Unless a woman is a porn actress...

Unless a woman is a porn actress, I don't think it's the number of guys that bothers Men; and I don't even think it's the details of how many dicks she's had. What's bugs men is that they want to possess her. Men want her genuine desire, but know other guys have had it already and moved on - and they're cool with it, and she's cool with it, but he's not because he wants to own her. He wants to know that he's getting the best of what she has to offer sexually and emotionally. He wants to know that HE'S the guy who brings out the slut in her that no other guy has experienced fully.

This is the root of the paradox issue. The average guy is playing by the feminine imperative's stated rule set. He wants monogamy, he had to work at it. He had to negotiate with her for what she willingly, genuinely, desired to do with 5 other guys (assuming she's honest). And on some level, he knows her desire for him is compromised because he had to plead his case with her so she'd warm up to him. Only now that he's gotten what he's idealized for so long he realizes other's have had it before him without anything that comes even close what he invested to get.

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It’s not that elaborate. I just think she can’t bond with people properly if 10+ different people weren’t enough for her, then why wouldn’t she just leave me and go back to her old ways the second any sign of hardship showed up? It’s a lack of responsibility and commitment that I find so disgusting, setting aside the medical reasons like the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

This thread again?

We'll, either of these should be easy to handle if the woman makes dude feel like she has finally found "the one" ... or at least until she dumps him.

I think of it like this. As someone (Male) who thrives off of the attention and emotions of his girlfriend, knowing that she can get over someone within a day is kind of worrying. If shes willing to just go meh about relationships, what will she do to you?

Yeah I guess you're right OP. The solution is to simply not give any commitment to these kind of girls. If they gave it away to 5 other guys at no cost, why should I give her any semblence of commitment? She can not have her cake and eat it too

For example I have a sweet attractive gf, but I can never feel completely committed to her, because her being with me has no value. I had to work for her attraction, yet she willingly gave it up for other guys for nothing

yall need


pass it on, save a brothas soul

I can't speak for other men, but for me, I just want a virgin so that we can have the special experience of having our first time with each other; learning to explore sex, etc. It's something that you will never have the opportunity for again.

If I'm not a virgin, then I don't consider it resonable for me to want virginity.

I ideally would also like a girl with no serious relationships beforehand, for the same reason. There is nothing like your first love, as far as I know. And ideally I'd just like to marry that first love. This is in fact even more important than virginity for me. Conversely, it's also more implausible/impossible to find outside of very conservative cultures, which I am not.

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Live by these words, and these words alone.
>"'A key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shitty lock.'

This thread is not asking for advice therefore does not belong on this board.

you guys are delusional

Thank you brother

OP clearly needs it

This last thing this board needs is another 300 post incel vs. normie circle jerk thread about whether or not women having sex with multiple partners is going to destroy the planet.

I literally can't read your post. For Sure waaaaay too many words bro

We just had this fucking thread, why do I have to call you retarded AGAIN?
Give everyone in a town a master key and all their locks behave as if they're useless anyway.
The double standard is untenable because it's selfish bullshit that only blows up in your face.

"The double standard"?
Are you retarded?

Is it a double standard that women are expected to bear children? Is it a double standard that men are stronger than women?

It's called biology, you reject.

I agree, how can you fully commit to a woman who is capable of giving her intimacy and vulnerability for almost nothing to others? Not everyone is built to grow a stable family and home, and the abundance of possibilities (aka free dick) today showcases that in women perfectly.
Running into a woman that agreed all her life to expose herself only to a person who she was committed with mutually in a meaningful relationship is quite rare.
If casual sex was so right and fitting, why do many feel the need to twist the truth and lie? Obviously they know the impact it has and how it reflects on their image as a person.

>giving her intimacy and vulnerability for almost nothing
Aside from hookups, what makes you think she's necessarily done this if she's had previous partners?

Most women don't care about your reasoning. Who did you write this for?

>mfw literally hitler has made sense for the first time ever
>mfw I begin reconsidering filtering all tripfags now

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If not hookups or casual sex outside a meaningful relationship, what do you mean?