I wish I could tell my husband when he comes home that I masturbated 3x today and I want to have sex, but alas he doesn’t like being “attacked” when he comes home from work.
Yes this a real complaint and yes we have discussed with a therapist.
I wish I could tell my husband when he comes home that I masturbated 3x today and I want to have sex...
I'm sorry you married a lil faggot
I don't even know. I have a low as hell sex drive but I wouldn't feel "attacked" by it.
Why do you have time to masturbate three times at home, but he doesn't? Rather than a therapist, maybe see a careers adviser.
Not OP but I work full time, volunteer and probably make more than 90% of people on this board, I still have time to masturbate 3x in a day and still have hobbies. Finishing as a girl takes like 3 minutes max (at least for me) and can easily be done in the shower or bath if you wanted to as well.
Polar vortex, -27 F.
Work was canceled since everyone takes the train.
Literally the first time ever they’ve canceled work.
Your answer is foreplay, wear some nice lingerie, act sexy and seduce him.
Are you single?
My bf is a nocturnal manchild with no job. I'd come home from work on my hour break and while he was asleep, wake him up by sucking him til he was hard and mounting him. I did that a few times and he didn't like it. He asked me not to do it anymore because was was sleeping. I was stunned.. don't all guys just want to fuck? He has low T and a poor sex drive.. maybe your husband has it too. Honestly..it sucks. I'm sorry you have to go through this.
I mean, if my wife told me she masturbated three times today, she'd be the one being attacked.
probably a fat cunt
Reminder that even guys like this can get a gf. You have no excuse.
Tell me about it, i am not even angry at this.
I am however autisticly confused through what motions where even the gf says "nocturnal manchild" gets a gf that wakes him up by sucking him off.
Like how did you guys meet? What made you attracted to him? How is your relationship even functional?
The questions man..
>How is your relationship even functional?
Sheer fucking willpower at this point. I'm pretty sure I'm getting cucked.
Break up with him already. I have a good job, and would have lots of sex with you.
wait until the weekend, yeah sorry but some of us actually have to work and its fucking tiring. Sex is alot of effort so yeah not always in the mood hun I wanna fuckin sleep thanks.
>but alas he doesn’t like being “attacked” when he comes home from work.
> “attacked”
Why is attacked in air quotes?
No seriously.
You guys have discussed this a lot haven't you? You've been accused of attacking him when he gets home. Do you have any idea how that makes him feel? And you try and emotionally distance yourself from HIS REALITY by putting attacked in air quotes.
Treat your man better holy shit. Start by listening to him and embracing his experience with empathy. Help him and do a lot of work for him. Give more to him than you take. Being a good person 101.
You came here asking about a want of yours---stop. Just stop wanting so damn much from him. GIVE TO YOUR MAN and not take. If you want sex (for example...), the FIRST thing you should think about is what you can do for HIM. What HE LIKES.
I know you won't listen to my advice, because I know a few women like you, but there you go. Your problem and solution plain out in the open.
>don't all guys just want to fuck?
This is a common misconception. We don't, even guys with high T don't always want to. We need to be in the mood for it.
I can't blame you for thinking this, the media really does a job portraying us. The solution to your problem is to get him in the mood, never ever ask for sex if you're a woman, men hate that so much because it makes us feel invalidated. Instead, you have to use allure. Be sexy for him and do what he likes. Once his interest is sparked, he'll handle the rest...
I guess my father and I are special. It'd literally be the only thing we'd do, if given the choice.
>don't tell men what you want
Are you really gonna listen to this guy OP he literally beats women and animals. Anywone have the screenshot?
no I don't. That's a lie that's been spreading around it's just not true.
Even your quote is a fabrication. Lies take you nowhere.
There's more to life than pleasure, femanon. Break the fabric.
He keeps changing what he pretends to be.
I personally remember threads where you said you hit women faggot. Kys
>sheer fucking willpower
Top kek
You are alright user you made me laugh, however tell him you will dump if he doesnt get this shit together.
Dont bother to find if he is cheating on you or anything. Cause even if he isnt this is just silly by the way you see it.
Find a man who will be happy by being woken up getting sucked off. I would like to think most , including me, will find you lovely.
