ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

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Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>[insert humble (or otherwise) brag]
Fuck off.

>Why is there no new thread?
Just make one. You can use these macros:

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Girls when a guy kisses your neck do you get an actual physically pleasurable sensation? Or is it more about the idea of it.

When girls kiss my neck I get nothing. I'd rather have a kiss on the lips. But when I do it to them it's like you're scratching exactly the right itch. Or maybe they're just putting it on?

I don't get much out of it, but my boyfriend gets extra hard from having his neck bitten, sucked on or kissed. I guess it isn't a gendered thing but more a personal one.

Personally, I really love it. It feels great, and gives me a tingly sensation throughout my entire body when done right.

I'm pretty sure I'm not unique in that regard. Vampires are popular among girls for a reason.

Are you saying a bite would be even better?
If so, where exactly on the neck would you want it?

An unspoken truth is that women with larger breasts are higher in the intersexual competition. So women will buy products like padded bras. They will stuff. They will wear tighter shirts that make their stomach look flatter and breasts more rounded.

My girlfriend is self-conscious about her own cleavage. She trusts me enough to have long and open conversations about her insecurities.

Yet when I offer a solution, breast implants or augmentation surgery. She gets incredibly mad. I have offered to pay for half or more. We've been in a relationship for about 2 years now. Why does she simultaneously complain about not having large breasts but when given the opportunity she becomes offended and denies?

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Guy here
It's pretty sensitive for me. My friend has a cat who was wened too early and tries to nuzzle and even nurse at that spot where jugular and clavicle meet.
Took a lot of getting used to it to feel comfortable leaving it unguarded.

Because when you share an insecurity you don't want the other person to tell you "yeah, you should be insecure about that, just fix this flaw you have so I can like you more" but you want to be reassured.
It might even make her feel like you don't actually like her the way she is, which is very upsetting.

When my boyfriend shares his insecurities, I just tell him I love him how he is and I wouldn't want him to change for me, because I think he looks great and he's my ideal man.
Then we fuck. A bunch.

>Are you saying a bite would be even better?
The best ones are those that slightly nibble, especially if they manage to make it hurt just a tiny little bit.
>If so, where exactly on the neck would you want it
...I'm honestly not sure. I feel like it's pretty low when it is best, so on my neckline somewhere maybe? I haven't gotten any visible marks so far (hard sucking isn't comfortable, and marks are really not what I want), so I don't actually know exactly where.

>Yet when I offer a solution, breast implants or augmentation surgery. She gets incredibly mad. I have offered to pay for half or more. We've been in a relationship for about 2 years now. Why does she simultaneously complain about not having large breasts but when given the opportunity she becomes offended and denies?
Because those solutions are awful.

She wants to be accepted for her "flaw", not have it fixed with terrible surgical procedures that are likely to go wrong.

Of course I tell her that I love her. Of course I reassure her. Of course I listen to her insecurities and even share my own.

The point is I don't want to have her continue dwelling in this insecurity. But I don't know how to either get her to a point where she's okay with having small breasts or being okay with implants.

>But I don't know how to either get her to a point where she's okay with having small breasts
By not suggesting implants, because that's outright telling her that her small breasts are an issue for you as well.

Well, it's not something that is up to you, isn't it?
If she comes to you, just reassure her that you love her the way it is and accept her, and think she looks awesome and is really attractive.

Then walk me through a proper solution. Where she can stop dwelling in insecurity.

When a guy is trying to better himself because he wants to approach you slowly but cooly to try to talk to you and start over.. as an ex who knows how the woman feels..

What exactly is he doing?
Pursuing his passion?
Finding a new job?

Nibbles aren't really the same as a bite, lady. What about a proper chomp?

>gives me a tingly sensation throughout my entire body when done right.

I guess that's kind of what I thought was going on. I know the sensation you're talking about, I just don't get it from neck kisses as such. Every girl I've been with has wanted it so I gather it's common.

Not a gendered thing then. Interesting.

She said I am cute, guys. That's a positive, right?

Or that your attempt to flirt was adorable in the way that it's cute when a 5 year old compliments you.

Not a fan of something that leaves visible marks, so probably no. Especially on the neck, that's difficult to hide.

But I haven't tried, so difficult to tell.

It's not your role, as a partner, to fix your GF.
Your role is to encourage her to love herself and support her in her choices.
Every time she brings it up, reinforce how much you like her the way she is. Do it casually, too.
Do not suggest change if it doesn't come from her.

Well she said I was a good specimen too.

>So difficult to tell.
I fucking love how freaky women are.

Just a quick FYI to you guys here;

I just slept with a guy who had a 3,8 inch dick, who was super uncomfortable about his size. Being used to much bigger (6 usually), I was surprised to learn that it was almost impossible to tell the difference when he is slamming away.

