I'm a guy with low testosterone on hormone therapy. The therapy is leaving me super emotionally unstable...

I'm a guy with low testosterone on hormone therapy. The therapy is leaving me super emotionally unstable. I used to be a robot basically but now I feel sad all the fucking time. What do I do?

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So now you're HIGH TEST?

Interesting. I thought testosterone was supposed to suppress sadness/crying.

Sorta in the middle. I started at 150, now am at 250
Yeah, I don't know. My guess is that it's fluctuating so much that it's causing mood swings. Idk what to do

Put that test to work for you. Do competitive sports, adventure stuff or just gym.

Trashgenders get the rope


You are below cuck level but its getting better.

Now lets get to real fucking science.

Cold showers, no fap for week then cycle it, eat only meat, fuck lots of women (if you can), lift weights and most importantly browse Jow Forums for more than 12 hours a day.

Yeah man. I don't masturbate regardless. I get with a lot of women but I don't really feel much (probably related to the low testosterone). I lift, not much gains but my strength is increasing.

Lol, I don't think I could handle 12 hours. Can't let myself get that bad

>Being so low IQ you don't even understand the post

Don't you really know what Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) you fucking retard?

You don't go on HRT just for being a tranny, you absolute sperger. If you have endocrine problems or too much/little of a hormone than what you're supposed to you also go on HRT.

>American Medicine
Are your doctors corporate vampires or what?

Attached: average americunt.jpg (433x433, 40K)

I'm not american, kek

>browse Jow Forums for more than 12 hours a day.

Your testosterone is converting to estrogen. What are you taking exactly, and how? Only testosterone?

You need to take an AI too.

>being THIS retarded

I get 1mg injected in my ass every 2 weeks. Every 4 weeks, I get a blood test to see where my levels are at. I don't think you're right, unfortunately it's not that easy

What do you mean an Al?

How old are you and I recommend stop jerking off (seriously)

You don’t sound like the type of guy to do alcohol or drugs so I won’t mention that. Lift weights and skip cardio. Also avoid surgar in your diet

I'm 21. I don't jerk off already

Yeah I don't do any of that stuff. I work out but yeah my diet could be better. My hormonal imbalance is unconfirmed for cause but all my issues started occurring around 16 when I took antidepressants for a few months. Since then, I've had ED, low libido, and low testosterone

I am right. Long-time roids user here. Different people react to testosterone differently, it's possible you have more testosterone converting to estrogen than another guy would.

If you're injecting every two weeks it's probably testosterone cypionate.

Honestly good for your doctor for giving you test but if I were you I would not even bother with the medical system. Just get some bitcoin and buy your shit illegally, you can get much better options.

Add an AI to your testosterone like Nolvadex or Arimidex and it will prevent conversion to estrogen. Don't use too much of it, obviously, because men need estrogen, just not too much of it.

Or you could get some proviron, which is pretty good at reducing estrogen conversion. You can mix it with your cycle or just do it by itself.

Do a good post-cycle therapy and your test levels should get up to a normal level and you won't need to rely on exogenous testosterone anymore. Get some Clomid and maybe some HCG.

There are probably legal ways of reducing testosterone to estrogen conversion but I don't know them.

go to the gym. hang out on Jow Forums

You're right about the type I'm getting, but i can assure you my estrogen is not rising. It shows in the tests. I don't have to pay for anything

Antidepressants will do that along survive opioids or just about every drug but it shouldn’t be permanent. Doing intermittent fasting once a week could help raise it. Like eat once a day for one day a week. Are you over weight

I might look into that. I'm not overweight, 5'10", 160lbs. Low body fat

Oh ok you like my size except I have like 15 lbs more than u. I’m always looking at ways to help my testosterone because of the way it makes me feel. Trying to put on a bit of muscle could help. In college I was pretty much on a cheap steak and veggie diet. I stayed in shape really well from that and was able to maintain my muscles by only working out like once a week

Wait, I didn't read your post carefully enough, you said you're getting 1mg every 2 weeks? You sure you didn't mean 1ml? Because I usually shoot 250mg into my ass. 1mg certainly wouldn't be enough to raise estrogen levels, but that's probably not the amount.

Anyway, it could just be psychological. But test doesn't fuck up your mind, ever, unless it's the conversion to estrogen.

It's ml, oops. But yeah, I don't get much. My test is creeping up though so it is working
Yeah I'm trying. I work out a decent amoutn

What do you mean it doesn’t fuck up your mind? Whenever I have higher T I feel glorious and much more confident, motivated, etc.
(Not Op)

Lol, yes, that doesn't sound like fucked up to me. It sounds about right, but not fucked up.

Lol true I guess I took it has it wouldn’t change your mindset

don't ever marry a rice goblin