Is Jordan Peterson the best case of Dunning-Kruger effect?

Is Jordan Peterson the best case of Dunning-Kruger effect?

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No, Jow Forums is.

The best case? No. A good one? Yes.

Does a graduate degree and a lifetime career in the field of fixing people who have lost faith in themselves, their families, and their communities, not count as expertise in his field?
You can disagree with him philosophically or debate his theology, but he seems to know a great deal about his field.

Jordan Peterson is the idiot's genius. I'd say his fans are the perfect example of it.

of course he's probably a good psychologist, but his philosophical drivel is very basic

Have you actually watched his videos?

While i'm not a fanboy of him, most of the stuff he lectures is quite accurate. The only problem i have with Jordan Peterson is that while he is good at exposing the reality of human psychology, he rarely gives quality advice on how to deal with it and operate more effectively around other people. He exposes problems but he doesn't really tell you how to solve it.

Have you? It's incredibly surface level
>lol tell the troof bro. Lying bad

He has some vague ones, like "open a dialogue with your shadow." I think any advice you try to give a bunch of different brains it's going to be vague by necessity.

I watched most of them. he's nothing groundbreaking, he doesn't even established any kind of metaphysical base. he just tells you why some things are bad but doesn't tell why are they bad

How much philosophical theory do you want in a psychology lecture?
Particularly when said lecture is a damning criticism of most modern philosophers, many of which subscribe to schools of thought which caused the disjointed frames of mind that he's trying to rectify.

Please don't turn this shithole into reddit

>surface level
So what? Just because something isn't complicated doesn't mean it's less legit or less true. In fact, most behavioral/evolutionary psychology isn't very complicated at all. It's just studying historic patterns of behavior and applying common sense to them. Aka, pointing out the dots and then connecting them.

>He has some vague ones
Like i said in , i'm not saying i like everything he preaches. He has countless of videos so obviously there are gonna be some videos that aren't exactly great.

Foremost, he's a psychometrician, clinical psychologist, and expert on a niche aspect of mythology. On these subjects, he is a considerable authority

With philosophy, he's not as much, but it's still enjoyable to watch the content and think about whatever the the topic is, like any podcast. He has an engaging speaking style which is fun to listen to.

I love his politics though. The fact is, very few people dislike Peterson, and of those very few, most are SJW's that are pissed off because he's alerting people to their twattery.

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>just watch every single of his videos bro.
>just read all his books man.

Peterson is "ok" as psychology, shit god awful at philosophy. Jung is a hack and he should stop sucking him off.

It's surface level but presented as though it's deep and profound
Pic related is Jordan Peterson
>ha silly liberal, I'm not racist I just disagree with you
>If you don't like Jordan Peterson you're an sjw cuck
Pic related is (you)

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......I'm Jordan Peterson???

I mean, a friend of mine was one of his students before the bill C-16 thing happened, and he got me to watch his personality lectures, which are pretty good. I'm not saying you have to like him, but he is legitimately a good psychologist.

Whenever I hear someone criticize Jordan Paterson I always ask why they criticize him and I'm always met with some bulshido or personal attacks.

There is at least 1 user here who is vocal oponent of Jordan Paterson. Tell me user why you criticize him? Why is Jordan Paterson wrong? What about his style of lecture you don't like.

>The fact is, very few people dislike Peterson, and of those very few, most are SJW's that are pissed off because he's alerting people to their twattery.

My man's a huge fan of Jordan peterson but doesn't even know what his full name is

Literally the only people who like Peterson are redditors and frogposters because of his anti-feminist politics and other bullshit about incels that made him infamous. Absolutely no one is a fan of him because of how good of a psychologist he is.

>My man's a huge fan of Jordan peterson but doesn't even know what his full name is

I'm not. I watched few of his lectures on youtube and I thought they are interesting. I aslo seen his interview with Caty Newman.

Also I'm not native english speaker.

>Also I'm not native english speaker.

but you know the difference between Es and As though right.

and like this post says it's the other way around, the only people who are into him are only into him because he triggers the libtards and whatever whenever politics are brought up, which he now does like 90% of the time to keep pumping in that Patreon money from his legion of paypigs.

He's a faggot who sold out for the jews. You think the media would even give him this exposure if he wasn't on their side?
I never listened to him much in the first place besides a few clips, but I always assumed there was something off about him.

