Should I fuck my friend? She's gotten pretty hot recently and shes making a lot of sexual jokes with me lately

Should I fuck my friend? She's gotten pretty hot recently and shes making a lot of sexual jokes with me lately.

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sure why not

I'm Jelly

Define sexual jokes

Just jokes about wanting to suck my dick, fuck me, etc.


I'm not really asking if I could though, just if I should? How will it affect our friendship?

>How will it affect our friendship?
it will end

No it won't, she might get attached though, so do what you must

Therefore it will end

risks must be taken in life

Think about your future life-partner, is this a story you would tell her proudly?

>being friends with someone of the opposite sex anyways

Wew lad hahaha


make some jokes back

like how you want to fuck her raw

also you two should date and have sex regularly, but just as a joke, it'll be hilarious haha

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What a boring way to live

I should probably also mention that she's a virgin.

>You should bear and breastfeed my first born son. That'll be a great prank, bruh.

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Then why even ask if one should participate in such degeneracy? Your hedonistic asses don’t give a fuck about anyone other than yourselves anyway.

But if that is his future wife?
Kind of sounds like they're pair-bonded pretty strongly. If this were the jungle she'd already be on her back.

Why though?

Retards like to say stuff like that, but how can you ruin a friendship with love?
Also, even if you break up it doesn't matter as long as you do it in good terms
My gf is still bff with her last gf, I would be jealous if the ex gf wasn't marrrued

those aren't jokes, user

either troll or dense mf.