My long term gf just got diagnosed with autism. no one saw it coming not even her parents

my long term gf just got diagnosed with autism. no one saw it coming not even her parents.

what do?

Attached: viina9.jpg (679x679, 93K)

Get married and have lots of little autistic babies.

I have autisem too and i am fine lol

nothing, if no one saw it coming its because her autism doesn't change much in her.

You are most definitely not fine.

You think she's magically going to change her personality because she got diagnosed?

can't tell if just one guy posts this image or it's that popular

Lol i am smart, and i had a gf, nothing wrong with me

that brings up a good point. is autism hereditary?

only reason she got a diagnosis was because she has fallen into a deep depression and has basically done fuck all for 6 months. I don't want to have to go through these cycles if this is what autism entails.

I've never posted this image so it must be popular.

>is autism hereditary?
It can be, but it's largely environmental.

>nothing wrong with me
You literally just made several posts proclaiming your desire to suck "big meaty cocks."
There is something deeply wrong with you.

How is it environmental? That’s the first time I’ve heard about this

If a child doesn't get socialized properly when they're developing, they can wind up autistic.

Is there a way to undo it?

No, but many people with autism learn to compensate or hide it. It's not like down syndrome or something.

Hahah, oh is you, what are you doing here, did you take your medicine?

What are you on about?

Support her and love her even more. Give her plenty of hugs and kisses and never ever stop supporting her.

>only reason she got a diagnosis was because she has fallen into a deep depression and has basically done fuck all for 6 months. I don't want to have to go through these cycles if this is what autism entails.
If you can get it treated and find ways to control the depression (like working out) then maybe you don't have to.

You need to ask yourself though what it is that you're looking for. If you're looking for a partnership then you have to help her through this because that's what a partner does. If all you ever wanted was good times and sunshine then you had better fuck off, but find a way to let her off gently because she doesn't deserve bullshit.

Oh you poor soul looks like a medicine eat your brain, rip

I've tried supporting here for the past 6 months and have nothing to show for it. I don't know if I should waste my life trying to help low performing people to be honest.

>my long term gf just got diagnosed with autism
Post a pic of her body. Is she hot? We need to know in order to know if she's worth it. Don't need nudes or bikinis anything, nor her face.

If you care about her and you know that she CAN help you (because she has done so in the past) then you probably should continue to try treatment options.

If you don't care about her then you already made your decision. I wish you were less of a piece of shit user but I can't change you over the internet. I need a whip, ice water, a secluded cabin and a gun for that.

Or how about this, what is she a 6/10? 7?

I haven't don't anything to show that I don't care for her. I do. I'm just trying to weigh both sides because if you don't look objectively you get into bad spot.

She didn't 'turn' autistic, you've always been dating an autistic girl. It doesn't change anything.
Her depression can be treated, and if she's going to the doctor for it things can only get better.

>I haven't don't anything to show that I don't care for her.

You want to leave her because shit is getting too hard. It's like divorcing a wife because she gets cancer.

I hear you user, and I get it. But don't sit there and tell me you care oh so much for your baby when you want to leave her because things get too real for you. She needs you right now and you want to abandon her because you can't figure out how or if you can help her get out of this new problem she has.

Which again, is fine. Her shit is her shit. It just means you aren't actually looking for a partnership or are looking for one leaning more in your favor, which is also fine. Just for my particular moral inclinations you look like a bit of a piece of shit.

autistic girls are the best, would you rather have a normie hoe?

that's not autism you dumbass

I got diagnosed with autism, ADD, and bipolar depression as an adult after being in a relationship with my boyfriend for 3 years.
I was super nervous to tell him because I thought somehow the official diagnosis would change things. It didn't. He knew what I was, even if not the words for it. After all, we had been dating for years.
The diagnosis was a relief because it was the first hallmark that I was finally getting help.
It made it possible to separate the immutable (I will always be struggling to manage these and there is no cure) from the manageable (taking steps to help depression, approaches to become more socially literate, cope with overstimulation, etc.)