If you arent a native english speaker and you only hear someone's name there is little to no difference between Peterson and Paterson.

Idk from his interveiew with Caty Newman it seems like he is the sane one and libtards are the hysterical bigots.

Because human behavior is basic, dipshit

Cry more faggot. You can’t debate him so you mock him and his followers.

Stay mad baby.

ITT, liberal cucks that are experiencing cognitive dissonance

>I'm not a fanboy of him

His fans are unbearable pseuds and that's a good a reason as any to dislike a pop-intellectual

>liberal cucks

hey, absolutely thank you so much for proving my point that peterson only has fans exclusively because of his politics and no one actually cares about his actual psychology.

You are a good example of the effect. You don't understand what it means and neither do most who throw it around. You probably do not know what "ironic" means either.

It's because his works and claims are just as tinted by ideology as the people he attacks.

For example, he talks about his personal experience with his students where they know a lot less about Marxism and the atrocities committed by Stalin than about fascism and Nazi's and this somehow is an indicator how neo-Marxism is being pushed on kids in school.

Dude, what the fuck? Kids only know about Nazi's and fascism precisely BECAUSE of Western and American ethnocentrism. We spent years on the history of Western Europe and the United States in high school and it intersects quite significantly in World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. There was MAYBE a chapter or two about the war in Asia, a paragraph on Mao's Long March and then another chapter about Stalin's purges but then it's right back to the Korean War, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, etc. That's not even speaking to the problem that history isn't even respected enough by the public at large in the first place. Conservatives, especially, seem to hate the humanities because they constantly talk about how students should all just be training to be worker bees in corporate hives.

He's just another hack who is attacking a symptom (hypersensitivity, political correctness pushed to an extreme) from an ideological reference point and pandering to a crowd of idiots.

He's got a Dr. Phil level rep amongst clinicians and academics I know.

He uses nonsense terms (postmodern Neo-Marxism) while simultaneously misunderstanding postmodernism - all the while using a vague definition of truth that could pass as postmodern easily.
He's a good clinical psychologist, but a cheap self-help guru who capitalized immense wealth on a controversy about the C-16 bill, a controversy unfounded on fact.
He's just an atheist who finds value in Christianity, while presenting himself as religious to his fanbase in order to secure their support.
Plus, he's in full support of ideologues such as PragerU (he appeared in one of their videos).

No, he claims that it's pushed on students in college.
Which it is. It's pushed by professors who espouse those ideologies. And it's pushed by students who harass and outright attack anyone who disagrees with their doctrine of cultural Marxism. You can't argue this point. I've spent the last 8 years watching hundreds of hours of video evidence documenting what is going on in America's campuses. Neo-Nazi ideologies are practically nonexistent in a college environment. You can proudly fly a hammer and sickle, in a way that you can never fly a swastika, even though both states killed so many people for equally horrible reasons.

I love how you let everyone prove your point.

Not the guy you answered to, but how many communists / far-left ideologues do you think there are in the American education system? Do you seriously believe cultural Marxism is a thing? If yes, define it. Does any declare themselves a cultural Marxist?
Video evidence is going to be inherently selective, do you have any statistics to back up your observation of a rise of far-left ideologies in the US? The way I see it, more people are becoming social democrats, not communists.

>I've spent the last 8 years watching hundreds of hours of video evidence documenting what is going on in America's campuses.


and hey o b v i o u s l y no 19 year old kid is wearing a fucking communist pin on their backpack because they want to genocide people. They just want to have a more balanced economy and social services. It's just that they're kids and they're dumb and they express themselves through extreme visuals. Same reason why they have purple hair or whatever.

You're also even more dumb than them if you're looking at college kids and going LOOK AT THE END OF THE WORLD HERE, they're college kids who literally won't even be doing any of that shit 2-3 years from now. You may as well be getting shocked by Dungeons and Dragons and Pokemon card games.

> You can proudly fly a hammer and sickle, in a way that you can never fly a swastika, even though both states killed so many people for equally horrible reasons.

You can also proudly fly an American flag around, even though millions of people were also killed for that banner as well.

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Do you have any actual proof or are you just parroting what your fellow incels on Jow Forums tell you?

user he spent HUNDREDS OF HOURS watching youtube videos form inside his parents basement for the last EIGHT YEARS while neglecting to clean his room and get a job and find a gf. We can't argue against that!

