Where am I more likely to meet virgin women?

Where am I more likely to meet virgin women?

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Or a Church.

elementary school.


Barnes & Noble Romance section

If a chad couldn't take a girl's virginity. You sure as hell aint

Also the cat isle of a grocery store

Now if I said that, I would get so much abuse :/


Because I'd like to meet one

Maybe Chad never tried, perhaps he was too preoccupied with Stacy or maybe he didn't go where virgin women go.

What is it about a virgin woman that makes you want to meet one?

They are on a similar experience level as me and I would like to grow together with one.

unless you are 15 you are already too late.

I don't give people reasons to believe I'm an abuser and a pedophile, and you do.
People hold you accountable for your posts, like you wished they did.

You are datting a person, not a vagina. If she is a good girl, you will still get the experience on 'growing' together. Each person is different and there is always a lot to understand and descover about them

this fucking guy

>You are datting a person, not a vagina.
Sorry you assumed that.
>you will still get the experience on 'growing' together.
Not as much though.

Like they say, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now.

You have options; Pursue a virgin, or accept that a future lover may have loved before, or go to vegas and get a hooker and be done with it.

I can only speak from experience; my wife and I were each others firsts, but we didn't have intercourse proper until we were in our mid 20s, even though we were together since middleschool. We did everything else, though. The point was; we didn't want a pregnancy, and we had friends where BC failed.

So, speaking as someone who didn't lose it till 25, I tell you sex is not a big deal. It's literally the most over-hyped thing there is. It's fun, and it's good, yes, but if sex was what virgins thought it was, society would collapse.

Find someone you like. If you find yourself in love, the sex will happen.

Take sex for instance; many people have it, but can't enjoy it because all the weight on 'performing'. Girls can't get wet on command, guys lose their erections - people are there having the sex you want to have, but having a terrible time, because they've misunderstood what sex really is about. You save sex to have fun, not win an award.

So - find a relationship with someone you want to be with every day, and the sex will come and it will be good, because sex is not the goal.

You didn't answer my question in the OP.

How did I know there was going to be roastie like this coming of the woodwork.

user. It’s doable but it’s extremely hard and time is against you. You have to ask yourself what do you have to offer to such a high quality girl. Once you really ask yourself that question then get your act together and work on yourself 50/50 appearance and personality. You can have great haircut and well fitted clothes but it falls short if your personallity isn’t there. Failing and trying again builds character and you will fail.

Once you get that in order. Then here

>Sunday Church
Don’t shit where you eat. Go out of town, come up with good excuses such as I visit grama on Sunday.

This will allow you to change to another church if it proves to be slim picking or when your autism kicks in you get a bad rep ( it happens).

> Volenteer VOLENTEER
It gives you social skills and the guy to girls ratios are 1/6. Seek out pet shelters. Scan and move on if slim picking.

> Learn something and join groups.

I remember, when I joined this cooking class under the cover of “moved out, looking to learn to cook for myself” I met this girl whom I was dating and she introduced me to her sister. I messed up and whole thing fell apart but point is others will often introduce you to their circle, if the moment is right.

>Lastly. Women can lie.
Girls at church are looking for a chump with a diamond and they have no hymen

You are probably thinking this sounds like a mission, the modern world has made it hard but the right girl is worth it. She can keep your heart, stands to your kids and support you.

>No respect for father
Drop them, Red flag.

Good luck faggot

You get "abuse" for being a tripfag on Jow Forums outside of the tripfag boards.

Le roastie meme huh.

Imagine being so insecure in your own beliefs or even yourself that you immediately build a straw man around someone because they said something you don't agree with.

>you are datting a person not a vagina.

You was disingenuous to the OP with your generic reddit tier cringe hence my standard Jow Forumsack reply.

I suppose you would be just fine with dating a 100+ body count grill for the goal of a fruitful relationship? After all you are dating a person and not a vagina. This is the absurdity of such thinking.

Its as if the Romans, the Japanese, the English empire all had based their concept of monogamy on nothing. And for having fared better than the others as a result was all just a fluke.

>Its as if the Romans, the Japanese, the English empire all had based their concept of monogamy on nothing

Oh whoops actually those people had concubines and also gay sex with boys

fast food restaurants.

Thanks for the info


Anywhere you go already. They don't have neon signs over their heads for easy identifying

>Oh whoops actually those people had concubines and also gay sex with boys

Oh whoops actually these people had concubines and gay sex in the decadent stages of their empires

Coma ward

They have active sex lives if that recent pregnancy is anything to go by.

If you're not willing to wait until marriage, your intentions will be (rightly) seen as predatory among those who consciously chose to remain virgins.
More to the point, your perceived "benefit" of doing so is going to take a massive hit since you're simply the first in a likely long line of degenerates to get to her. That's simply selfish, and it's not even smart.

>pet shelters
From my experience with them it's leftist central. Sure, you might find the leftist that hasn't gotten around to it yet, but rest assured that they have the mindset of any random whore. That being said, if OP is himself a degenerate, it's best he keeps the fallout contained to other degenerates.

There are entire tripfag boards? Sounds gay.

Not OP, but not everyone wants to date a cumdump. In fact actual men absolutely refuse to.
Honestly unless you go to church you just have to be extremely picky with your women. Avoid ones with tattoos, act or dress trashy, swear a lot, act full of themselves, etc. Best bet is probably going to church though. I might do it myself though I'm agnostic.

>I am the son of Rome!
>how can you accept women having sex with anyone but me?!?!
>i cant inti women not because i'm an incel sperg, but because everyone else is a degenerate!!!
Classic Jow Forumscel post. Hits almost every salty mark except for the part where we should beg him for proginy so as to better "society's pool".

t. buttblasted whore

>I might do it myself though I'm agnostic.
Are you American?
I'm also agnostic and you don't want to do this. They will instantly know you're faking it, and moreover you are going to have a pick (depending on the region and denomination) from assorted geriatrics and/or Hispanics, none of which are going to actually wait until marriage. In short, bad idea.

>how can you accept women having sex with anyone but me?!?!
It's not "women" as an abstract concept, it is your wife (also an abstract concept, at least initially). That is, it is fully justifiable even (maybe particularly so) from a secular stance to want a woman to wait until marriage for her to be considered a suitable partner--that doesn't mean that he wants her BECAUSE she's a virgin, it is simply a condition. In the same way, it is wholly rational for a woman to expect financial stability of a potential husband, which is separate from wanting to marry a man because he's rich.

And that's rather obvious given the nature of commitment. The same thing applies to men (and in fact, it's men who are more degenerate than women in this regard).

>the decadent stages

Nah it was a standard practice amongst many cultures. It's still going on today.

a place where sex is less prioritized or pursued.