Am I redpilled on relationships?

Why do we dress-up pair bonding as anything more than it is?
A guy wants someone with a tolerable personality who gets his dick wet.
A woman wants a mate for social validation or betabux.
There isn’t any real loyalty or commitment beneath the surface. Relationships are mostly born out of superficial attractiveness, dependency, convenience etc. There are rarely any meaningful connections.
Men are a disposable commodity in the modern world. Even an average-looking girl can hop on Tinder and find a hundred potential sexual partners. There’s no need to work on a relationship. Ironically, the only guys women seem to stick with through thick and thin, are the ones who treat them like dirt.
Am I close?

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No, not at all.
There are plenty of people who have deeper and meaningful connections with their partner. I sure as fuck do.

We all thought like you when we were 15.

Au contraire, you have it the wrong way around.
When we're younger we're fed the idealistic bullshit about falling in love, just be yourself, etc.
It's only with the benefit of experience that we realize the grim reality of things.

I think if you scratch the surface of those "deeper and meaningful" connections you'll realize that is not the case.

It definitely is.
I'm in a 6 years relationship with a person who is my best friend in the whole world. We talk about anything, we feel high around each other because we're just so happy to be together, we know literally everything about the other person, we have been by each other side through anything (from psychotic breakdowns to cancer), we helped each other grow as human beings. I always feel like we just share our soul, like there's no real limit between us. I can't imagine growing old next to anyone else, or having a family with anyone else.
I can't imagine anything more meaningful and deeper than what we have.

youre so full of shit you fucking bitch

"y-you don't confirm to my edgy ideas of how relationships are, you must be lying"

As close as your mom's basement is to being considered a decent living space
>sex sex money hoes
You sound like a bad nigger song. You are low quality so you getting a worthwhile partner is unlikely - you just get to see and experince the fellow bottom of the barrel kin.

Lmao enjoy dying alone

you forgot the part where you're both feeling ecstatic when together

idk how the relationship will work if the guy wants to master his craft and she wants to cast a very wide net for connections

>you forgot the part where you're both feeling ecstatic when together

That's social and emotional validation triggering endorphins. There's not much more to it than that m'afraid.

Doesn't change the fact that you are 15.

31 actually
Nice try with the hate tho

Why are you lying? You have the mental level of an edgy teenager incel from Jow Forums.

Girls who stick with toxic men are usually really fucking toxic themselves.
Generally? No, they don't. There's a very good reason for this too. When a girl starts walking around with shiners, or crying about verbal abuse, every man in her social group starts trying to steal her. Total vindication for what they've wanted to do. I'd do it. I'd send the fucker a video of it.

Probably because you have it wrong but I don't care enough to try to change your mind. If you want to be miserable then be miserable lol.

What exactly is 'edgy' about a dispassionate deconstruction of modern relationships?

you seem rather depersonalized when it comes to romantic relationships

You think relationships were all roses and traditional before this generation, like an edgy Jow Forums incel.

Not quite, but marriage and monogamy were stronger institutions compared to the current day.

You really do think Jow Forums memes are true. Life wasn't like that.

>dismissing facts and statistics as pol memes

Whether you like it or not, romance actually was a thing up until boomer generation.
The downside to that system was that the toxic relationships that culminated in marriage could not be dissolved. However while this was worse for parents, the statistics don't lie with regards to the children. Single parent children are more likely to flunk, more likely to be criminals, more likely to use substances, and more likely to kill themselves. They are up to 30 times more likely to be abused by a step parent.

Essentially, grownups making grown up decisions are not held accountable, and their children suffer for it.

What facts and statistics? Are you going to post those incel meme graphs that everyone has seen thousands of times?

You are not redpilled. That's the level you're capable of empathising at and committing to. You are no more than a slut. A man needs a woman to be a good mother for his children, he needs someone healthy, good looking, intelligent. And he bonds with the right person for that for life. You? You have no direction in life you don't have balls to do something real, you're an immature little bitch who won't grow up because you either lacked a real father, or he wasn't one, but someone like you.

