Sexual desire

Hello, reddit. I'm wondering if anyone has advice on killing sexual desire. I'm trying to approach this as a matter of willpower, but here's my dilemma:
>22 yr old virgin
>no friends
>went back to college, essentially a sophomore
>surrounded by attractive females, usually in sexual clothing
>no idea about social interactions, making friends, conversing, etc
>obviously am very horny but no release beyond jacking off
I realize if I cut my balls off, my test would drop and the problem would be solved. However, I would like to keep my sperm incase I can ever afford a surrogate and I also like the energy associated with testosterone.
It's very hard to overcome from a rational side. Experience leads me to believe that the longer I go without masturbating, the angrier I become. How can I approach this? I've tried jacking off to exhaustion and that lasts a day, but then I'm right back to it.
Help me kill my sexual desires

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I have no money and am afraid of police

Plus I don't really understand where you find them nor how you go about procuring one, ignoring my fear of arrest

Dude you're in college it's so much easier to get a girl there, do it now before you graduate and you enter hard mode. Just date a fucking ugly refrigerator of a woman, it doesn't matter. You'll get used to it and then you'll know what to say to better looking women.

I literally have no knowledge of 1) how you approach a girl or any person 2) how you intimate a conversation 3) how you maintain a conversation 4) how you go on a date 5) what happens on a date 6) how you get sexy time 7) how you do sexy time
I can conversate when forced, like when a class has group discussions and so forth.
I will admit I am afraid of being rejected privately and also of being accused of rape. If I knew someone was interested in me, I feel like I would be much more comfortable and might be able to actually attempt something. The problem is I have no idea what constitutes interest on a female's part

I meant publicly. I don't want to be rejected in front of other people, nor by someone who I may see again in the future

Eat cornflakes. Drink sodas. Remove all outputs of joy in life.

Interesting suggestions. I feel like drinking soda is counterintuitive. I drink no soda as is. I don't mind cornflakes. My only real joy in life are memes and reading . Occasionally videogames

Jack off.

Or get a 7/10 to have a one night stand with. There’s all kinds of stuff like body language and social cues, like eye contact. Mostly, chicks just like confidence, so just ask her out.

Take her to a respectable restaurant and pay if you like her. Look up the FORD acronym.

>Mostly, chicks just like confidence, so just ask her out.
This doesnt work and you know it.

Thanks amigo. That bit about the acronym has probably been the most useful thing anyone's ever said here. I doubt I can apply the knowledge but maybe. I guess I lack confidence and would rather kill the desire than create confidence.

Please do yourself a favor and find an uggo. Join clubs and attend events, make friends with all the ugly girls and eventually you will stumble into a practice relationship. Trust me, it will be easier after that.

I'm off to bed. Will get back to this if it's still around tomorrow. Thanks dudes for trying

the older you get, the more sexual desire will go away

SSRIs (Prozac, etc) will kill your libido as sure as being an eunuch
opiates will bring it down significantly but now outright kill it
thank me for saving your beta ass later

I don't know how to do this. I understand, as you say, that I could go to clubs and whatever, but you have to understand i am entirely socially inept. I would go to such a thing, stand nearby, observe, become uncomfortable and disinterested, and then leave without ever having spoke to someone.
I understand this. I'm 22 so I should be leave the sexual potency age, right?
I'd rather not take drugs beyond alcohol. Would shrooms help? I've wanted to try them for a while... don't know how you acquire them though

I think the thing you're struggling with is 'fear of missing out' and your desire for validation that comes with getting laid.

I've been in your position. I wasn't a virgin, but i remember walking around a college campus seeing tons of hot girls walk by and feeling depressed because i'm not tapping that. It makes you feel like a loser because you're missing out on something you know you should be experiencing. Which is, fucking young women who are in their prime. It feeds your ego and makes you feel 'like a man'

I've had sex with very attractive women before. While the sex is good and pleasurable, the biggest pleasure you receive from sex is the validation that comes along with that. You can get rid of horniness very effectively by jacking off, but you can't get rid of wanting to feel validated by women.

Yes, I suppose, but horniess for me is tied explicitly to women. I suppose I want to stop being attracted to women, without being gay. Hence, I want to kill or mitigate all sexual desire to manageable levels.
It's one part wanting to fuck something, and another part wanting to say, "I finally fucked something." I can't think of a good reason why I haven't had sex yet, and It makes me disappointed. I suppose I hold myself to too high a standard.

>I suppose I want to stop being attracted to women, without being gay.
You can't unless you either slice your nuts off, or you go on a completely fat-free diet so your body can't produce adequate amounts of testosterone anymore.

As long as you have testosterone flowing through your veins, you'll feel attracted to women.

Get a blowjob machine or some shit and try to socialize.

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How to socialize? I have literally zero friends or even people that I talk to besides my family

>Take her to a respectable restaurant and pay if you like her.
Good one.

You can't. It's hardwired into every person who has a functioning sexual response. You'd have to be asexual or have some other issue to not want sex. Getting your uglies knocked around is heavily incentivised by nature with pleasure since it meant to cause living things to reproduce. It is chemically and emotionally potent. You will suffer it as well as enjoy it.

Try to be the one controlling your libido, not the other way around.

Have a few drinks at a bar and chat with the people near you

Is drinking at a bar alone acceptable? I am done with class at 4 every day, so I could potentially start hanging out a bar after class and have a few drinks. I'd be alone though

this website is destroying my brain.

Too late for me

elliot rodger was so damn pretty

coming from someone with shit libido...

try developing a ton of anxiety, irrational fears, and live in your head and your thoughts. Worry constantly about how shit could go totally wrong at any time. don't relax, don't listen to your body, don't feel any emotions.

I wish we could trade places. I'd love to have a libido again.

Antidepressants and testosterone blockers.
My husband takes both and has no libido.
The testoserone blocker is for male pattern baldness, it’s called Finasteride