But first talk with him, communication is stupidly important. Although maybe it isn't, fuck if i know. Being direct and open never seem to help me with this shit..
Godspeed femanon, godspeed..
There's more to life but none of it is as fascinating as a woman.
My dad was an artist, and I'm a hard worker. Nothing ill comes from how I feel, aside from intense cravings.
>When girls think they understand the opposite sex
Why would anyone enjoy being woken up by someone molesting them? Use your brain roastie.
huh, interesting. It's kinda just like a dog!
Well, more power to you! :D
>When incels think they understand anything
Some people would enjoy it, some wouldn't.
I just wanna fuck all the time. I rejected sex once during my 3year relationship with my ex.
Ugh dude you’re so fucking creepy
I got hard just reading this.
But I also have to pay for sex to get any.
Why do you sit home and fap all day instead of going to work?
Maybe get a job you lazy slob.
My advice to you is to take control next time he actually is turned on, this might take weeks but if you love him you will wait. Do everything you want to him and don't let him interrupt you, suck him off ride him till you cum etc to him sex is just an orgasm but to us it's our special bonding time that gets us high and keeps us happy blahblahblah so don't waste the opportunity once he sees that he can just lay back and not put so much effort maybe he'll be more open to do it more often remember that men carry a lot of weight on their shoulders and they're not really allowed to express it they just have to work and work like robots so they need us to feel warmth and compassion the last thing they need is to feel inadequate this actually discourages them from being intimate even more and yeah he might be fapping every once in a while but so do you so you can't be mad about that
Stupid dumb tripfag scum. If the relationship has degraded to the point where OP's husband perceives a desire for more sex as an ATTACK it's too far gone to repair. I've been in a very similar situation with an exbf, thank god we didn't marry. It was MY fault he was out of shape and on antidepressants that gave him 0 sex drive, somehow. Instead of trying to accommodate ME he instead shamed me for my desires, implied I "just wanted him for sex" and that I was being abusive somehow. It's called being a normal young adult with a sex drive. What's the point of having a boyfriend or a husband if they don't want to FUCK? OP cares enough to take it to therapy, don't you think a therapist would perceive it and bring it to their attention if OP was mistreating him? I bet you any money he's just a faggot with a low libido blaming it all on her because he's too lazy to fix his shit, he knows he doesn't have to because she'll just stfu and deal with it. Jokes on him, women can only put up with that shit for so long, men need to TRY as well
You are aware that this is rape, right?
Why do you even stay with him? Does he have a big dick?
What a bait thread
Oh fuck off.
>girls will tolerate your bullshit if you have a big dick
Stop with this retarded meme. That's not even remotely how it works.
Correct, but that doesn't make me wrong.
>when hooking up
Nice. This thread isn't about hookups, so I don't give a shit.
It means something, that big is better than small, it’s always a nice bonus. It’s not equal to average or below average.
wow that's like impressive or what
oh you know who else does that?
dogs :DDDs
>Stupid dumb tripfag scum.
Stopped reading there.
Ignore the tripfag because he sucks, but the truth is that media has done a really shit job of explaining when men want to fuck. Sure, when we're in our teens and have hormones running rampant, it's boner city. But once that adjusts?
It's fucking annoying to have some girl think you're ready to be hard as steel and a machine for her pleasure when you just spent 9 hours in the office solving complex problems, then another hour stuck in a shitty commute with your head racing about all of the shit you still have to do. You walk in the door and your girl is like I WANNA FUCK NOW and the only thing you want to do is sit in your comfy chair with a glass of bourbon and forget the shitty day.
>big is better than small
Only to a degree, and only for some women.
>it’s always a nice bonus. It’s not equal to average or below average.
Not always, and when it is nice it's only a bonus. It definitely won't compensate for being a "nocturnal manchild".
My number one priority as I get older is sleep, not sex. You dun fucked up. I need my sleep bitch, I’m tired of being tired, you have no idea.
Dogs are at least kind to their women.
It was already explained above that Chicago is experiencing extreme temperatures and work was canceled.
I think you are also forgetting that I work all day too. I just always get turned on on the ride home.
I also can’t find the post where they suggest my husband has low T, but he definitely does. He’s on testosterone blockers because of male pattern baldness.
how fat are you?