And yet all those vices you listed, such as crime and substance abuse, were multiple times more common back then than today. And their rates keep decreasing.

Oh, these funny meme graphs like marriage statistics. Haha, so dumb.

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Doesn't change the fact that those meme graphs are either irrelevant or outright made up.

Entirely irrelevant.
It might also be fictitious. I'd have to research that claim more. However it has no bearing on the statistics I mentioned. If there is such a decrease, there is no logical link between it and the prevalence of divorce.

Divorce rates have been decreasing for a long time you know.

It depends on what kind of relationship you're in. Yes, many relationships/marriages are little more than a transaction like prostitution. The woman collects money/shelter/general support in return for giving the man sexual access to her body. Alot of couples out there are also together mostly out of convenience rather than true love or desire. Look at how many people are in sexless marriages where the man and the woman are basically just roommates.

But i still like to believe quality relationships are possible. You need settle down with someone with whom you have real, mutual chemistry with and mutual sexual attraction. Those are the kind of relationships where the both of you become stronger and happier by being together. But the problem is, those relationships are hard to find. It's quite likely you'll never find 'true love' in your life. Because if you take your dick out of the equation, there are very few women out there who you actually connect with on a deeper level. Most women you're attracted to it's nothing more than horniness.

They are still ridiculously higher than they were decades ago, and the rate of single motherhood is still increasing, in spite of the advent of contraceptives.

Got numbers to back those claims up?

Sometimes I think many of you are a major contributing factor to my depression and suicidal thoughts. I know none of you care and many of you probably think it's funny; but I don't know what else to say.

>more single mothers than ever
>haha guys it's a meme

Are there?

fuck off to Reddit thot

Why don't you go back there, incel.

I wouldn't be surprised if that had a lot to do with people basing romantic relationships on actually building a family with their partners a lot less.

More likely, people don't jump into marriages as easily and want to make sure they have the right partner before committing.

Marriage is more about a woman having her "big day", safe in the knowledge she can divorce his ass and take half of everything.

You need to stop going on Jow Forums. You've been infected by their toxic thinking.

There is also alot of social pressure involved with most people who get married. When you're a 25-30 y/o couple and you're attending weddings of friends, it feels like you have no choice but to get married yourself. People don't want to be perceived as outsiders.

Most people don't marry that young.

Never been on R9K. It's just the way women's minds work. They want their fairytale wedding. The guy isn't really that important. Like I said, she can always divorce him later.

You have never been on a date or kissed a girl, why do you think you know anything about women?

>Average age for men and women to get married in the U.S. (in 2018)
Men 29,8 and women 27,8


I've been with girls, not many but a few.
Is that really the best you got?

It's not the way women's mind work.
My dream wedding is just me and my fiance, our parents/best friends at best.

>not many but a few
Probably because of your small dick. You wouldn't get my pussy though. ;)

Are you the girl with the fiance? Then obviously you should not be offering your pussy.

>guize im not 15
>Au contraire
Lmao sure you'r not buddy

[spoiler]Au contraire[/spoiler]

Well you didn't use the word "children" once when talking about relationships so you're either 16 or missing something.

You really don't understand. Women always have hundreds of sexual partners ready to go if they're above a 3. Tinder just made these things more obvious. Now every fat girl thinks she's gods gift to men and here's the kicker; there's tons of them who never find anyone. Yeah, turns out getting pumped and dumped isn't really a viable strategy to get a boyfriend. Why buy the cow when the milk is free as they say. We're actually going to have an epidemic of single women imo, because all of this casual sex is going to make them insane. That, and obesity levels are rising. I've already seen a small portion of this but in 10 years you'll see the fall out of allll this bullshit going on right now. The media will try and make women the victims and you'll be "sexist" for pointing out their failures, but it'll be obvious to anyone with eyes. Expect many, many crazy cat ladies.

Must be young at heart, I guess.

People are having less casual sex than before.

Not young at heart, just stupid.

Lmao, who the fuck even talks like that? Fuck off fag.

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Yeah yeah "according to studies". Plus, have you considered it's just less men at the bottom 80 having sex?