Get outta here with this bullshit.

It was literally plastered all over the news. Everything from the blonde British homo's talks getting interrupted by angry Chicagoans to the prevalence of antifa protests among the student body. Every time a campus was up in flames, it wasn't the goddamn Nazis doing it.

Ive seen the kids that "shut down" Milo's speech. That garbage was pure theater on all sides.

It was a grown ass black man threatening to beat his fairy blond ass on stage.
You can doll it up whatever way you want. Red scum is a protected class on America's campuses.

Yep, and there were two security guards and three plain clothes cops between them even if the left managed to find it's spine for the first time since the fucking Weathermen.

You and I watched completely different videos motherfucker. There were not three fucking plain clothes cops between them when that guy was getting in Milo's face. Indeed the two security guards that were there did fuckall, not that they could do shit because the University of Illinois in Chicago only assigned two guards to patrol what they knew was going to be a large protest.

If you argue with a moron the best course of action is not to interrupt him/her.

You're talking about DePaul, not University of Chicago. The guards did nothing because it was nothing, this is the same Black Lives Matter loud bullshit everyone is used to. The cops are in the video, but you don't know who they are because they're in plain clothes and didn't get involved. Michele Smith got a detail there because she didn't want to be on the national news. You want I should tell you what two of the three were carrying?


I only copied the user I was referencing to.

Not him yada-yada...
>how many communists / far-left ideologues do you think there are in the American education system?
I think there are quite a lot actually, but it all depends on how you define them.
A good question he have raised is "how do you define when the left has gone too far". Rather than building a strawman to argue against, he wants the left to define when they are going too far so the left can distance itself from it.
>Do you seriously believe cultural Marxism is a thing? If yes, define it.
I personally love the "gender communist" description as it is a bit more direct, but no, they do not define themselves as either term.
There are people who believe that all hierarchies are unfair, Karl Marx built his idea around the "unjust system" that is capitalism: "people at the bottom of the hierarchy are oppressed by the top".
Cultural Marxists think this applies to any arbitrary hierarchy: Black people are doing worse than Asians: they must be oppressed. Models are doing better than fat feminists: Models are victims of internalized oppression.
The term is a wide net to throw over all the evil people who subscribe to this ideology.
It is not as accurate as it could be I will grant you that. The evidence for the rise of these people is evident through how mainstream it is in politics, news media, social media and entertainment.

I think "cultural marxism," like the whole oppression culture it seeks to oppose, looks more serious because its mainly being argued about by young people. Its tough to get a strong sense of the social pendulum until you've really seen it swing a few times. Today's BLM crew aren't half as scary as the Panthers or the Conservative Vice Lords were. The kids who identify as communists today aren't squatting at the UofC, robbing banks, or bombing shit. Conversely, the "neo nazis" and alt-right aren't shooting up abortion clinics, lynching blacks, or bringing down federal buildings. Hell, even the cops vs black men narrative isn't happening in response to anything on the same magnitude as the days of the MOVE bombing or CPD killing Fred Hampton.

The entire system is louder and theres more argument because the internet makes it easy, which makes it look like things are accelerating, but from where I sit it just looks like controlled opposition. Lots of people are shouting, but nobody is doing much of anything.

I dont subscribe to the cultural marxism boogeyman, but schools have been a major contributor to that line of thinking. Pol is no different to the blatant sheep mentality dogma.

I am very thankful it is more of a loud voice than previously.
But they are dangerous. Communism is a dangerous ideology that already have killed more than 100 million people through starvation, working people to death as slaves or outright murder. Fighting back against this evil is needed or they just get more and more control.
As for how "scary" they are, I think that is irrelevant.
I am not scared by terrorists blowing up buildings or gunning down people. I am scared when people in power support them while they do it. And right now, we do not have politicians supporting neo nazis, white supremacists or other far right ideologies so I do not consider them a threat for now. I want the same kind of political distancing for the far left as I think it is equally bad for us.

He's a typical non-academic pseudo intellectual, like pretty much all authors or political books that write about shit they don't understand.

