Is drinking alone bad

>be me
>20-something yr old femanon
>kinda buzzed atm
>finished one bottle hard cider
>prob lightweight, 5ft, 106lbs
>get drunk on 2 glasses of wine every weekend or some afternoons
>always drink alone in my room, never drink outside of room

Is it okay to drink alone? Is drinking supposed to be a social thing? Tbh I'm genuinely afraid of people.

Pic related, self doodle

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Depends, are you failing on your responsibilities?

It's a bad habbit to have, because it contributes to you becoming an alcoholic.

It's also not good for your general health to be drinking several times a week.

I always drink wine alone before sleeping.
It's ok. Just don't get drunk after 2 glasses. What kind of weakling are ya?

You could be sucking dicks instead of sucking liqour.

I don't drink any more, but I always preferred to drink alone.

Unless I'm with really good friends, I don't like pubs or other social drinking like that.

Naaw, I'm being good, I do my work and stuff, try my hardest

Then no it isnt a bad thing.
Ill get flak for this but my throw away email is [email protected]

t. 58 year old trailer trash

Plenty of people have a glass or two of wine on their own fairly regularly, especially people in their twenties. I think the fact that you're so conscious of it makes it unlikely to be a problem for you, as if it got worse you would have an eye on it already. What's really bad is when people get in the habit of downing a six pack a night (or MUCH more) and don't even notice anything odd about that.

Oh I suppose it true, thank you

Low body weight highh metabolism or so? Does it help with sleep?

Bite the bottle than bite the dick, prudish

That makes sense, alertness around strangers is key

that's why I quit drinking, get in from work, 8pm drink until ten pm go to bed, every night.

it just gave me a huge belly lol.

indeed it is.
plus I'm too old to be staggering around out of pubs now, it gets unseemly.
"look at that old drunk!"

Flak? Might not contact, dont have throwawar I'm sorry
Same user?

Parents were strong against drinking uber strict, grandparents on both sides alcoholics, I like the fuzziness of wine. Six pack would prob kill me lol

As long as you don't treat it as a go-to remedy from feeling bad, you're in the clear I'd say.

I got some really nice wine from my recent trip, and been drinking two bottles each weekend just because I can.

As some other user said, if you are worried about it, it's a good sign you have awareness of your habits. Just don't overdo it.

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< muh low body weight und metabolism

Same here.
Well, but you can call it defence system. Drinking too much is bad for you.
Wine is something that's supposed to be appreciated.

Thank you that makes alot of sense. Like that pic, I saved it. Think wine is a fun thibg, don't like sad drinking , once had 3 glasses filled to the wine glass top and almost threw up and the room skinned, which don't want to happen again.

Does drinking alone mean I'm a losrr

>>Does drinking alone mean I'm a losrr

yes. Females who are alone are ugly as shit or insane as shit. Genetic waste.

Big question , what cheap wine do you recommend tho? I only drink barefoot so far

Ah thank you that makes sense

Also to add , I'm not alone, but drink alone, if tgat also makes sense and stuff

Like, find something else to worry about. Drinking alone at 20 is just barely alarming.

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Some beta supporting you? Not even surprise. You females have everything for free and never have to fight for anything. But the joke is still on you. Never having to fight for anything or to suffer in order to gain something is ironically the biggest punishment. Not knowing the true value of things around you or even the value of yourself. My words are empty to you because you are nothing but spoiled child not even knowing the value of my words. Even this thread is just big ass attention. ME ME ME! Indeed you! Suffer the punishment of empty life with nothing to fight for or strive for!

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Don't get drunk every day.

I used to only drink on the weekends. I started doing it every night to deal with anxiety and depression.

I started getting symptoms of becoming dependent and it really scared me. I dunno why you're drinking just don't make getting drunk an every day habit. That's my advice.

Thank, how does one try to drink with friends?

Naw im listening, you have good points , appreciate the advice non theless, what do you consider improvement of oneself?

Thankb you , that's good advice, real scary to get dependant on booze, how did you kick it?

>what do you consider improvement of oneself?

To drop the act and stop listening to false ideologies and propaganda. Western women have been brainwashed into lifeless pupets with no purpose. The purpose of woman is to give a life to our Earth. You lost your purpose because of mindless slut brainwaish. Save the white race. The future will thank you. So will i.

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You sound like You took the redpill or watch sandman, planning on the marriage thing with my first and stuff, what do you think are some of the biggest propaganda?

I didn't get dependent but I started to feel not normal anymore even when I was sober and I felt it had to do with drinking. I had that fuzzy/dizzy feeling but not in a good way and it just made me feel strange and unfocused all day. I just stopped drinking so often before it got more serious. It was easy because I was scared what would happen to me if I didn't stop.

Oh man that sound s bad, glad you kickd it before it got worse, coulld it be a dehydration thing or something?

I stopped drinking on my own in my room when it hit me how sad it is for me. I rarely drink now, more for the taste of a special cocktail maybe every couple months.
Fuck what people say though, don’t be a degenerate and do what feels comfortable and right for you.

That sounds like a good idea, celebratory drinking and stuff
Yeah , stayingaway from the denerate path like the plague, seen alot of people go down it

I like your doodle. The drinking is alright, take some breaks here and there. Gotta keep your liver and kidneys healthy.

Thank you, I like your quads. Good idea, so just switch to tea on every other weekend?

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Depends on where you live.