>He’s on testosterone blockers because of male pattern baldness.
This is a bit of an important detail. Get him to shave his head and quit the T blockers.
Maybe wait until after dinner?
Still, you don't have to do shit but sit there and take it. He has to get horny, get hard, and then worry about your pleasure. It's a big hassle.
have you considered just giving him regular blowjobs?
Women are (almost) all sexually selfish, this is nothing out of the ordinary.
Cmon you stupid mgtow not if you are actually attractive personality and looks wise
He’s on testosterone blockers because of male pattern baldness.
You're married to a woman then. He needs to quit that shit, shave and embrace it. And start lifting hard. If he does this, you'll see him be the man he was meant to be and will you fuck you like crazy
To each his own.
I work in an office and spend tons of time on the phone and coding/scripting. Very stressfull job...but i routinely/daily fantasize about sex with my wife. She had little to no desire for sex.
On the drive home, i often fantasize about my wife wanting sex.
Examples of what i thought of yesterday.
Fantasy 1) i get home. Wife is strongly desiring sex. We have plans to go out, so i give her a "taste" (teasing her, bending her over the bed and giving her just a brief but intense/rough amount of penetration from behind). Before going out, i put a buttplug in her and put her underwear (thong) in my pocket. She puts on a dress with no panties. All throughout dinner, she and i both know just a small amount of fabric separates her from the world. I make frequent physical contact (hand on leg...briefly up dress, etc). Come home...she's hot and bothered. We have good sex
Fantasy 2) i come home and she has tied herself up to bed, either naked or wearing lingerie
Reality: i pick up flowers on way home. She changes before we go out and lets me tweak her nipples a bit. I bend her over bed and sqeeze her 10/10 ass, spread her cheeks, give her some spanks. We go out to dinner, have a bottle of wine. Get home, shes too tired for sex. I masturbate with fleshlight when she falls asleep.
I wish she wanted sex 1/5th as much i do...
I could literally write a book about fantasy versus reality.
We were a year into our relationship at this point and doing something like that was already something we consented upon. Judging by your reactions though you're probably a bunch of cuckolds with resentment issues to be pointing your fingers looking for an unrelated issue like that on this forum.
I'm sorry to say that bigger penises are super uncomfortable and unconventional. My bf is average size and I wouldn't want it any other way. My ex was monster size and I never once orgasmed because I was so uncomfortable. Even when we talked through things.
Media is brainwashing, we all know this. Different people like different sizes for different reasons. My insides are average size so I like an average penis. I'm not super kinky so it's fine for me. Preferable even. If my bf was any bigger it would be a problem because sex would be hurtful. (If we had it that is.)
He literally doesn’t worry about my pleasure at all....
Things are over when he cums
He does lift. He works out several times a week. He’s just not ready to embrace the hair loss, but it’s coming at the expense of out marriage.
Same guy as
My ex (before wife) would sometimes jump me when i got home. I.e. jump hug me and wrap legs around me or lead me to bedroom and push me to bed.
The most fullfilling sexlife EVER.
My wife has "twice" in our 7 year relationship woken me up by mounting me and wanting sex. I am instantly hard as diamonds and am down to fuck. Ive actually asked her to wake me up with BJ and sex on my birthdays.....but she never does.
We sound like we both have similar sex drives but non-reciprocating partners.
Read "come as you are". Its what our sex therapist recommended.
Each person has a different Sexual Inhibition (SIS) and Sexual Excitation (SES) Scale.
Basically...sexual brakes and accelerators.
I score high on ses/excelerator. Thoughts, smells, visuals... bascially everything turns me on.
You should buy two copies of the book and each read/fill it out.
Lifting isn't going to do shit if he's still on them
This is OP, should we do that too? My therapist recommends so many books and we never get them.
Man get over it and get a wig, shit. Have anime hair daily or just none at all. Hair is so trivial..he seems so concerned about his appearance it's annoying.
I'm really sorry OP, that is shitty. I shaved my head a #2 shave and my bf still fucked me. He didn't like it but he still fucked me. It pisses me off because it's back to the whole world view of things. Media ejaculating their lies down our throats and we eat it up. We suck harder even.
