Hey y'all. My eyebrows are uneven, and it appears that the underlying muscle in the area is also uneven. What do?
>lose weight
Already plan to
>tits or go
No, and you gtfo
>i think i recognize you
You probably do
Hey y'all. My eyebrows are uneven, and it appears that the underlying muscle in the area is also uneven. What do?
>lose weight
Already plan to
>tits or go
No, and you gtfo
>i think i recognize you
You probably do
Other urls found in this thread:
have you tried combing your uneven eyebrow and using eyeliner?
There's a way to fix that with botox injections. But try to seek a qualified dermatologist
You should let your eyebrows grow out some and only pluck the very outlying hairs.
>What do?
wait a few years when you're out of your teens and you'll magically stop caring about unevenness of your eyebrows. Nobody cares for that shit.
>tits or go
Yikes. Thought this was a dude till I read that line.
>brown eyes
>that face
>the jersey
... dios mio
You're cute, op.
Also browlifts exist if it bothers you so much.
No, but how would I make that not look fake?
How much $?
That is what I generally do. They have looked like this consistently due to facial asymmetry, not plucking issues.
Facial symmetry is part of attrativeness.
Ever heard of autocorrect? I didn't notice that it "fixed" that line too but I corrected its "correction" the very next line.
Una atrocidad
>er heard of autocorrect? I didn't notice that it "fixed" that line too but I corrected its "correction" the very next line.
I was just pointing out the fact that you looked like a guy. Sorry?
Shave them off and paint them back on
>Facial symmetry is part of attractiveness.
I was about to say that I'd want you to have my babies, but when i noticed your uneven eyebrows i decided NO FUCKING WAY!
What does that mean?
So like... just ask for one on my left eyebrow?
I can't tell if you're being ironic or not
Oof. What it is that made you think that?
I would rather die than carry offspring to term anyway.
>I would rather die than carry offspring to term anyway.
in that case, why care for attractiveness?
If you want to fix it because you think you are ugly i can tell you, you look very pretty so your eyebrow is not important at all.
............ even many people who don't want to reproduce still want a high quality partner and sex
Thank you but I honestly believe it is one thing currently holding me back
I don't see a problem.
Right brow is more raised and arched. Left brow is flatter.
> even many people who don't want to reproduce still want a high quality partner and sex
not understanding that my "baby" comment obviously encapsulated not only reproduction, but also recreational sex. No one will "not fuck you" because your eyebrow is 1 picometer off. I didn't even notice it and I looked way longer than most people ever will.
Yeah, I imagine you can just get one eyebrow lifted. Costs ~$3000 apparently though. Maybe it's $1500 for one, who knows how that would work.
Own that shit!
Not worth bothering about.
Wtf. I just searched this page for "wax." Nothing. A skillful waxed can even that up and train them to act in a more conducive manner. But still, why fix something unique that makes you stand out among the rest.
Well I need to change some things. Too many people think I'm below average or ugly, and I have been made fun of for my appearance. Plus, the man I want has almost everything going for him, so I need to at least make some effort to be good enough.
Thank you. I wonder if there's a way to get the needed materials and just do it myself though, because I'm not loaded with money.
Thank you for the suggestion. I guess the do look a bit better after being waxed by a pro. The reason I don't like it, though, is that it is one of several asymmetries in my face. I know too many people think I'm average or below. I want to be good looking enough to capture the mind of the man I want.
>I need to at least make some effort to be good enough.
Fixating on your perfectly fine eyebrows is like the least effort you could possibly put in. But you do what you want, I guess.
7/10, not ugly at all, just don't let it get to you when people call you bad words, Jow Forums is filled with toxic users
I didn't say that was the only thing I plan to change. I even mentioned in the OP that i plan to lose weight.
Listen to L. He watches anime and has an IQ higher than Einstein.
get over it
Not just Jow Forums... reddit and twitter, too.
7/10 is on the higher end for me. Some people think I'm 3 to 4. Even if I am a 7, though, there's room for improvement.
This made me laugh. Thanks, bud.
In a LDAR kind of way, or a "this isn't important" kind of way?
Unlikely I'll just let go until I have a satisfactory change, though.
Look, this thread is full of people trying to tell you that you look fine. Knowing how toxic Jow Forums can be, that should really mean something.
Fuck! You made me puke on my shirt. I just are chili dogs, godamnit.
Even if I look "fine" (which I might not; men are generally known for having low standards and most channers seem to be men), I want to look better than "fine".
If you can't handle looking at my face, wait till you find out what goes into "chili dogs".
I was just messing with you honey bunny. I would totally kiss your eyebrows. I can't tell which one you don't like.
>I want to look better than "fine".
if you were not born as a beauty, nothing will help. People know when you've had surgery and will find you disgusting (most of them). Also, if you use a lot of makeup most men will find you disgusting (if not then, the morning after when you take it off and they see the real you).