If you weren't already contemplating breaking up with her for the behavior that she must have to have gotten seen and diagnosed in the first place, doing it becuase it's "offical" makes you a shitlord.

Men are more likely to leave partners with cancer than women. Go figure, fuckos.

This should be an opportunity for you to understand her better and, more importantly, for her to start understanding herself and learn how to get control of her behaviors.

Right now I am peripheral to a weird love triangle between a reformed NEET male, a neutrotypical hoe female, and an autistic as fuck female. Trust me, you want the autistic gf.

Not that person, but I'm not so sure.
I'm sure my brain is physiologically fucked but right now neuroscience is not capable of separating many developmental pathologies from congenital ones.

Did I not develop socially because I was more interested in nature than people? Or was I more interested in nature than people because I didn't develop socially?

For high functioning autism, it is hard to tell.

Many diagnoses don't reflect a medical, testable reality. Good shrinks and neuros know this and use them to bill your insurance correctly for whatever treatment it is you actually need.

Autism can be "improved" so, I would say that even if the cause isn't congeital many, many of the poor behavors and maladaptive coping mechanisms are learned.

>diagnosed with autism
>no one saw it coming

Girl I’m dating is autistic OP. She’s not turbo tard but she can’t handle stress and pressure very well. If you didn’t notice it and others didn’t then it’s not that big of an issue. Hell, my gf told me she used to drag her head along the floor when she was super upset as a kid and I thought it was fucking hysterical.

Who gives a shit? Why does a diagnosis make someone a different person in your eyes?

Oh my god she is autistic but nobody can tell that's so horrible!

But seriously user autism is only meaningful if it is noticible otherwise it is pretty much a meme.

I am mildly autistic and you can notice it right away, fuck.

Fuck outta my thread retard. We're talking high performance lifestyle. You're just another drone.

Cringe and bluepilled

Fuck her senseless

this if you realllyyy love her

Leave her because you're clearly a piece of shit and she deserves better.

uh... relax ?

I have autism and I turned out fine.

Also I find it hard to believe that no one saw this coming. When you're autistic it's like wearing a giant block of cheese duct-taped to your head... you can see it from a mile away.

Anyway what advice do you honestly expect from us? Your gf has a disability, so support her, maybe go the the bookstore and find a book on the topic.

Lots of women get diagnosed later in life. Symptoms show differently because men and women behave differently in general. I wasn’t diagnosed until 21. Apparently lots of girls go through the same thing because no one picks up on it

t. person who knows nothing about autism

She was also autistic before, she's literally the same person as before and if you liked her before there's no reason the diagnosis should change that.

> lots of girls go through the same thing because no one picks up on it

Just goes to show doesn't it.

You are born with autism, you can't develop it. Your upbringing and if your parents decide to get you proper treatment significantly changes your ability to adjust with the condition and act more normal, in high functioning cases.

>what do?
Keep enjoying your relationship and stop over thinking it.

I had mine recognised early on, and the amount of social skills lessons and such I did probably really did improve how I act as I do now, but on the flip side it left me ashamed of what I was like as a kid, and that it's a label to be ashamed of. I act as I do now with a permanent consciousness of remembering what traits of AS are and avoiding them, don't focus too much talking about interests, consider everyone else's feelings before your own, be empathetic. Don't make any kind of behaviour which isn't normal, never forget that people bully at school if someone's asking for it, I remember being about 11, and it's my fault for making myself an easy target. It's a weakness you Bury and change, you do not live with, you change, or you'll always be different.

In any case, I would feel ashamed if anyone who knows I have it saw me doing something or acting like something related to any traits and they just accepted it, and sure they would but I don't want that condescending compassion, I have worked too hard to despise and be someone who doesn't have it, and I can't stand when it gets brought up, and I detest people who self diagnose

>You are born with autism, you can't develop it.
That's a matter of debate. There's strong evidence for epigenetic factors playing a large role.

girl autism is different to male autism

if she’s higher than a 6 she’s good to go

>i have autism
who could have guessed?

You engage the "or worse" part protocol of the "for better or worse" relationship pledge.
For the slow-witted: this means support.