Jordan peterson is interesting to an extent, but hes obviously pandering to the alt right/far right "pwning libtards," crowd so hes definitely a dishonest person. But to say he's not that smart is a bit neglible. To his defence his videos are obviously entry level because hes a fucking u of t professor its not financially sound to upload full videos of your courses. Im certain if you shell out 5k a semester his classes will definitely be more indepth. He's avoiding online debates because he wants all young college students to be interested to pay for his works.

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>being antifa is bad, antifa is a serious problem, these college larpers are out to get us

hey whoops guess what you are then

>Conversely, the "neo nazis" and alt-right aren't shooting up abortion clinics, lynching blacks, or bringing down federal buildings.

well they are though. They've shot up mosques and synagogues and driven cars into crowds of protesters and plenty of other shit that's flown right over our heads because it happens all the time.

but hes a professor how is he not academic?


Not a nazi, but antifa's violent practices are unrealistic. Furthermore, to be an anti facist in this day and age is incredible juvenile.

>He's a typical non-academic pseudo intellectual
With a PhD, years of experience in the field both practicing and teaching in academia?
>political books
They are more like self help books.

but he said he's going to debate Zizek

reddit/pol is a damn good example of dunning kruger effect

The 'debates' im referring to are the shitty one that you see on twitch or someshit, every professional debate that has been conducted is formal and levels both parties in equal footing. You're not going to have one or the other frequently break rules or etiquette

>And right now, we do not have politicians supporting neo nazis, white supremacists or other far right ideologies so I do not consider them a threat for now. I want the same kind of political distancing for the far left as I think it is equally bad for us.

Who the fuck is a politician in power that's support Communism with a capital C.

Name me who these people are that you wish would distance themselves from Communists

and also

>And right now, we do not have politicians supporting neo nazis, white supremacists or other far right ideologies so I do not consider them a threat for now.

You do though. Steve King from Iowa and countless others who either flat-out identify as alt-right or white nationalists, or tippy-toe around the issue while still support alt-right white supremacists media and organizations.

Meanwhile there are no Democrats running in Communist circles.

>violent practices

muh bike lock again

and definitely conveniently ignore the actual deaths at the hands of alt-right crazies. Just focus on the college faggots with purple hair. That's the real threat, right?

Please inform me about alt right americans killing others I have no clue what youre talking about. Also if the bike lock didnt happen maybet the climate wouldnt be so heated. "Let him without sin cast the first stone," Id argue blm is less violent than antifa but I dont look into these things.

this shit is fucking fake and retarded.

made by a bunch of cunts that can't deal with people being as smart if not smarter than them.

jealousy, the graph.

Most people try to compare Jordan to Aristoteles and Nietzsche not realizing they're in another League. Ofc is Peterson Jackshit compared to them, but if he's helped only a single person out of his misery it's good for them.

I already acknowledged that they don't use that word, nobody on the right needs to say "I am not a nazi" to distance themselves from nazis. The problem with nazis is their ideology and the politicians distance themselves to that.

As for far left politicians who subscribe to ideas that I consider under the umbrella of cultural Marxism: The DSA, BLM, BAMN, Anfifa and Feminists.
All of them support equality of outcome through force of the government: communism.

>Please inform me about alt right americans killing others I have no clue what youre talking about.

On August 12, 2017, a car was deliberately driven into a crowd of people who had been peacefully[14][15] protesting the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one and injuring 28. The driver of the car, 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr., had driven from Ohio to attend the rally.[16] Fields previously espoused neo-Nazi and white supremacist beliefs.[8][9] He was convicted in a state court of hit and run, the first-degree murder of 32-year-old Heather Heyer, and eight counts of malicious wounding. He continues to face multiple federal hate crime charges.

A memorial service and vigils were organized. The mayor of Charlottesville, the Virginia Secretary of Public Safety, the Attorney General and the FBI director called the attack domestic terrorism.


>well they are though
I hate to get all "kids these days" here, but I really don't think you have a grasp of the scale of violence in the 20th century. The car driven into protesters in Charlottesville killed one person. Politically motivated mass shootings kill maybe a dozen people a year if you squint and fudge the numbers. During the 70s you averaged 18 deaths and 60 injuries per year from bombings alone in the US. You don't have armed guards in abortion clinics like you did in the 80s and 90s. There hasn't been anything like the Oklahoma City Bombing or the ARA bank robberies.

