Should I blackmail my former best friend?

To make a long story short:
>have a falling out with entire social circle after getting blackout drunk and losing self control
>sincerely regret my actions, want to make things right with everyone including my gf
>my best friend told her all my secrets I trusted with him so getting back together with her is off the table
I guess my friend forgot I know about the time he cheated on his long term gf with a dumb slut he didn't even like and then exchanged nudes with several girls online. He sank my relationship without a second thought but I wanna be the better friend and give him an opportunity to keep his relationship for $500 which I think is a fantastic price for a relationship that's three years deep. He betrayed me harder than anyone ever has so I see no moral qualms about doing this. Talk me into or out of it, Jow Forums.

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Don't even bother with the money just do it

You could but it could backfire so I wouldn’t. Eye for an eye, he ruined your relationship so you must ruin his. If you really wanted to be sick about it I would go over his head to his gf about it, tell her all his dirty laundry, then text him that “yeah it was me” and fuck his shit up if he wanted to fight.

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This was my first thought but I've decided to take a more humanitarian course of action.
He's well aware that I have nothing to live for. On top of that, he told me he's been checking his locks after what happened so it's obvious he'd be too scared to do anything back.
I'm 21, user.

You can attempt to blackmail him to get your social circle back?

They've left me on the side of the road for an honest mistake and have spilled my secrets after I endeavored to keep theirs out of respect for the good times we shared so the desire to win them back has flown.

Not them no, but friends bring friends. I understand they are irredeemable, but blackmail them to get back in the circle, make new friends via them. AND THEN GO FULL SCORCHED EARTH ON THEIR ASSES!!

Or just say everything openly and let them consume each other, chaotic evil and all.

It was a somewhat isolated social circle, the only new people I could meet through them are my friend's girlfriend's friends (cunts) and my ex's friends (literal faggots and gommunist larpers). I'm done with that social circle and scorched Earth sounds like a hell of a plan right now.

Eh why not, you dont drop entire friendships over one drunken stuper unless actual felonies are involved or sth close to that. Specially u dont go rat on gf s.

However i would like a courtside seat to all this let me tell you..

>he told me he's been checking his locks after what happened so it's obvious he'd be too scared to do anything back.
I already said I wouldn’t blackmail him so that’s my stance on it. Like I said, eye for an eye and if he wants to throw down fuck him up.

This ain’t a fucking anime nigga stop giving op retarded ideas.

Understandable, it all feels like a central African soap opera.
>get blackout drunk while my girlfriend is over
>freak her out when I start talking about dumb shit I wanna do
>pass out, she leaves and tells my best friend to go check on me
>he brings his girlfriend along and tells everyone my secrets on the drive over
>enters my house without my permission while I'm passed out
>pours out my vodka and starts yelling at me to play the hero in front of his gf
>get pissed and shove him
>get punched in the nose and pass out
>wake up next morning with no memory of anything that happened
So yeah, fuck them all.

No fucking way this happened. And you think 500 will make things even between y’all?
Dude you got your home invaded, embarrassed in your own household, reputation tarnished, and your shit rocked in front of the girl that was supposed to be on your side by your “best” friend.
If you don’t take my advice and spill the beans on all that guy in particular then you will be eternally bitchmade. 500 can’t recover your dignity and to be fair neither can fucking him up but it will teach him a lesson and make you feel much better in the long run.

Scorched earth does sound better and better...

How about I take the $500 and then spill the beans anyway? I've always been a man of my word but when you put it like that I can see that $500 isn't enough and there's no way I'm getting any more from someone making $10/hour who I loaned $160 over the holidays so he could buy gifts for his gf and then $260 not long after so he could get new brakes.

It could still backfire so I still wouldn’t. If you want money, sue him for defamation of character, breaking and entering, and assault. You’ll probably get more than 500 out of it and he’ll have more to lose with that on his record. Then you can still tell his girlfriend about him cheating on her and everything else.

And I need to ask, did you do anything to provoke this out of him? People typically don’t just lash out unlike this out of nowhere so I’m suspicious.

The relationship was on unstable foundations far before this event happened. The alcohol simply provided an excuse for your shitty friend to take out his anger on the world at you. Your insecure girlfriend freaked the fuck out and took "drunk-you" way to fucking seriously, and your dumb friend who decided to "tell everyone your secrets on the drive over to your house" never fucking liked you one bit. He sounds like a piece of shit and if he cheated on his girlfriend before then he obviously wouldnt care about his male friends either.

FUCK that guy. OP, you did nothing wrong. Fuck that guy. ignore him. Dont black mail him. You can get in huge legal trouble for that shit, and that puts your life at risk. That guy already doesnt give a fuck about anyone except himself, so what makes you think he wouldnt come to your house in the middle of the night and jump you with 4 other guys, or break all your shit in your house? Just drop it. Take the L. You're gonna want to stay away from that guy, he sounds like a real piece of shit.

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This. Some things money can't buy; for everything else there's Mastercard.

This isn't the first time I chimped out while blacked out. His girlfriend is also my ex's best friend so she was more pissed than him and she was giving me shit so I started walking up to her just to get in her face. I wanted to shout back at her, even blacked out I wouldn't lay hands on a girl. I will admit that I have a drinking problem but I have rarely ever hurt someone because of it and I was able to keep my girlfriend in the dark about it until that fucker told her. Speaking of her, I held her hair back twice in one night when she puked in her kitchen sink after getting totally shitfaced. I also held her up as she struggled to walk and brought her water while making sure her parents didn't find out she was intoxicated. I loved her more than anything and hurting her was the last thing on this Earth I would've done but after my spectacle she didn't want to talk to hear me out at all and was quick to hop on the abandon bandwagon.
You'd be surprised, we were inseperable since senior year in high school.

didn't you post this story on Jow Forums before

If you try to blackmail him, he could just go to the police and you’ll get fucked over by him again. Your ex-friend can deal with the fallout with his gf, can you deal with jail?

Yeah. It fucked me up bad and I felt intense remorse but now I'm furious.
Good point.

Ask him why.
Why did he do this.
To his friend.

Burn a bag full of shit on his door step