Be me

>be me
>want wifey gf
>"you should go out to the club user!"
>Hedonistic pit full of pigsluts and gymfags, wouldnt trust any of these girls not to cheat on me with jamal or even be able to hold a conversation.
>Go home feeling lonely and reminded that the new generation is shallow and materialistic.

Tell me anons, where do I meet girls who actually developed some character? Even if it isnt romantic, would be nice to meet someone to remind me that there are people out there who care about something other than getting laid.

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I don’t think it’s really possible to find a western girl nowadays that’s worth it. I’m in the same situation and its really sucks. I feel drained constantly.

There are. Join clubs or groups that meet regularly, like once a week. Don’t try to be edgy. Literally be as normal as possible at first then slowly show her your quirks. Nothing to aggressive, like cumming into a shoebox for a year or liking hentai. Just try and build relationships.

Attend events where you need more then 5 brain cells to take part in. Facebook is great for that desu.

female stem phd students
they are usually not the most pleasent on the eye though

>Goes to a place where people go to act promiscuously and hedonistically
>Gets surprised when the people there are into promiscuity and hedonism
Nice work, user.

Most people meet their romantic partners through mutual acquaintances, and not clubs, so you should actually be focussing on meeting as many people as possible.

>be OP
>be a total failure in life in every possible way
>think he deserves the perfect gf who will love him unconditionally and has saved her virginity for him

Don't be mean to OP, user! You don't know his situation.

Actually I dont care about virginity, its more acting like a total whore is what turns me off. It isnt the act of sex itself, its how the act of sex reflects their attitudes to a relationship.

And no I dont want the typical perfect 10, I struggle to find people I fit in with so really I just want a girl who understands me and still loves me for me.

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You sound angry and desperate. That's not attractive you know.

Yeah, how dare some broken, downtrodden soul long for a warm touch from someone who isn't going to hurt him?

Angry? Yeah im angry at the degeneration and materialism of modern romance.

Desperate? No. If i were desperate id settle for anything with two legs and two X chromosomes. I want a genuine connection, not just any random femoid.

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>le everything was better in the old days meme

Don't be like that, user. Most people aren't actually as you say. It's just that the people who aren't like that don't tend to go to places like clubs.

Also this. user needs to stop fetichising the past.

I want to go back 5 years. girls were still sweet and most developed character, but casual sex wasnt a tabboo thing.

Where the hell do you live where it was that different 5 years ago?

NSW, back before the whole "bad bitch" and "sorry its my BPD" bullshit infested the population

You just gotta wait it out you’re not gonna find a non slut girl there

>all the interesting women disappeared in 2014
>before 2014, there were no clubs and no materialistic, promiscuous women
How old are you?

Some people think that less attractive girls are nicer but every stem PhD girl I've met was ugly and a total bitch.

Church, faggot

Oh God, this shit again.
>I'm just a poor broken soul, somebody save me!11
Relationships aren't for your personal therapist or cuddle pillow. No one wants to date some sad sack who just complains about their problems day in and day out and expects to be cuddled and applauded for it.

Build yourself up, and then get a girlfriend. It doesn't help that you're bitter at people who are out having fun, and judging the shit out of them for one night out having fun. They should be in feeling bad for themselves, and you, right?

Dancing lessons, cooking courses, figure skating, opera, gym, literature club, mormons meetups.