Its easy to convince yourself that things are worse than they've ever been, but as someone who's lived through this cycle more than a few times I'm telling you that the only time I've seen both the right and the left this peaceful was in the period immediately following 9/11. You've got a generation of kids who weren't even allowed to get in a fist fight in school, who have never lived without intensive surveillance and the compulsive compliance that comes with it, who have been taught that words can be violence, and who have been taught that direct action is wrong. Violence happens only at the very edges, its not a movement-level strategy anymore.

>I already acknowledged that they don't use that word, nobody on the right needs to say "I am not a nazi" to distance themselves from nazis. The problem with nazis is their ideology and the politicians distance themselves to that.

okay so what about all the politicians who identify as or support white supremacy in the united states

you cool with that

The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting was a mass shooting that occurred at Tree of Life – Or L'Simcha Congregation[a] in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on October 27, 2018, while Shabbat morning services were being held. Eleven people were killed and seven were injured. It was the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the United States.[4][5]

The sole suspect, 46-year-old Robert Gregory Bowers,[6][7] was arrested and charged with 29 federal crimes and 36 state crimes.[6][8] He pleaded not guilty to all 44 crimes laid against him in federal court.[9] Using the online social network Gab,[10] he had earlier posted anti-Semitic comments against the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)[11][12] in which Dor Hadash[13] and Tree of Life[14] was a supporting participant. Referring to Central American migrant caravans and immigrants, he posted on Gab shortly before the attack that "HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I'm going in."[15]

No purple hair weirdos arent the problem, its your average american believing in their shallow political beliefs as a footstool for religion. The wasp type culture has been effectively buried thanks to the non scientific intellectuals lying about religious beliefs to make protestantism and other religious beliefs look bad.
If wasp was still around im certain people would fight over that then the communism vs facism narrative we have today. Neo nazis and your sjws are useful idiots that are being manipulated by media outles for the sake of earning a dollar.
The people gaining profit realized that they can sell this shit like the catholic church and make boat loads of money at the expense of social tranquility.

>impulsive attack
>improvised weapon
>1 dead
>8 injured

Looks kinda paltry compared to what the right used to be up to.

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Contrast that with the activities of The Order in the early 1980s.

The Quebec City mosque shooting (French: Attentat de la grande mosquée de Québec) was a terrorist attack and mass shooting on the evening of January 29, 2017, at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec City, a mosque in the Sainte-Foy neighbourhood of Quebec City, Canada. Six worshippers were killed and nineteen others injured when a lone gunman opened fire just before 8:00 pm, shortly after the end of evening prayers.[5] Fifty-three people were reported present at the time of the shooting.

People who knew him said he had had far-right, white nationalist, and anti-Muslim views.[28][34][35] The manager of a refugee-support Facebook page said Bissonnette frequently denigrated refugees and feminists online.[30][31] A member of the mosque said he had met and talked with him outside the mosque on January 26, believing he was interested in Islam, but he veered away from the subject.[36][37]

There's some other ones I'm, forgetting

but hey no sure the problem is college kids with pink hair who want to use washrooms

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>but hey no sure the problem is college kids with pink hair who want to use washrooms
Good, glad we're on the same page

Incels and alt-righters(I'm aware there's a large overlap there) are

Right. I wasn't trying to make this into a fuckin contest or anything you know. Maybe political violence was way cooler in the 70s, sure.

You'd be a fuckin doofus to look at people dying because of politics in a first world country today and be like WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL IT COULD BE WORSE BRO 500 YEARS AGO PEOPLE WERE DECAPITATING EACH OTHER

It's not the 1970s or the 1400s. It's 2019 and the alt-right is going around killing people they don't like. Sorry.

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I've actually read into this one, the alt right by its media given name isnt truly a white supremacist group. Yeah its a shame america still has inbred retards wishing it was jim crow laws again but their levels of facism isnt going to influence america as a whole.
>inb4 trump
last time I heard the don supports israel and im sure that pissed off muslims and whitensupremacists.
Its a shame that white supremacy is a coherent meme in the west, and its obviously worse in the US because some governors are clearly a part of it. But to say the kkk has a real big influence is like saying islam does too which they dont.

Its not about right or left, its about an overall gradual decline in violence. You're not basically looking at poorly organized lone wolves on both sides, a substantial improvement from the highly organized, wide-scale right wing violence of the 80s and 90s, or the left-wing violence of the 60s and 70s, or the racial violence of the first half of the 20th century, or the employment violence on the turn of the century.

