I have problems with forming relationships with and live a very isolated life...

I have problems with forming relationships with and live a very isolated life. So I've been to psychologist and I her about a girl that tried several times to get to know me. she said that maybe she found me attractive to which I replied that as far as I know she has a boyfriend. In response to that she suggested that I can steal her from him.
So here's the thing I don't understand: By stealing someon's gf I am satisying my needs at the expense of her bf. So why it's not ok to rape or kill? essenntialy you're doing the same, putting your needs first at the expense of someone else, but if I told her that she would probably think of me as psycho.

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You are causing physical trauma to woman
You are causing physical trauma
>"stealing" gf
You are just causing emotional trauma. And pic related. Happy people in relationships cant be stolen. Only the unhappy ones who are already looking for way out or reason for breakup. Pic related.

Our society doesnt consider emotional trauma done to adults as harmful. Maybe because its so fucking common there would be nobody left (not in prison) able to work and pay taxes.

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>pic related
Just break up with your bf if you're not happy with him. whore.

The weak should fear the strong, go for it if you want to.
Just don't get into a serious relationship with her or you'll end up cucked as well.

You're coming from a vulnerable place, so I'll give you the one piece of advice that I think is universally true for adults.
Don't compromise on principle when pressured to do so. It's a form of domination. The principle is not half as important as controlling you. So if you let this girl make you do something that you're uncomfortable with, just to get in her pants, she'll know that she can walk all over you.
The crime isn't the same scale. Rape has a bunch of other negative consequences beyond emotional trauma. It's bad for whatever relationship she's in, it's bad for her own mental health in the mental health of the people who care about her, and it actually makes society a little less stable. It can give her an STD, it can give her an unwanted pregnancy, and it can cause permanent reproductive harm.
That isn't to say that what she's asking you to do is right. If you want to tell her no, and give that reason, that is perfectly understandable.

>The crime isn't the same scale. Rape has a bunch of other negative consequences beyond emotional trauma. It's bad for whatever relationship she's in, it's bad for her own mental health in the mental health of the people who care about her, and it actually makes society a little less stable. It can give her an STD, it can give her an unwanted pregnancy, and it can cause permanent reproductive harm.
but what if her bf kills himself?

Unless you're actually pressuring someone to commit suicide, you can't be expected to predict how they are going to react. Legally at least it's not the same. Morally, you'll probably harbor guilt for it. So again don't let anyone make you do something that you're not comfortable with.

How can a psychologist recommend something like this?

Tell me all about her OP. Weight, ethnicity, age personality etc

Suicides happens every day. For example in my country we have on average 4 successful suiciders per day. Nobody cares about them.

You dont believe every word OP says, do you? Many therapist says a lot of stuff, mainly to force a reaction out of their patients. Besides you would have to be very naive to ignore the existence of term
>monkey branching

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She's around 160cm, around 50kg, we're both polish, she told me she's 30, she's pretty attractive. she has a rich bf, doesn't want children, she is quite energetic, and seems to be very driven to succeed. your typical middle class woman

Ah, a low iq polack. Now i understand where that retarded advice comes from.

No offence OP, averages are averages ya know.

You're making a big assumption based off nothing thinking she didn't mean it/said it to get a reaction.

t. mutt

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>big assumption
True. But then again read OP post. You can either hope this thread is just another bait or the more scary variant: there are unironically sociopaths who doesnt see / realize / understand a difference between adultery and a fucking rape / murder. And you give to such person a space of doubt in his favor?

I only hope i will never ever meet such people in real life. It could easily cost me my life.

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Nope, it doesn't really matter what I am though. You shouldn't be offended either, it's common knowledge polacks on average aren't very bright. Just read that psychologists advice, anyone with decent critical thinking ability would never give advice like that.

>actually believing that iq is something to brag about or is meaningful

When you're older, you'll start to understand how varied peoples ability to think is, and the reasons for it. Only a stupid person could give advice like the psychologist gave, assuming OP didn't fabricate it.

Why do you think she's stupid based only on that advice? lot's of chads steal other people's girlfriends

Your shrink does not expect you to steal her. But he is trying to get you out of your "Nothing I can do" rut. Just being friendlier to the girl will be a step up for you

fucking this. She knows that a litteral basement dweller that posts on 4channel can steal anyone's gf

Unless you're a sociopath like the chads that do that and genuinely don't care about the pain it causes; he will not find long term happiness from spreading misery for short term bodily pleasure.

Assuming of course OP is smart enough not to date a slut that would do that.

>Assuming of course OP is smart enough not to date a slut that would do that.
Why date? he can just fuck her

>Suicides happens every day. For example in my country we have on average 4 successful suiciders per day. Nobody cares about them.
rapes and murders happen too and no one cares


Police, victims, law, society cares about assholes disrupting peace and hunts the murderers and rapists.

and families care about suicides

Lol no. If the suiciders actually had any relatives or friends who cares they would never do it.

They do it all the fucking time regardless.

Why not go full rogue and tell her boyfriend what is happening? This shit is fun as hell.

If you get into her pants, you lose.

I wanted to write a whole paragraph about how stupid you are, but I'll leave you to think about how dumb what you just said is.
Depression is a real disease, user.

dude. I didn't even touched her yet and she just could be friendly, anyway she stopped doing it for now after seeing how unresponsive I am

dePrEsSiOn iS A reAL DIEsEAsE user
Bitch ass just smile more

No one said anything about depression here. is this bait?