Mocked for "being dumb" when they are dumb

I'm constantly being called stupid and dumb by people who are way way dumber than I am. The thing is, all of these "friends" are the exact very definition of mob mentality and they all think the same. So when I suggest something different suddenly I'm the retard for not being in the circle jerk with them.

Like today with a party trick, I'm suddenly retarded because I tried to solve it somehow but they all gave up. I can specify the trick if anyone's interested but I doubt it.

I really hope College gets better.

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>I really hope College gets better.
What I mean by this is I hope college is better, I'm senior at high school.

You are all dumb. You're just kids.

Then... get new friends and forget about them. You can do better.

But it doesn't help that I'm being called that by like 6 of them in front of other people. Not really good rep when you're trying to get a girlfriend, and I'm already having problems with never having one.

They are in my class, it doesn't work like that, I can't. That's why I say I hope it's better in college

Well... obviously your dumb if you can't conform to the group mentallity. The standard you're meassured by is set by the group. If you were smart you would see that.

Are there not other kids in your class you can socialize with? People respect you more when they realize how disposable they are. The more you stick around and tolerate it without retaliation the less they value you as a person. That’s a truth to life, remember that.

You're a kid. Nothing you do now matters anyway. Your problems are insignificant.

So your advice is to fake it and be like them? That doesn't seem good.
No other male kids no. Girls I'm fine with but I don't go hanging out with them.
What I do now may not directly matter in the future but it does set the foundations.

>girls I’m fine with
Dude wtf just start chatting it up with the girls then man. I was the guy in school that was always surrounded by girls and it was much preferable to mixed gender friend groups or exclusively male groups. Nobody is saying you need to hang out with them outside of class.

And if you’re not comfortable with that (for... whatever reason) then just start flying solo but don’t be an asshole about it or you’ll look salty. Social games are a bitch but you gotta play your cards right.

Well then I'd consider I'm in a mixed friend group. I'm able to talk and spend time with both at school. Most of my time out of school I spend alone at home but when I am out I'm out with said male friends.

Well I'm pretty sure most of us here spent their of time at home not doing anything, you're still okay.


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What the fuck are you telling me this for. All I said was hang out with the other females for.

My life has taught me it's better to have no friends than any number of bad ones.

So my advice is to pick better friends and move on from these lesser beings.

Well I'm replying that I do have female friends, I don't know how else to reply to that.

I can't just drop everything, it's worse. Then I'd really be the definitive social outcast.

t. cirno

Except I'm actually smart.

maybe it's because you show something different that they don't feel strong about, like retard stuff always make them feel strong, they try to hide their insecurities by hiding the subject because they fear to show how dumb they actually are.

Why are you so afraid of being alone?

They are all basically carbon copies of each other. I go against the grain and suddenly I'm stupid for, say for example, I disagree with something they all agree on.

Because I don't want to end up alone.
I'm 18, never had a girlfriend, am socially awkward and these kinds of friends are all I ever had.

Worthless opinion detected

Don't listen to Peanut Nigger

t. cirno

arent you 14? shouldnt you have gotten banned a few days ago?

id report but OP sounds 14 too, youre right up his alley

I'm 18 actually.

Remember anons, don't take advice from a women beating pedophile

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Will you take my advice? Of ditching your friends, or will you stick with them?

Your friends sound like they aren't worth your time. Leave them and get some new, less retarded ones. Or just learn to enjoy your own company. As long as you know how to socialize, you don't need to make "friends" just to have them.

>it's worse.
Then you're living by fear.

That's fine, do as you wish, but you really don't have quality friends and should probably take some route to making new ones.

ditto, jerk

I'm neither of those things. You took that post out of context. I wasn't describing my girlfriend, I was describing the ideal woman. And I never beat a woman. Stop telling lies.

You guys are scared to engage in discussion with me, you know that? I say a lot of hard truths and all you offer is "dirr worthless opinion"
Gimme a break, nobody is buying your crap

>And I never beat a woman.
We literally have the screenshot though.

I hit a few, a few times, 10 years ago. It was always during an argument, open-hand, and left no marks.

So no, I never BEAT a woman. You guys try to stretch the truth because you get off on being mean to me for no reason. Now let's get back ON TOPIC shall we?
You guys derail every thread with this nonsense.

And it's always something new, too. One day you call me a cat puncher. Now Pedo??? That's a new one, can't wait to see what your imagination comes up with next (*sarcasm*)

You wouldn't have this problem if you stopped treating this like a forum or subreddit and dropped the trip. You probably like the attention, positive or negative

Fuck off tripfag. No one gives a shit about you.

He wanted to /s but forgot this isn't reddit

just call them out when they are being retarded especially when they are trying to be smart but they arent or when they are trying to tell a stupid joke

>And it's always something new, too. One day you call me a cat puncher. Now Pedo???
You literally said you want to fuck a 14 year old.

I'm trying to do that but it doesn't work like that. Mob mentality user, no matter how sound of an argument I make if they can't process it they are gonna call me stupid. It doesn't bother me that much but what bothers me is that they call me stupid in the open so the first thing girls and guys I know nothing about hear about me is that I'm apparently stupid.

Everyone, please stop giving Peanut Butter all this attention.

He is a cave-dwelling mongoloid that cannot process information outside his own narrow world view