Just thought some of you might want to know that.

>tfw everyone talks about length and how in general any size is fine.
>no one talks about pencil dicks.

Do girls enjoy having their tits grabbed and played with, is there any sensation that goes along with it?

Would girls date a 5"7 , 209pounds dude?
Should i go die in a hole or should i have some confidence?

Again, depends on the person.
I love it. Like, so much. I feel like my skin is going to rip because of the pleasure when my boyfriend plays with my tits, especially if we're a little high.
A lot of people don't feel much.

You should go to the gym and lose some weight.
5'7" isn't as much of an issue as being really fat.

This is a very common problem in relationships,

Women want to be heard and understood, not told advice. When you listen to them empathetically, it makes them feel validated , their problems are validated, then they trust you more and feel safe.
On the other hand, men, when talking about problems, are actually seeking help and advice. Men are egotistical about their abilities, so we don't talk about problems unless we're actually reaching out for aid.

Read "men are from mars women are from venus" for more details and a comprehensive explanation.

Basically, when a women talks about problems, listen empathetically and don't offer advice (vice-versa for men).

NOT grabbed.

Is 6 years too much of an age gap for an 18 year old girl? I'm 24.


What are the places most women get excited by when played with? (ignoring the obvious)

So light playful squeezing is okay then or not? And is being caressed around your tits something that's extremely exciting for you or is it just meh?

I'm more for mauling them while she squirms.

Depends on the specific people involved, but in general, yes.
You're in such different phases of your life (she's about to start college, you're out of it and working), have different desires and habits. It doesn't make sense to me to get involved with someone who leads a different life from you and wants different things.
I can see it being okay for sex, but for anything more serious, not really.

Yes light and playful. They are sensitive.
You'd need to find what areas work for the individual but personally I love them being touched and sucked and caressed. It's turning me on just to write this.

Start gentle and let her guide where she likes beyond the obvious. Sex is communication.

Thanks for the good info

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opinions on e- relationships? does it worth it?

If he had not said anything before would you have even noticed?

I didn't go to college, I had to work after graduating and went back now. We would start together.

Depends on the people involved, if you have the funds and the drive to keep it going.

My boyfriend and I met on Jow Forums, a year and half ago. I'm from Europe, he's American. We meet every 3-4 months, spend a month or so together.
Our relationship is ALL my life, I don't do anything other than working to save money to see him and see him. We have long term plans, we spend all our free time on voice chat.
It works because he's all I've ever wanted in a man, my best friend and the only person I've ever wanted to marry and grow old with. And it's the same for him.

It wouldn't probably work if we were 19 year old NEETs who were kind of ugly and decided to edate because too desperate.

It's still a bit off, to me, because you have different levels of maturity - but it is more likely to work than if you had completely different habits.
Again, there are no strict rules other than "don't fuck children", in my opinion. But it's weird and probably not going to work out, unless she's exceptionally more mature than people of her age and you're exceptionally less mature than people of your age.

help ;-;

I'm not anyone who has responded to you, but I wanted to ask where did you meet her?

Fair enough, thank you.

>tfw went on a first date with a guy and it went great and he said he wants to see me again

How do I not fuck this up? I've only dated one guy before and he wasn't very affectionate, while this one held my hand and everything. It just seems to good to be true

I've had a few other first dates before and thought they went good but the guys didn't want to see me after that even when they said they would so I'm afraid I guess

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Preparation classes for the next year.

She takes them because her grades are lacking and I take them because I want to get back to where I was after HS. The class is all over the place in terms of age, going from 17 to 28.

>An unspoken truth is that women with larger breasts are higher in the intersexual competition
I always wondered about this, asian women are fairly high on the desirability totem, and well over half of them are more or less flat.

Pencil dicks are honestly best.

Maybe I'm special in that regard, but being filled up is actually less pleasurable than a good, manouvrable pencil.

I've seen the "filled by big fat cock" memes, but I've never actually enjoyed it.

I'm just asking because I'm also 24 and want to go to college. It makes me feel a little better seeing someone who is my age who has also not gone and wants to. I have some mental stuff to sort out first but I really want to go.

Please don't.

I have really sensitive nipples, so good attention works wonders. I've been told it depends on breast size, but I'm not sure how true it is.

Hang in there, user.

Probably, I gave him a blowjob, and it was pretty obvious how small it was.

He also got self conscious while we were getting naked, and told me the exact length. I told him it just meant he could go as rough as he would want to, and reassured him it would be a problem, actually expecting it to be too small to do much. I did not expect to be that wrong.

In my head I know that most girls would be fine but I can't help feeling disappointed when *I* reach down there and it's just, thin.

But I know that I care more about this than any girl ever would, I don't know why in men's brains we're so preoccupied with this subject.

