any Death Note characters and calls Lelouch stupid :(

I told you, calm down, ok?


Attached: Near's_profile_picture_from_vol._13.jpg (310x318, 28K)

Imagine unironically posting Mozard to show of how smart you are.

Holy shit this thread keeps getting better and better.

Just tell me man, if you're actually crying as it seems I'll stop, we're all friends here :) We even talk on discord together!

That was original, well thats stupid, posted by some doomer i see


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Yeah i am crying pleas post discord, thanks.


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Make your top 5, without googling any names. Right now.

Ray, norman, Near, Kira, L


>4 edgelords and 1 Mary sue, tells a lot about OP

Yeah this is as stupid as this could've gone. I'm sorry you have to live with your own brain.

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haha ok this was last time i dropped to your level, anyway can you make me famous on soc too please?

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>haha ok this was last time i dropped to your level
The backtracking ensues. Who would've thought.

This is really fucking cringey dude, I'm being real with you right now, please don't do this anymore, literally everyone will hate you.

Yes you're famous, you're the worlds most famous retard, congrats!

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Help me bros I can't stop being a retarded whore

Blocks your path

Attached: Chrollo_Lucilfer.png (837x1096, 759K)

Thanks, post me youtube please

Of course you like the most edgy one who would've thought
Pure cringe.

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This may be the most pathetic thing and the most pathetic attempt at saving oneself I have ever seen on Jow Forums.

Says the guy posted even bigger edgy mc


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He’s trying so hard to make it seem like this isn’t bothering him.

It's laughable anons, hysterical even.

No please keep going, waste your time on me, i like attention a lot

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Focus on me instead, that other guy is an imposter

Heads up, people usually don't use words they don't know the meaning behind.

Also, I gotta love how he stopped using L and started posting Chrollo when we called him out on L.

Fuck, is my evil twin brother, ignore him guys

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Fuck you asshole I've been living in your shadow for too long

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I originally started posting chrollo on /soc/, when i came to Jow Forums i switched to L

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Why not your favorite Ray and Norman

Idk i just find chrollo more mature and cool, also he has more authority
Xd now thats funny

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Making fun of you gets boring if you're this predictable.

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I think is the other way round sweetie ;), 2 vs 1 and i won

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You won nothing, you're a monkey dancing around for our entertainment. Keep thinking big. None of 5+ us here actually care about you.

Hey people of this thread.
Heard you was making fun of my son again, stop that right now or I'll feed you to the alligators.

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Just coincide defeat and i will save you from the sea of despair my orbiter

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>he's still posting edgy characters in every reply unironically

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You are kinda geting boring, post funny memes, thanks.

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You're in the pit dancing not me.

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Borinnng, post something funny

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>you share a board with this guy

nobody cares

You obviously do.


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Finished the whole thread.
Oh man, this is some of the funniest shit ever.
L. Lawliet, you're what's wrong with the internet. No one should ever listen to anything you say.

Stfu retard.


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