Also, for the record, I'm not saying "whats the big deal it could be worse." I'm saying "its less bad today because the wealthy interests that control this country would like a more passive populace." We need violence. It won Stonewall, it got us the 40 hour work week, it backed the feds down from gun laws, it made King's good cop routine work because Malcolm was hanging in the wings. You're so afraid some fucking incel might sperg out and shoot you in the ass that you're not willing to kill the fucking people who keep you from having health care.

>implying that im a capitalist means im r9k
Politics is replacement theology.

>last time I heard the don supports israel and im sure that pissed off muslims and whitensupremacists.

Remember when Trump pardonned the Arizona sheriff who ran a self-described concetration camps for latino immigrants?

Or how about when during that night of the Charlotseville attack, he said that we had to wait and see both sides of the story?

He's trying to act like a president, but it's obvious which side he's on. Things like supporting Israel and doing business with China you just have to do as a president regardless of your own personal views on it.

What does you being capitalist have to do with alt-right terrorism?

Well I'm not american that sucks sorry to hear that user.

>We need violence.

Hey isn't it weird how other countries are doing just fine, much better than US in a lot of instances, and they don't have terrorism?

The only countries with terrorism are the ones that suck, actually.

Nothing, who said I was a nazi? I have no problems with sjws doin their shit, but to compare college sheeple to a bunch of white kkk members is incredinly skewred. I never criticized blm for protesting against racism, but facism is a bit much no?

I'm not either, but when America takes a shit we're the ones that smell it. Their culture of hysteria infiltrated most western and English-speaking countries.

unfortunately the US is pretty much top dog now and all nations have to pay attention to their global decisions as a whole, but I wouldnt worry about white supremacy there if I was in certain areas europe.

>but to compare college sheeple to a bunch of white kkk members is incredinly skewred

Well that's what it is. When it comes down to SJW or antifa vs the alt-right, the alt-right are the ones that are going around killing people. They're the ones who have politicians supporting them.

Saying "antifa bad communism bad" is missing the entire point and not seeing the bigger picture at all. not saying you're th one who said that, but just this thread and peterson boys in general.

>the US is pretty much top dog now

well... they make movies still and created facebook but that's about it.

> all nations have to pay attention to their global decisions as a whole

Canada legalized weed right next door to them while the US is still in a struggle between the federal laws and the DEA and then each state trying to do its own thing and people trying to re-classify marijuana and everything.


>the alt-right are the ones that are going around killing people.
Fucking what
I dont know about you but in my timeline the right wing death squads never fucking materialized
I dont hold the lefts unironic schizophrenics against them, I'd appreciate the courtesy of returning the favor.
Come back when the violence is actually institutionalized and not wrought by the unironically insane.

The bigger picture is that trump isnt the guy to offer a peace between white racists and the black community. Communism is bad for a multitude of reasons, which is why I can see JP fighting against small snippets of it, but if you have mass control and want everybody to subscribe to it, the strategem goes by divide and conqure.
Im not a huge conspiracy nut, but I bet you a new politician will superseed trump and offer peace relations between the two groups in the coming years. If I was left, bernie sanders is a good candidate to go against trump. But ben carson and bernie sanders are nobodys compared to the two, so really whos to judge the outcome.

I meant by military influence, but it would be awesome if there was a sequel to the war of 1812. Weeds legality in canada isnt bad, but the moment it went into play it was a shitfest. Im not against legal weed, but if I'd imagine loser street scums should be.

you moving them goal posts to includes death squads now?

Hey, obviously of course if you give crazy people access to weapons and scream in their brain all day long about how immigrants and marxists and jews and muslims are gonna steal their video games or whatever, they're gonna go out and kill those people.

whoops, am i right?

How about you take a fuckin hike and come back when the left's loony bin is also going around killing people they don't agree with. Cause that's now what's happening.

One side is objectively WAY worse.

I'm in pain again
I have been broken down by a lot of people. All I feel now is sadness and pain

Why did they destroy my happiness?

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>Communism is bad for a multitude of reasons, which is why I can see JP fighting against small snippets of it,

but the problem is that he's fighting against an enemy that isn't that, while ignoring one that is actually there.