Femanons: Which outfit for first date?

Have a date next week with girl for the first time. We are hanging out back-to-back days. So was wondering if I should go formalish on day one with a button up, then the casual sweater the following day? Or ditch all these outfits and go shopping. Would appreciate any advice

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I like the white shirt and the sweater.

The middle and left makes it look like you have a really weird torso to waist ratio

I'd personally recommend tucking your shirt into the jeans. By the way those jeans look terrible with those weird white stripes or whatever, get something that looks classier

Depends on the places you go really, 3rd outfit for comfy casual coffee, 2nd for a nighttime date I’d go with a different color though

you look cute I all three of them.
Honestly idk what to choose, but I'm more drawn to the casual right. Maybe because it wraps tightly around your arms (nice arms btw)

I like the one on the right, but you look good in all of them. Good luck!

>Those fucking 10ft long shoelaces.
>faggoty bracelet
>skinny jeans

is this bait?

I didn't tie them properly, just wanted some quick pics. and the bracelet is worth more than your life dickhead.

Yeah was never really a button-up kinda guy, but a few friends recommended it.

Yeah just a casual date.

Thank you!

do you also have a tribal tattoo around your arm to match that bracelet?

>never seen a piece of jewelry in his life

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The sweater is my favorite, the button-ups look a bit oversized. Tucking it in might reduce the bulk. Dark colors also appear to take up less space, so go with the dark button-up on day one and then the sweater.

them some shiny anal beads. Your boyfriend will love it. :)

god forbid someone has different tastes in clothing than you

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If you consider those jeans skinny I could only imagine how baggy yours are lmao

Go to /fa/ and ask them for better wardrobe and clothes fitting ideas. The two button ups look pretty unflattering on you.
Try to remove the wrist watch or get a bigger one and wear the bracelet on the left hand. Honestly, it doesn't match your outfit so it's better to try to 'hide' it if you don't want to remove it.

i consider myself a fashion educated male and honestly all of them look safe and neutral. so good job on picking out your wardrobe but honestly the bracelet is a little too much for me as well. And that's if i'm being completely honest, but it's your own body and your outfit so if you wanna wear it, wear it, who gives a fuck. good luck on your date man you'll do good.

Femanon here, you look the most cuddly/approachable in the far right outfit. Go for that.

Those pants are great. The guy you’re going on a date with will know that you have experience being on your knees from how worn out they are

Will do, thanks!

Thanks man, appreciate it.

Thanks :)

I lol'd so can't even be mad. Good one haha

Femanon here. These all look pretty good. I like your basic, masculine style.
The other posters are right on the button ups though. They look a little oversized.
Most nicer department stores have an area upstairs that will do some basic fitting, hemming etc. for you on any items you buy in store. Maybe try that next time?
Clothes look the best when they fit properly.

>those manlet shoes

top kek OP

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All look good honestly. But I guess the one on the right is the favorite here, and I can kinda understand that.

Definitely go with the right, as the fit on the button downs is all kinds of cocked up

bracelet is faggy as hell dude, I don't mean like as in homosexual, I mean "male jewelry" besides watches is for faggots (sorry)

zip up boots are also pretty goofy but the chick probably won't notice that.

Jeans aren't ideal but that might be because I just hold a personal grudge against distressed denim so disregard

overall tho you look like you're over 6' so she'll be slobbering over your knob no matter what you wear

t. girl

Femanon here, the sweater is your best bet. Like many anons have said, the button-ups aren't really very flattering. Tucking them in might help?

But with the boots and the bracelet, I think the sweater works better.

femanon here

wearing shoes which will raise your height wont cure your manlet ego. You are forever destined to be small and insignificant.

Femanon here, the sweater is your best bet. Like many anons have said, the button-ups aren't really very flattering. Tucking them in might help?

But with the boots and the bracelet, I think the sweater works better.

Those shoelaces are a little ridiculous, though. I had a similar problem when replacing the broken laces of some work boots, and had to deal with too-long laces for a while until I found something sized properly. My solution was that once you've finished lacing them up, wrap them 1-2 times around the top of your boot, then tie them as normal. It's a subtle way to eat up the extra length.

t.boot cut jean boomer

Apparently my edit led to a double-post. My bad.

Defo get rid of the braclet. I like the jeans and the boots but all the tops are super plain looking. Maybe get a jumper with a nice texture. You could switch out for some black trousers or chinos.

>a watch and a gay bracelet
choose one (non-gay) option

/fa/ is absolutely roasting me lol. Might need to go shopping to spice things up.

You just have the plain 35 year old look. desu I don't think you can develop a good fashion sense unless you pay attention to the culture. You don't dress bad just plain.

I mean I can dress much better if I put in the effort, I just feel like pic related is a bit try hardish for a casual date. I might be wrong though.

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Go on a shopping date with her and ask which choice clothing she’s likes on you. It keeps her on her toes with the benefit of you looking more attractive in her eyes.

No, not at all. A lot of girls like to dress up especially for a first date, and it's nice when the other party puts in effort too. I'm sure you'd look nice in it.

Far right, you look really cute in it. Good luck on your date!

Middle or right, lose the girly bracelet

The guy looks dumb to me. Nothing wrong with dressing plainly.

Guys opinion, no homo:

Something doesn't look right with the two button down shirts - the kind of look like they are just sitting on your torso rather than actually fitting you. Maybe it's just the camera angle.

The last photo looks better because the sweater conforms to create a more flattering shape of your body.

You should wear what you’re most comfortable in.

Jesus, this looks like faggh. How much did you waste on that?

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Thank you :)

why are your arms so short lol

They arent, I just have long legs

Gtfo with tucking shirt into jeans

They all suck and are boring but far right is the best, you look nice in it. Avoid button up shirts for dates unless they're date-appropriate. They look stupid and uptight and you want to be fun.

Ready for SEX

why did you ask r9k this? they are legit cockroaches, their advice is useless.

you look like a dialogue option box pops up when i talk to you

>hideous black combat boots
>distressed jeans


>Femanons: Which outfit for first date?

Who the fuck cares what women think? They will like whatever the shit you put on so long as you like it and are confident in it.

Take the godawful bracelet off.

OP here. Is something similar to pic related too much or just right?

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Male, it seems a little much. It might work with a more casual jacket though.

Ditch the formal wear in general, go with the sweater and do something about your shoelaces.

Looks good, would be even better without the jacket.
Remember user, it's a first date, you should dress to impress

Agreed, thanks for the advice.

All 3 look basic af. Boring ass normie.

>Boring ass normie
How do you dress, oh so exciting Chad Chadington?