>tfw my sister born in 2000 is heading to a 4 year this fall.
>I was born in 1994 and haven't even applied to community college.

My biggest mental flaw is comparing myself to others so much. I can't stop these thoughts sometimes.

Makes sense. You're kind of tender down there.

>mfw I dated a 25 year old when I was 19
>I had a job alongside my education, my own apartment I paid for myself, and had no safety net, no friends, and no family to help me with anything
>he lived at home with his parents, had an English Major, and no job
Circumstances matter a hell of a lot more than age.

We broke up because he was far too immature to handle being an adult. Even now, 6 years later, I am still surprised at how many people at the age of 25, is still unable to take care of themselves, and basically needs a mother to ensure their life doesn't fall apart.

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>I don't know why in men's brains we're so preoccupied with this subject
Neither so most women. It's weirdly gay to listen to men compare dick sizes like you see so often.

But it's not really different to women comparing breast sizes, I suppose.

Yeah, big dicks are far more worrisome than small ones.

Not that his size mattered, in the first place. It's not like the size alone would change my mind when we were already undressing.

just be yourself unironically

>he lived at home with his parents, had an English Major, and no job
That's a no from me.

I would never even consider dating someone like that. It's basically the trifecta of shit. The exodia of virginity.

I don't even know why you would date someone like that in the first place.

>It's not like the size alone would change my mind when we were already undressing.
I'm genuinely confused about this.

What are you guys with small dicks thinking here? That the girl you've been dating, would get naked with you, get you fully erect, and then... what, exactly? Break it off due to your size? Laugh and leave?

Maybe if it's a Tinder sex date, but otherwise there is no way that will ever realistically happen with a girl you've been dating. If she is getting naked with you, she intends to have sex with you, regardless of your equipment.

this gives me hope desu. thank you

Why did you start dating?
Like what interested you in him?

>regardless of your equipment.
I have to admit, I have broken it off once due to size.

He didn't fit. I still don't know his measurements, but even the girth was too much. It was also a lot longer than my hand from my wrist to my finger tips, so probably somewhere around 20cm if I had to take a wild guess. It was insane. I could barely even give him blowjobs without hurting my jaw.

I would unironically prefer a 1 inch microdick. At least I would be able to pleasure him properly.

>Laugh and leave?

yes. Or more realistically you not being satisfied and then never talking to us again.

We have all heard stories of being vulnerable and someone taking advantage of that. It's heartbreaking and mentally breaking being vulnerable and someone breaking you. Even if that doesn't actually happen that much we all know those stories. The human mind sometimes fears that rejection so much that it closes off to all experiences.

Should've just lubed up and gotten ruined.

We tried. Didn't help.

Check out some stories from Jow Forumssmalldickproblems if you want. It's an awful community of self loathing so they upvote all the absolutely horrible stories and downvote all the women that come in and say it's not as big a problem as they make it out to be.

That's the fear yes.
You say no one would do that, but then I go out and read a news article starting "Florida man" and I think wow people are capable of anything.
Think how bad it would feel to have that happen.

>I don't even know why you would date someone like that in the first place
>Why did you start dating?
>Like what interested you in him?
Basically my severe lack of confidence and self esteem. I was pretty sure no one would want to bother with me, because I have a rather complicated situation, and I thought I was ugly and unappealing. He was the first to show a genuine romantic interest in me.

So basically, I was young and dumb.

Too bad he was looking for a mother, and not a girlfriend. It was such a weird relationship.

>Get black out drunk
>Bang girl
>Forget what she looked like due to alcohol
>Two weeks later meet girl in bar
>Approaches me
>I ask for number
>Face drops
>You already have my number
>Don't have the sense to play it off as a joke

I still see her regularly in bars around town, it's been half a year since then and I haven't talked to her ever since.
A girl told me the other day that I have a bad rep because of this.
What should I do?

How bad would it be if an engaged girl broke up with her fiance and started dating someone else?

Who gives a shit about what people think of you
The people who admire you won't tell you so, but the people who dislike you will make it known.
That's something I'm having to learn as well

Yeah, but maybe I wanna get laid every once in a while.
Also, I WAS being a jerk here, there is no denying that.

You think a guy is trying to improve himself to win you back? Not likely. Guys are always trying to improve themselves for the self-satisfaction of it. Million ways he could be doing it, but don't expect him to want you back in his life.

I like a dude who doesn't like me back. We'vebeen friends for years. I'm starting to sabotage our friendship because I'm leaving massive gaps between texting back to calm down and rationalise my thoughts and responses. He's made a couple light hearted jokes about it which usually means he's pretty frustrated, he's usually very apathetic and doesn't mention shit.

Should I just be honest with him? I know there's no way of him reciprocating from other knowledge, so the concept of it makes me want to curl up in a ball of shame and let the floor swallow me. But I'm also not interested in hurting or upsetting him, which is the road I appear to be going down. Any better ideas would be greatly appreciated.

