So I asked this girl out on a date and she turned me down, how can I punish her? It has to be proportionate...

So I asked this girl out on a date and she turned me down, how can I punish her? It has to be proportionate, nothing crazy.

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Can you set fire to her place and kill everyone inside?

Punish? The fuck is wrong with you?

kill yourself

You are only punishing yourself with your spiteful attitude, move on so you won’t look too pathetic.

Punish her by never talking to her again. She'll never know what she would have missed by being with you.

But based on this thread she chose correctly in turning you down. You're a spiteful manchild.

It has to be done, I recommend firing rpg-7 into her house, for a warning

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Spank her ass.

>It has to be proportionate
Wait for her to ask you out, then reject her. Eye for an eye.

Wait until she gets a bf, then have sex with him.

>It has to be proportionate
Call her a bitch and move on with your pathetic life.

Fuck her mom, She'll be so jealous.

Sounds like she dodged a bullit

As if that will happen lol

That girl is perfect.

you could just you know...let it go?

Yeah all perfect with her make up and low-res image quality.


Psychopaths like you deserve to be lonely

Punish her by being a great and loving boyfriend for someone else and showing her what she missed out on.

Kill yourself, that'll show her. How **DARE** she not be interested in the most alpha chad to ever grace this shitty planet?!

Just to settle things.

This is a normal attitude to have.


My life isn't pathetic.

Why would I let it go?

I'm not a psycho.

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Wtf dude it has to be proportionate.
Rape before killing

>I'm not a psycho
>wants to punish someone for doing nothing wrong
Rejecting you is fully in her rights, user, she doesn't owe you anything and she did absolutely nothing wrong at all by rejecting you. Even if you were the most wonderful person on Earth, it's her right to choose who she wants and doesn't want to be with. You don't sound like the most wonderful person on Earth, you sound like a mentally ill psycho. Cure yourself, you're the problem.

>My life isn't pathetic
>Plotting petty revenge because a girl turned you down
>Not pathetic

You don't. Move one.

Do something that makes her feel sorry for you, like breaking your arm.

Rape her, kill her and dance on her grave

No means no dude..lay off and fine someone better

> how can I punish her

Are you fucking mental?

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quit being a pathetic little bitch and accept she doesnt like you back. you cant "punish" someone for not accepting your advances. although you still dont act much different from a common rapist

I can make a copy of her out of wax, but you’ll have to post a picture here.

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Move on bro. There are too many women to care about this hard 6 soft 7. Punish? Kys srs


yeah, that'll show her

By respecting her decision and leaving her alone you fragile little egomaniac.

>Rejecting you is fully in her rights, user, she doesn't owe you anything and she did absolutely nothing wrong at all by rejecting you.

You can tell this poster is a woman.

because they put the words "her" and "rights" together?

>normal attitude

Common, maybe. But not normal

and certainly not acceptable

How is it not acceptable?

because it's not a healthy reaction to something so minor and insignificant

Life is full of failure and rejection. You can't go around "settling things" every time your ego is bruised. That's what weak and petty people do

Why do you retards reply to such obvious bait?

It's not minor and insignificant, it's the same as losing a gf.

>She has a right to be a bitch to someone
And he has a right to be a bitch to someone back. We're all egalitarians here, right?

Smack that bitch.

>It has to be proportionate,
You could buy her a box of chocolates.

I mean she's obviously a bitch, and she saved you from torment by rejecting you. So you can return the nice favor in kind.

Wait no... that might make her change her mind and un-reject you :/

No its totally fine. The next step after that is rejecting her because that's the proportionate punishment for not sparing him the relationship and then all is right in the world.

How is rejecting someone being a bitch exactly?

It's not, this whole thread is obviously a joke to everyone except OP

This is the most creative reply I have ever seen

Does a normal guy have a chance with a qt as in OP?

Kill her pet if she has one.

I never liked guys like you. You want people to take your feelings seriously, then try to harm someone you said you loved.