>a study shows a result that I don't like so it must be false!
Young adults have less sexual partners and lose their virginity later than the previous generation. Strange how you incels get so buttmad at facts.

Ok, you can go back to believing in fairytale romances instead of seeing it for the shitfest that it is.

>>Au contraire

Attached: fedora-officially-tipped.gif (300x225, 1.95M)

As usual thread has been hijacked by shitposers.

Quality contributors are welcome.

OP's post is already shit, what did you expect.

Happy reading

You sound fucking deluded.

Please elaborate.
If you want to challenge anything I've said, I'd prefer specific counterpoints rather than vague, sweeping statements.

You have been thoroughly proven wrong but ignore everyonr's points.

Have you ever had a girlfriend though?

I don't care much about sex, perhaps because I'm circumcised and it doesn't feel that great as great as people make it sound like. I want someone I can connect to, who I can talk with little to no mental filtering and not worry about her reaction. Someone to support and make me company and to whom I'm willing to do the same.

Loyalty, commitment and even love can come with time it might require some effort but not lying (to her or to yourself) goes a long way. You are right when you say relationships are born out of superficial things, but that doesn't mean it can't deepen after a while.

Most people who are on Tinder are not looking for a long term relationship they are trying to satisfy a physical/psychological urge.

All love is conditional, just like everything else. All human relationships are self serving. If love is shallow, so are all other bonds that connect human telationships. Free will doesn't exist. So what? It doesn't change the fact that we havr to conduct ourselves as if we have free will, we have to hold ourselves and other's accountable for our actions, and we still need socialization, peer bonding, and love and relationships to be happy. /thread.

>All love is conditional, just like everything else
I don't think this is true.
In my opinion love is much more "unconditional" than we want to think. Relationships are always conditional, real love rarely is.

>please elaborate
You are fucking depressing, there is no point in him saying what has already been said.
Everybody who replied to OP has already refuted everything you said.

You haven't even come here to debate something, you came here to get approval from everybody else and tell you how smart you are.
Well you are not, you are a fucking imbecile and not a cent above a whore.
Pic related, it's you.

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don't project yourself onto others

I hope OP is trolling and doesn't really think this.
Otherwise god help him. He's so far off the deep end

My brother, I see you.
Just know that the normal and healthy have become boring and toxic to a lot of people who grew up here with us, be aware if you avoid the healthy thing to do because it doesnt excite you rather than seem hard.
Just do what your inner self sees as a role model, fake it, fail at it, but do and evolve and leave the hole we've all dug so beautifully.

Love is real. But if you are not at your best when you meet the one, maybe she won't be able to tell...

Focus on yourself, you truly cannot love or be loved before learning to love your self.

>Ironically, the only guys women seem to stick with through thick and thin, are the ones who treat them like dirt.
Don't confuse mentally unstable women for all women.

People keep saying things like this but have nothing to back it up.

Prove that I’m wrong

>A guy wants someone with a tolerable personality who gets his dick wet.
>A woman wants a mate for social validation or betabux.

I think the general issue is that autists are physically incapable of understand the nuance of human emotion. When you boil down something as as intricate and nuanced as human relationships and emotional connection into two generalized sentences there really isn't any surprise when you're perpetually confused. Life is far too complicated to be defined by such simple metrics. "There's no need to work on a relationship" is a sentence exclusively said by people who have no actual experience in relationships.

Answer this first How can we take your ideas on relationships seriously if you’ve never personally experienced one

>People keep saying things like this but have nothing to back it up.
Basic emotional intelligence isn't something that one can just back up. In a lot of ways you either have it or you don't. People like OP view the world like an RPG; like specific groups of people have specific classes and skill trees that either make them compatible or incompatible and that just isn't reality. Anybody with basic emotional/social intelligence understands how incredibly complicated people can be how relationships mean different things to everybody. Talking to OP is like talking to people with horse blinders on. They are literally unable to even perceive the things that aren't in their immediate field of vision. Explaining emotional nuance to OP is like trying to describe color to a blind man. How do I explain to someone who thinks that women are essentially a species of Pokemon that I've met and interacted with nearly every kind of woman under the sun and they've all had different hopes, dreams, fears and motivations? I can't even begin to try. I'm unironically assuming that OP has some kind of disorder such as autism or aspergers and just isn't able to connect with people emotionally. Emotion is an incalculable variable to someone who is only able to process people the way a computer would.