You weren't being a her, you didn't remember.
Don't let things out of your control control your emotions
Go to a different part of town.

I would tell you to listen to your gut, but then again you are not a man, so listen to my gut:
Be honest. Be open about it. You are on a negative trajectory as things are now. You WILL drift apart, so might as well lay your cards on the table and see what happens.

Ignoring your weird gut comment, what do you mean by
>your cards on the table and see what happens
The only answers are he remains my friend once he gets over the awkwardness or he doesn't, both which create a very real humiliation for me. But I'll definitely take this as a vote for telling him, at least.

He literally said that is what he is doing.
I am basically quoting his words into a question. He doesn't need to do anythung for me but he obviously feels he needs to work on something within himself, and says he can love me and always make me smile. I'm waiting but curious what he is even doing, I'm just taking a few guesses. I want to be supportive.

I need any girl to give feedback on my appearance, so i know what league im in roughly
You can unfriend/block afterwards
Will email discord
[email protected]

>Girl gives me all the possible signs of interest.
>I'm just cool with her.
>A month later without us seeing each other, I send messages of interest, she seems to like it.
>A few weeks later she's already dating another guy.

Why woman do this?

Go on /soc/

You're far, far too slow. Women have men idly passing interest onto them all the time, why would they assume it's you being anything other than a man until you put effort into it?

I want a somewhat normal girl, not one thats seen a million dicks.
Plus the male to female ratio on that board is probably higher than the one on this.

As a guy who played WoW for years: yes.

Hell yes.

I wish, there was some way somehow, that I could reconnect with these people I used to know. But there isn't and they are some of the most beautiful memories I have.


Yes honestly.

Why did you leave? Learn to be shameless.

I think that's what's missing, a sense of shamelessness. Teach yourself that you are the master of your own universe.

brutty bad

You should be more clear when you speak, I had to read your post twice to understand what you were saying/asking.
>Should I just be honest with him?
Yes that's the solution. You're being guided by fear right now, and as you admit, it's sabotaging you. Every single bullet in your post descends from fear (pic related), and your only question was "should I be honest". So I think you know what to do, you just needed someone to say it.

You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. So you might as well root out from honesty and put yourself all the way out there. You'll always regret more the thing you never do/say, than trying and failing.

>a confetti stream of excuses
No user, use the right board for the right things. Don't rationalize doing the wrong thing.

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>brutty bad
I can't believe the thought even crossed my mind, but this girl moved here recently and we're like best friends. A lot of sexual tension too. Like others have commented on the two of us. We do shit like go out to eat, walk the beach, etc. Texting all day, every day. I really admire her strength and dedication to the other guy. I don't want to mess them up, but the thought has crossed my mind.

I need to go out with a single girl soon.

yes you do

Even if you guys did get together, then you'd be with a woman who essentially leaves the security of a marriage for mere pleasure. If you want safety from that, then it's impossible to date her.

Yeah I know engagement isn't marriage, but like, there's a ring on her finger and a pretty big promise behind it.

I need advice, albeit personalized advice outside of this board as i dont want to post pictures here. Not "socializing" or whatever soc is specifically for.

You're also not allowed to post contact info. You should respect the rules.

>whatever soc is specifically for.
So you haven't even visited it?
It's called "Meetups and Cams" and there's numerous threads you can post in to get feedback on your appearance.

Other thing, it's /soc/ not soc.

You should lurk more before using this website instead of fucking up random threads with your selfishness. Jow Forums is public as it's all about giving and sharing. It's a discussion board with images. You're subverting the spirit of this website for selfish gain.

so yeah
kindly fuck off

Fucking terrible. My fiancee did this to me. She regretted it immensely and we had a fucking solid relationship and it's a goddamn shame she had to fuck it up so bad.
I'ma level with you, crushes in relationships are annoying but normal. I have them even, but it's really easy to deal with:
Stop talking to the other guy, and start going on dates and spending quality time with your fiance. Your feelings for the other man will fade and you'll rebuild a connection with your current one and no one's life gets turned on its head.

That woman was my best friend in the world and I'm a little older so I don't exactly have the same access to friends and social life as I used to, so she was pretty fucking integral. And all that happened is she got a bit horny and didn't know how to deal with it appropriately. Don't be a cunt.

Read your second post. Sounded like you were a girl thinking of leaving her dude.
Still, don't be the reason someone's life gets ruined.

>And all that happened is she got a bit horny and didn't know how to deal with it appropriately.
Not to harpoon your story, but in a way user, you got rather lucky. If this had to happen to you, wouldn't you rather it happen much sooner than later, like after decades, aging, and with kids?

Kys yourself for being a manwhore

hey bae. How's your day? ^_^

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