You're just a nasty little fucker that thinks he deserves it all.

>tfw no cute short haired gf
Best to assume no.

Learn to be rejected, you degenarete manchild

Does commonality imply normal?

Realise not all girls will go out with someone just because you ask them and probs try being her friend instead, maybe you’ll get in the friend zone (oof) maybe she’ll warm up to you, but if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work, you can’t force someone to love you. Unless she like publicly shamed you, then might as well go ham

I'm not a fucking manchild.

wanting to lash out for the sake of "fairness" after a perceived slight is something a child would do

Usually it would but I don't think so in this case. Abnormal things can still be considered common

OP is a faggot

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>how can I punish her?

Vote Republican the rest of your life. Also live life happy and fufilled.

she will never be your gf. and good fucking luck getting anyone else to love you the way your acting.

Make a bunch of tapes that blame everyone for all the bad things in your life and have someone you know give the tapes to people including the girl. Then get into the bathtub and slit your wrists.

>I'm Not a fucking manchild.

he says, with tears streaming down his face and a cock in his throat.

>be 8/10 college qt
>walking back to apartment after class
>some autistic beta faggotroid gets in my way
>he stops his mouth breathing for a second before asking me on a date
>politely deny his request
>fast forward 2 weeks
>studying in dorms
>same guy forcefully opens the door and marches into the commons area
>pumped up kicks begins to play in the distance
This is you in the near future. Unironically drink gasoline and swallow a match.

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just fucking kill her you beta fuck

I highly recommend lead exposure.

If you can somehow feed her q meal that contains lead dust or poison her food with it then she'll develop serious problems but not deadly. Theres a good chance she will become infertile or be at high risk of having a child with birth defects.

Date a close friend of her, she doesn't have to be attractive, and go WAY ABOVE AND BEYOND. We're talking full performance oral sex on her, before the longest pounding you can imagine using all your lasting longer techniques.

She'll hear how bad ass you are and want a piece herself. Women go by the reverse bro code, "If a man is good for you, surely he'd be good for me, right?"

Most importantly, don't EVER call her. I recommend listening to some Professor Leykis he has a wide range of advice on all things related to being a man in the modern era. He does a show today that you can call into but i recommend his older stuff from when he was on radio in LA

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Get even? just say im wasnt that into you anyway *even*

>how can I punish her?

By dating an even hotter chick and flaunting her on social media to make her jealous.

What a pathetic incel. This is how Elliot Rodger's are born.

Steal her lingerie and masturbate while wearing it.

>how can I punish her?
I believe you made your mistake by asking. Asking assumes she had a choice and women do not. What you should have done is tell her she was going, where and when and what she should wear. Furthermore you assert your dominance and state firmly she is not to speak unless spoken to by YOU and if someone asks her a question she must get your permission to answer. There is no reason for a waiter or waitress to ask her what she wants because you order for the two of you.

Therefore I suggest you tell her she is going and if she protest raise your clinched fist and she'll shut the fuck up. Tell her she will have sex with you and you will use a condom this time but she must take care of birth control on subsequent sessions since you prefer to bust a raw nut.

Go get what you deserve

Just move on bro, women are everywhere, keep trying until you get it right.

Also girl in your OP pic is a fucking QT 3.14

>Just to settle things.

did she spit in your oatmeal when she said no?

this must be bait...

I've never even met her, she's a friend of s friend.

Why are you punishing someone else for being too ugly to date? Set yourself on fire to teach yourself a lesson for not staying in your league.

I'm not too ugly to date she just won't give me a chance.

Dude, she had her reasons to say no to you. There's no point in punishing her. The right thing to do here is to accept it.

Do you honestly think someone this autistic is going to actually take a moment to consider someone else's feelings?

We might as well try. I'm sure he can reconsider if we push him enought.

Does she have a cat? Stick your dick in it and fuck her cat instead. Pussy's pussy.

Or a dude that knows how to get laid.

>a dude that knows how to get laid
wouldn't waste time replying to an obvious bait thread.