Do you guys think this hairstyle suits my face shape and all?
I'm 18 so I want to make the most out of it while I can.
Do you guys think this hairstyle suits my face shape and all?
I'm 18 so I want to make the most out of it while I can.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah you look, ok.
>inb4 This is an advice board, I'm asking for advice, /soc/ is a circle jerk.
Why the L, I'd say I'm more of an N because of the curls.
That's not a hairstyle it looks like you just woke up
Well wait 'till you see how it looks like when I did just wake up.
lookin hot user
It's because I'm short so I'm closer to hell. Thank you.
Oh as you can see my name is L, thats why i posted L picture, is supposed to be my reaction
Makes sense
word of the wise, never take advice from this guy.
Not on Jow Forums often because I use it only for stuff that it's supposed to be used for, asking for advice. Why is that?
Also, you don't like my look user?
Dont take advice from that guy, if he doesnt like you he will stalk you and post your face also he is gay so watch out
I've no preference one way or the other you're both strangers to me so I'm just not gonna dig deep into this.
I am however straight.
how tall r u
5'6.5, I hate it.
Wouldn't be a big deal if I was gay but I'm straight.
No, I actually think you look fine. Cute, even. This L faggot is an autist though, especially about hair.
Move to a third world country. You'll be a giant
Problem solved. You're welcome
>pics saved
Post on /soc/ anyways so you can show us your dick
Good answers user.
Funny, I'm from a third world country, Serbia, average male height here is 6 feet.
Thank you but no thank you.
Do I keep the hair though? Shorter/longer? Any products I could use? I only use random shampoo.
I was thinking more like the Philippines where everybody is a midget
Srbija Jaka
Remove Goblin
Pa kod nas su svi barem 185 cm hahhaa, ja sam 173 cm
That is correct, at least you're not the height of average girl.
L Lawliet is the most recent Jow Forums namefag and he is a huge autist. Everybody tells him to stop embarrasing himself and not be an autist, but alas, he is too autistic to accept it.
So just ignore him, or better yet, filter his name.
>L Lawliet
>najgori autista Jow Forumsa
>ujedno i jebeni smrdin
Kao zdjelarstvo
He's Slovenian actually.
Nauci se prvo govorit srpski mater ti jebem amercku
Ma nisi toliko malan, samo treba bolje trazit, drugacije ti si 8/10
>implicirajuci da sam burger
Ubij se, autisto.
hello you're cute & your hair fits perfectly
Thank you very much! Do I have room for longer or should I keep this as maximum. Longer as in bushier at the top, it won't drop soon.
Steta sto te nije nato 99 bombardiro, picko pederska
Ayy the neighbors are now fighting and bumping the thread, cool.
Hvala hvala, ali mene ne mesajte.
Okay, let's not derail this. Back to the topic at hand please.
Ajde probaj jos koji put, nema jos puno zemalja ex-yu, mozda eventualno potrefis, kad vec ne jebes nista, animepederu
It looks absolutely fine. Also if you're taking a photo into a mirror look directly at the reflection of the lens so it looks like you're looking directly at us
Didn't bother enough with it honestly. I never take pictures of myself.
OP, you're so adorable. maybe cut the sides to like a medium fade if you want to look modern. Right now, you look like an emaciated, college student
sucks you're not gay
I truly don't like the fade and couldn't care less about looking modern. I like the sides, actually this last picture may be the worst one. It's from a weird angle, the top looks shorter than how it actually is irl and in the other pictures. Partly blaming it on the shitty prehistoric camera though.
could be. that thing of hair sticking out of the side on your right bothers me. other than that, don't change the length
Boli me kurac odakle si ustašo pederska, popušiš mi kurac
I'm still here responding in English. My neighbor anons are meanies.
Ubij se patuljasti smrdine
You look like a generic girl's average 6/10 but a nerdy / geeky girl's perfect 10/10. Look into identifying the types.
Either way you look good.
Posta macke, hahhaa koji pedercina, mene zoves patulljak pa mater ti jebem de reci gde zivis da docemo da ti razbijem toju ustasku glavu
Slazemse lol. Kakva pedercina taj tip
So strange that someone made a water color of this.
Idi spavaj, poceo si sam sasobom govorit
These photos are terrible, but your hair looks cute to me! Definitely the bedhead look.
This is nice, thank you.
I don't know how to take photos, sorry. I never knew how to. Well even with these bad photos it doesn't seem like it's bad to you so that's nice.
Nije on, promenio se broj original postera, svakako nastavite da mi bumpate thread
Last bump, thanks for answer, not thanks for the Yugoslav fights.
This person understands it, not sure what the other Slavs are chirping about though.
Soft boys are gay, and you definitely look like one. If you're interested in girls, though, you're in luck because they eat that shit up. I suggest wearing more pale/pastel colors if you really want to live up to being a soft boy.
Znam da bi to zelio pedercino raspala
Get a fade, leave the top with a little length. Will look wayyyy better
Like this but the top a lil shorter
I'm genetically made to be a soft boy, can't go against that.
I don't like it. I don't like the fade thing it looks like a rooster. I see why people like it but I really don't sorry.
Thank anyway tho.
They are just arguing pay no attention.
what the cuck, why there a cock in this post?
That's what the modern fade hairstyles remind me of.
Why do you keep making these threads?
It's the first one, I also posted on /soc/ in a rate and hair thread.
You're are sooooo cute, you like you're from an anime. If there's ever a live action My Hero Academia adaptation I want you to be Deku.
Thank you.
I'd say that it looks good.
Thank you, any tips on improving it?
Balkan 4lajf
i like it.
Try wetting your hair or pouring some gel, and comb it all the way back and see if you like it. Would prolly make you look like a fancy, excentric asshole
I like you then, any tips for it?
Making myself look like an eccentric asshole is admittedly not one of my favorite pastimes.
I don't think it'll look good.
you look qt, like a guy my idiot self would end up crushing on
t. femanon
It’s too thick, like an afro. either you’re overdue for a haircut, or the barber doesn’t know what is, or maybe both.
t. faggot
Thank you very much. Any tips?
I haven't had a haircut since mid to late November. Got my bangs and a bit on the back cut by a family friend like a month ago though.
You look like Rami Malek. I'd google him and look through his various styles through out the years and find one that you think you can pull off. You can never go wrong with side shaves.
I know who he is, I like him in most of stuff he did.
I guess the similarity you're getting at are the eyes? Yeah I have pretty weird eyes. The poor camera makes it even worse.
Honestly I was shitposting, you don't look that bad,honestly an 8/10
No idea which one you're but doesn't matter, it's Jow Forums of course most of it is shitposting.
Thank you very
Why are you 2 posting me in this thread?
Are Jow Forums femanons destined to like this kind of guys?
I currently have a way too big of a crush who's eerily similar to OP. He has a girlfriend though so no luck there.
OP get better clothes.
What wrong with a one colored shirt I don't understand what you're trying to say here?
it looks too big on him.