Why do some people choose to sacrifice thier life for the sake of others, while some only live for themselves...

Why do some people choose to sacrifice thier life for the sake of others, while some only live for themselves? Is one right and the other choice wrong?

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why would I live for myself or die for others when I can just die for myself baka

There is no right or wrong, we only chose what we think is the right choise

For me, I gave up on finding happiness or anything less than misery, so at times I find myself taking an approach to things that make it easier for others at the expense of my own happiness, since I never was happy to begin with. Someone might as well be.

Statistics have shown that men who feel they are contributing to a group or cause greater than themselves in a meaningful way have a higher chance of having a positive outlook on life.

I'll see if I can find the study to link but I won't try too hard.

Even the one who dies for someone else does it for selfish reasons.

how? Say someone is shooting at you but misses and hits me. I died for you, but I didn't even do it on purpose

According to ayan rand the second choice is completely justified. As man does not owe you their debt to love.

However, there is simply a fufillment in the needs of the first choice. People who choose the first option feel fufilled when they are able to sacrifice themselves for others. Ayan rand called this notion selfish, but I dont think it is.

Either way, neither is right nor wrong.

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In that context, you did not die for someone else.

If you intentionally dove to save someone in that bullet path, then you did.

The reason it's considered selfish is because the only thing that you gain from sacrificing your own life for one another is the reward of seeing that loved one not suffer. The point is that the man who sacrificed himself was the one who made the choice to sacrifice himself. Ergo, it is selfish because someone never forced him to do it.

Pathological altruism mostly

you can die for someone without knowing you died for that person

>The reason it's considered selfish is because the only thing that you gain from sacrificing your own life for one another is the reward of seeing that loved one not suffer.

You're obnoxious. That's possibly the most pessimistic and one-dimensional definition of sacrifice I've ever read. Dying for someone else can mean many things, primarily that the health and safety of another person is more important than your own. You're not going to tell me that every firefighter, policeman or soldier went headfirst into danger and put the needs of others before their own because they got some narcissistic pleasure out of saving people. That's idiotic. You're probably convinced of this idiocy because you've falsely assumed that people only willingly sacrifice if there's a personal gain involved when, in reality, giving up a personal gain for the sake of somebody else is the definition of sacrifice.

playing the martyr card can change the world in ways that no other card can.

Sometimes it is the only way to change it

> You're not going to tell me that every firefighter, policeman or soldier went headfirst into danger and put the needs of others before their own because they got some narcissistic pleasure out of saving people.

you've got it all wrong. you're thinking about the honor and dignity and fulfillment from being selfless. which is true. One can achieve honor, fulfillment and dignity from being selfless. However, the act of being selfless is in itself a selfish act, not because of some nihilistic or narcissistic world view but because there is no other person that can gain said fulfillment besides the one who has sacrificed.

in other words, If I sacrifice myself for others, I have done the sacrifice of my own free will. The act of choosing to sacrifice oneself by free will is an act that only I can commit.

the rest is really sort of cultural dogma.


>when you're a high school kid who just had his first philosophy class.

>when you're a try hard faggot

also not an argument

>also not an argument
your theory is retarded, what do you expect. It's like saying: "nobody is alive and there is no life". You can not dispute my sentence since i can always say that you are dead and you just think you're alive or some shit like that. All the data from real world are invalid since my main sentence is that the system doesn't exist. Such a statement can not therefore be disputed by anything coming from the system. WOW I WON! Stupid and pointless.

>However, the act of being selfless is in itself a selfish act, not because of some nihilistic or narcissistic world view but because there is no other person that can gain said fulfillment besides the one who has sacrificed.

I hope you understand that, logically, this makes no sense. It seems as though you fail to understand that being selfish and being selfless are literal opposites. Honoring your commitment to be selfless is not by definition being selfish. That makes absolutely zero sense.

>being this much of a salty faggot

explain how the "theory" is retarded

>It seems as though you fail to understand that being selfish and being selfless are literal opposites

they are opposites, but you can be selfless and still be selfish. that's pretty much every hero. you're getting too caught up on the semantics of what these terms mean in the cultural sense. A selfish love is is the same as being selfless. you would sacrifice yourself for someone you love right? why? because you don't want to see the person you love getting hurt, or injured, or god forbid that person will die, however, there still remains with the fact that you, and only you has that will to see that person not to get injured. Granted, yes, I'm sure the person you love does not want to get hurt either. but the fact does remain: you are still the person who has made the sacrifice.

there is no principle or natural law that dictates that you should do this, even the person whom you love isn't forcing you to do it. Therefore, you are indeed doing it because you have a selfish love. I know that sounds nihilistic and super edgy and shit, but it really isn't.

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>explain how the "theory" is retarded
literally explained it. It can not be proven wrong, even if I had a rational theory, you can simply say: "it's actually selfish because YOU want to do that". Even if i didn't want to do it i did it so i actually wanted it. It's pointless and stupid since there's no end.
That's exactly like saying "universe doesn't exist". Stupid sentence, but no one can say it's wrong because no one can look outside of it. Even if he could, I could say: "yes, but that thing outside also doesn't exist" and I can do that for eternity. Therefore I conclude universe most certainly doesn't exist.

if the statement can't be proven wrong, how is that any different from saying the statement isn't wrong? also, that "universe doesn't exist" statement can be proven wrong, all you have to do is provide evidence for an existing universe. and the statement automatically becomes false. I'm pretty sure the anthropic prinicple dictates that the universe does indeed exist, because we can observe it.

you sound like a real brainlet desu.

>universe does indeed exist, because we can observe it.

if universe doesn't exist, then we don't exist. What we observe can not be used as evidence since we don't exist

if you can observe it, how can it not exist?

who says you observed it? your nonexisting mind? It's just an illusion of observation. It's a stupid point and you know it. Your theory has no real quality.

Honestly both kinda suck.

People who run around volunteering and being mad on the internet and signing petitions all day with all their free time do that cause they have no real sense of self or identity so they take on these little causes to make themselves feel good. They're typically incels or cat ladies.

On the other extreme people that are selfish are typically very successful but also have imposter syndrome where no matter how much success they have they still feel unworthy of it so they focus even more on themselves and their career. They're typically not incels or anything but instead end up with someone who is just as greedy and self-centered as them and since they already hate themselves they find themselves stuck with someone who reminds them of themselves even more. Like those old washrooms that have mirrors on two walls facing each other so you're staring at yourself into infinity.

You gotta find balance man

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>who says you observed it
are you retarded?

I say that I observed it.
how can I make the observation if I don't exist?

your initial statement is also fucking wrong too, because there is a burden of proof about the universe not existing. Because if it didn't exist, there can be no one to observe it. the fact that I can observe the universe proves that it does exist, at least in some shape.

you still never explained how I'm wrong either way though.

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