How old do I look to you? Be honest
How old do I look to you? Be honest
The kind of pale from not getting enough sun
Decent looking
Cut your hair shorter by the sides OP, it makes your jaw look weaker. Also I guess mid 20's
You look like one of my best friends but with worse skin so 24.
Age and fat are relative. I'm old so a 30 year old is a baby to me and anyone skinnier than me isn't fat.
you are making absolutely no sense
Only about 20. But not like a super healthy 20. Dude let me turn you into a Chad. 4 real.
I'll help you with your dating woes if you email me at [email protected]. Just email for protection from trolls.
19 or 20
nice digits
also /soc/ is for sociopaths
The first guy saw the thumbnail the second guy actually looked at the pic
24 desu
Between 19 and 35
somehow you guys guessed correctly
Fffuuuuuck user, I'm a woman and Id like to point out only one thing.
If you worked out you'd get so much pussy.
Work on that body because that baby face will get you far. Also your eye color is beautiful.
like you make threads on the wrong boards
Not op but I absolutely despise people like you.
Do you know what /soc/ is? A circlejerk.
This is an advice board, advice extends to advice about looks. So please fuck off.
Based entirely on the fact that I know some who looks like you: 23.
You look like onision
>Do you know what /soc/ is?
The appropriate place for stuff like this.
>advice extends to advice about looks
Yes, until cameras become involved. Then it's personal and belongs in /soc/.
General advice about looks is welcome here because it can apply to anyone reading, it's a benefit for all. For example:
>How can I keep my hair from frizzing?
>What can I do to tone my face?
>Do girls like guys with ___?
Not allowed is like:
>[post picture] How beautiful am I?
>[post picture] Advice on how to improve my looks?
>[posts email] Am I cute? Anyone in the bay area hmu :3
Tripfagot spewing out bullshit, nothing new from you Peanut Nigger.
Go beat some women.
now this is just ironic
did you turn your brain off, or something?
Yes there's something.
I do not beat women.
You'll get it when you're older.
you're too young to be here kiddo, it's an 18+ website