I'd advise you to be natural since that's the most beautiful you can be in this life, but you seem to be relentless so whatever
Why do you have to embarrass me everywhere we go xD?
Lol kiss my eyebrows? I guess I shouldn't judge because I'm into some abnormal stuff too.
It's less about not liking one eyebrow and more about how they aren't similar enough.
>if you were not born as a beauty, nothing will help.
This is so not true. Ever seen "ugly duckling" transformations? People can and do change in appearance.
As for the surgery, it's not always obvious and can improve one's appearance when not overdone.
You're implying that I'm not one of the "beauties". I want to become one. Your defeatist outlook is neither accurate nor helpful.
>As for the surgery, it's not always obvious and can improve one's appearance when not overdone.
I'm a man and would never be with a woman who's had a surgery she didn't need. And I know I'm not the only one. If I didn't see it at first I guess I'd find out during a relationship.
Get a face massage,
Maybe you just need to move the muscles around so they are in proper alignment.
In my opinion that's a bad reason to reject someone, but it's your life.
Can I just give one to myself?
>In my opinion that's a bad reason to reject someone, but it's your life.
I should accept someone who refused to accept himself, sure thing.
I personally probably wouldn't judge someone based on something long ago, unless it was very serious like they raped someone.
Also, just because maybe you were born lucky doesn't mean you should judge others. Some people want to look good too but weren't genetically blessed.
i don't look good and could change that easily, but i don't want to, my unibrow is as much me as my spectacular pecs.
It's not judging, but if you do a surgery for something so irrelevant you obviously have more serious problems and that would light up in my mind for sure. It also shows a very shallow and insecure person.
la luz extinguido...
>Can I just give one to myself?
Yes or lose weight.
You embarrass yourself, nigga
OP, you look fine. I don’t think it’ll pose a real problem for you. You still seem relatively attractive.
but don’t come to this guy for advice.
It looks like you plucked your right eyebrow a little too much towards the end. You have some asymmetry but not much.
Look back at some baby photos or photos when you were really young and see if it’s the same.
Can you tell from this?
Losing weight won’t do anything for it and only a massage pry won’t make a bit of difference. It’s pry more bone structure and a little bit of muscle. It would be better if you took the picture sitting up and your ears were exposed
Yes actually, I can tell that your right eye in the first is your left eye in the younger photo I believe. You can tell how the eyebrows match up and one of the eyes is a little more open. I take back the plucking thing it’s pry just how you are.
I noticed a little asymmetry in my face and thought it was from chewing on one side too much growing up but it was about as proportionate as when I was 3.
It’s really not noticeable and most people wouldn’t even be able to tell even if they looked hard. A little asymmetry is attractive because it doesn’t make you look like a robot
They might be the same way actually based on the letters on your shirt in the first pic (neither photo inverted). So I think your right eye brow is raised a little more than your left but not by much. It looks good actually because it looks more human like and makes you look more attentive.
The reason why one of your eyes is open a little wider I think is from the lower part which is more your eye muscle when you squint. Seems to have flopped from when you we’re younger. Just being out in the sun more (not looking at the sun) can work these muscles and might help
Literally everyone has this if you look hard enough
Take a look at this quora.com
Good kid photo also
Zai? I didn’t know you posted on Jow Forums
Literally most people has some weird difference between left side and right side that only they see because they look themselves at the mirror every day.
Most people have one eye more open than the other, or have an eyebrow a bit lifted, or down.
>An extreme example is harrison ford (pic): one side he is smiling, the other side is about to kill you.
Stop worrying that much. There are more important things to care about.
its not that noticeable user, youre very pretty already so dont worry too much about it c:
itt: fucking body dysmorphic disorder.
It's probably not BDD if plenty of people do genuinely think I'm not attractive.
Look, dude, she's some user on the internet. She's not gonna fuck you.
OP why do you forsake anonymity, you are giving up your powers
heard this on some gay feminist show. "your eyebrows are siblings, not twins"... yours are just half-siblings is all. also symmetry puts you in into the uncanny valley and people will be put off by it.
All the responses to the kid photo were me btw and not multiple anons so just one persons opinion
Whatever you say, man.
why am i supposed to recognize you, op?
link your tumblr / mental illness / youtube / instagram and let's be done.
Literally zero fucks given.
Honey I would rock your world.
>why am i supposed to recognize you, op?
It's not that you're "supposed to", but rather that I have posted my face on here and /soc/ before, so some people may recognize me.
>link your mental illness
It's agave. I'm vegan. (Kidding but I am vegan.)
The memes are real
Uh... what?
Oh thank you for example, as you can see this is how a toxic person looks on Jow Forums.
You're cute. The only problem would be me being unable to keep a straight face in the sack. You'd look more amused by me than into me.
Typical amerimutt, God that country is beyond fucked thank God I moved back to Europe
Fuck off!
Blacks care about attractiveness too, you know.