Nervous af rn, need advice for a date

Nervous af rn, need advice for a date

>meet a 7/10 girl from tinder
>is into video games
>knows her stuff
>complimented me a suspicious amount imo
>called me cute, like my intelligence
>3rd day of talking, she told me she quit pokemon go a while, but would start again 'for me'
>puts in effort to drive convos, asks her own question
now is why im nervous...
>make plans for tomorrow
>ask her today if she's still down
>says yes, and invites me to chill at her house before going to play pool

Now just wtf. Am i getting robbed? Am i getting raped? Am i paranoid?

I never get compliments from women, and much less do they contribute to the convo. I would say this current girl knows nothing substantial about me to even like me that much. She has not talked like i'd expect a scammer to talk, all the stuff she has mentioned she seemed to have info on. She only sent me one pic on snapchat too, we mostly talk on the phone.

pic unrelated

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we mostly text on the phone, rather

Bro she's probably just going to suggest smoking weed and fucking instead of going to play pool.

This. Don't be so paranoid.

so im paranoid? its normal for a girl to invite a random guy she knows nothing about and has never met to her house to meet for the first time?

Yes. Bitches be crazy man.

Yes, girls are that fucking dumb now a days. This happens more frequently than you think.

It’s a red flag, but not the kind that puts you in danger. Keep it casual with this girl for sure, don’t fall in love.

^ listen to this guy op

this, and yes, you are paranoid.
keep an eye (casual, not a Bond kind of thing) at first, if everything looks good, smoke that tree and fuck her brains out

thx, didnt realize that

why casual tho?

I do like her rn desu, and i wanna date her. But her inviting me to her house also made me wonder if i should not push for anything, or try to make out, or try to fuck, etc? What should i go for then?

Look at it like this. She just met you and is already asking you over, she's probably a slut. Do you want to be with someone like that? That has no self respect? Just bang and forget her.

not OP but what if she becomes MY slut?

Lol she won't man. If she's hooking up with people she barely knows, she's not going to be tied down to a guy unless you are like super hot. Even then, probably not.

You're definitely paranoid in terms of safety.
I'd be cautious around anybody who compliments a lot though. Whether they're doing it intentionally or not it's essentially a form of manipulation. If you get used to this when they take it away you will feel it. Thus putting them in control of your self esteem. Capiche?

Stop overthinking bullshit, buy condoms and go there and bee yourself.

Attached: dont use condoms.png (383x322, 51K)

what really stood out with me so far is
>our quite similar internists in the same video games
>she's kinda nerdy, likes learning a lot
>and enjoys hiking/nature

I spend most of my free time playing video games. Im an electrical engineer and physicist. And when i travel, i like going to parks and stuff. I didnt even mention these things to her before i found out that former info about her. It seems like we could really click.

BTW, what does Jow Forums thing about
>nose ring in the middle
>long, fake nails
>naming ur account succubus124346532

Lol BAKA. You got her too far in your brain to see it as it really is. Go for it but don't bitch at us later when we tell you we told you so.


What do you think my chances are with her if i dont pay for drinks and dinner? I usually never do that on first dates, cuz so many girls just use men that way.

She also told me that no guys ever want to hang out with her. I really dont believe that, even the ugliest chick have attractive men after them. An attractive girl cannot ever have that problem. Im nervous about my safety if fake, and manipulation if real.

If she's already inviting you over, then it's say to say it doesn't really matter what you do. You already got the fish in the hook, the question is are you going to reel it in or let it go?

And she sounds manipulative but it's a rare chance it may be true. Honestly man, stop thinking about it so much and go for it. You'll learn your lesson one way or the other.

"She" probably has a dick

Dude, just be smart about it if you're so paranoid. Let someone know where you're going, watch your surroundings, politely decline if she offers you a drink.

Dude make sure to update us on what happens

if this thread stays alive ill post an update.

she is the one that invited me to her place, while i was just suggesting we meet up at a bar. talked over the info, and then at the end i asked her for address and ive been waiting for a reply. hopefully she replies, i dont get why she'd ignore me. Prob working, i hope at least.

Bring a knife, a mask, and maybe some handcuffs. Women love it when you show her your dangerous side like that

See if she can time stamp to confirm is not a group of dudes waiting to beat you to a pulp and steal your shit. Let couple of your friends know where you will be and set your phone to record audio before entering the house--could save you from rape allegations or if shit goes down. Will be wait for your update.

My personal friend told me not to do the timestamp idea, that its going too far. And even if she is real, its the dudes waiting to beat me that i think about as well. I was gonna google map the area, and see if its sketchy. If it's not, then im going to be really aware when i walk through her door, and look around.

Im giving one friend the info if she passes me her address.

It's a sad state of affairs we've come too when you've gotta do all that shit to find a relationship. Where did it all go so wrong?

Yeah don’t listen to the other user, the timestamp is a stupid idea. Although just as a safety precaution, if someone other than her answers her door, don’t go inside until you see her first. In all likelihood it’s not a catfish or a robbery, she just wants to hook up


ITT: The internet has fucked a lot of young dudes up so bad they can't tell a booty call from the Zapruder Film.

Bro doesn't she have IG/face

idk. her snap only has a score of 3k, really low for a girl.

>be ugly as shit
>use tinder
>live in 3rd world country
>see cute korean girl
>probably fake profile
>swipe right anyways
>talk with her on whatsapp
>she invites me to her home
>probably could have fucked her but I blew it up.

Dont be paranoid, give it a try.

either you catch herpes or get your organs harvested.
whores are dangerous

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u fuking lesbian, die