Give up, this guy doesn't respond to anyone who gave him a serious response. He's genuinely sick and isolated in his world, don't waste your time here.

OP, grow up, please.

>Am I close?
No you’re a 22+ year old virgin who spends too much time on this website

I'll do you one better, people don't make sense and human interaction is a drug.

All the people I know who are in a relationship is not like your description at all.
I mostly know guys and none of them think of women as a gateway to get their dick wet. Loyalty and commitment is core to their relationships and short flings are not the norm. Anyone jumping from girl to girl or guy to guy is considered abnormal: a womanizer or a slut.
It is not convenient to be a couple. There are no financial incentive to be a couple; it is often more restrictive than if you are single. But it is better to be a team than to be alone. At least that is what everyone tells me.

Anons...I'm proud of you guys. There was a time not long ago where OP would have a bunch of sycophantic jackasses telling him that he had nailed it on the head. You guys are really turning it around. I've been here a long long time, and this is just so out of character for a thread that I can hardly believe it. Keep it up, my fellow anons.

It’s nothing to praise. It just sounds like a bunch of normalfags trying to defend their pathetic social contract.

Jow Forums has a fair amount of adults with a good head on their shoulders. Jow Forums is a cesspool full of raging autistic incels. We need to keep Jow Forums out of Jow Forums.

Blah blah blah
People are unique little snowflakes.

Is it consoling for you guys to believe this? That people are complex creatures with unique relationships?

consider this: love as a concept might not be real but the effects of all those hormones that your body produces when being in the state of what normies call love are very real. from a materialistic point of view love is as real as hunger, pain, ecstasy, etc. dont get too tangled up in romanticised views and dont be angry at all those normies here wishing you to hell. disregard them. but listen to my words again: love merely describes the psychosomatic effects you feel when being around somebody that is genetically compatible to you. they are very tangible and can boost your morale, energy, efficiency, everything. consider doing what is needed to tap into this resource OP. dont discard it lightly!

>Most guys want someone with a tolerable personality who gets their dick wet.
>Most women want a mate for social validation or betabux.
Fixed. Although even 'most' might be an exaggeration.
No, you are not redpilled about relationships.

I really hope I don't end up like OP, making generalisations about most other people to cover for my own mistakes

I really don't want to be 31 and still calling things based and redpilled, because that's cringe and bluepilled

based and actually redpilled

>Atleast thats what everyone tells me

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA yes you whores are only there to suck my cock and clean my house you live in for free

I got something to tell you since you believe people for no reason:

FUN is a good coin and I've made a million dollars from that investment. You should buy some

>>A guy wants someone with a tolerable personality who gets his dick wet.

Dude it's even worse than you think. I don't even care about the fucking anymore at this point. All I want is for my wife not to be a goddamn retarded bitch on a regular basis. Every time I think things are getting better it becomes another shit-fest. IDGAF man I can just fucking fap, but I just want to be happy again without this huge weight on my chest. I haven't thought about killing myself as often my entire 31 years of life as I have in the last 2 years.

yeah for the most part dating isnt a big deal, settling down and having kids is another.

>Focus on yourself, you truly cannot love or be loved before learning to love your self.

Just shoot me in the head. This whole thread is full of SiMPs and blown-out roasts shitting on OP cause it's easy. Evidently you trogs can't tell the thread is a veiled call for help. Good going, retards.

Love is real but it is limited to yourself. You cannot love the objective other, only the thoughts you have of them - and vice versa as you are limited to your own subjective perceptions. You will never really know the love of another as it is impossible. Therefore; all interactions made with intent to 'love' are deluded and shallow.

This is the ultimate blackpill. Stop trying to give yourself roundabout hope and release that pent-up pain, OP. Find a hobby or passion, anything. Just give up and let the lies we got told fade away.