In all seriousness OP, maybe he needs some self esteem help. See what you can research on bolstering a balding man. Have serious conversation about how him being bald wouldn't bother you and that it would be okay if he was etc etc. If you already have, I guess keep trying. Of it comes down to it, tell him he's sacrificing the happiness of your marriage because of his insecurities.
Ill also say ive read/listened to about a dozen books on sex, marriage, relationship improvements...but none of them really hit home like this book.
Its heavily based on research and hard science as well...not about "muh feelz" like many others.
If you are serious about improving things, drop what you are doing and order two copies off of amazon. Both of you need to commit to reading and digesting it.
Dude. I'm always horny and my husband is too but he won't fuck without a condom, I've got the copper IUD. Used to say he "wasn't comfort able doing so" and eventually it went to "I won't last long without one," which is way better to deal with IMO. BUT, he had some bitch he was pining after in his meetings and maybe cheated physically. Maybe yours is too, and she's a little less interested or doesn't even pay attention to him anymore, so he's still pining after her. I'd tell him things aren't working out and put his things outside. Push him away. He'll come around once he realizes you're not just an option.
Absolutely awful advice. Ignore this.
Seconding this book. It explains a lot, and is deeply rooted in neurology and psychology. It's not just some person's hearsay.
Also, stress is the no.1 bonerkiller. It "hits the brake" more than anything else. If sexual drive dips, it's usually not because of a lack of sexual stimulus, but because there's too much inhibition from stress. The accelerator won't work if the brake is on the floor.
The book also goes into real solutions for dealing with stress, which allows the body to then get in the mood for sex.
This, however, is cause for concern. Does he make any effort at all when you have sex? Have you tried telling him what you want? Does he listen?
it's very normal for guys to lose all interest in sex after they orgasm. Men's bodies are wired to shut down and relax (and sleep) after orgasm. Women are more able to keep going after an orgasm. The simplest way to marry these two conditions is to have it so you orgasm first.
Same guy as
He has a high SIS (sexual brakes).
Fear of preganancy is causing issues.
First time my wife and i had sex, we didnt have a condom and she told me to just cum in her anyways. I told her i was worried about getting her pregnant and she said she didnt care (she was on birthcontrol but neglected to tell me/thought it was errotic to lead me on).
Fear or pregnancy was highly on my mind and it caused me to have premature ejeculation (was never a problem before).
Fast forward to today...she actually doesnt take birth control because she says its too much hassle to get a prescription. I plan sex around her fertility calendar. I still get PE issues when i think about her getting pregnant (she ABSOLUTELY does not want kids right now and is getting her phd at the moment/too busy).
In worst case, i have trouble maintaining errection.
Although i have super high ses (sexual excitation/accelerator). My brakes are slammed as well.
Its the worst being super horny but unable to maintain errection or have PE (unsatisfying orgasm). Makes me feel bad and gives me performance anxiety in followup sessions as well.
All stuff i learned about in the book.
>doesn't want kids
>doesn't use birth control
dude, I'd be stressed too.
It sounds like you married someone with whom you are not sexually compatible.
Why is the woman-beater talking, anyway?
>sexually compatible
I hate this stupid fucking meme. It's literally just an excuse to break up over minor shit.
Litetally brought this up in therapy session and she said she would immediately get an abortion.
So in bad case...would kill our potential kid. Worst case, wouldnt abort and would resent both me and her kid for causing her not to finish her PhD/"mess up her life".
I think she may be getting an IUD soon though...maybe for my birthday?....not that we have much sex anyways....maybe once a month.
Sexual compatibility is not a thing.
Perhaps your sexual aggression is making him feel..."incompetent"?
Perhaps if you find a way of making him feel in charge. Send him suggestive texts telling him he want sex when you get home.
Before you leave for work...maybe give him a kiss and grab his crotch (or move his hands to your ass to grab it).
Surprise him by tying yourself up to the bed before he comes home (he's in control).
Buy a remote vibrator and give him the remote before going to dinner.
In general, make him think about sex/you throughout the day.
Make him feel like the dominant one.
Make sure to encourage him in whatever he does so he doesnt feel like hes "doing it wrong".
Maybe he's intimidated by your sexuality?
Send him suggestive texts telling him you want sex when you get home*
I.e. prompting...so he can mentally prepare for it
I am not saying there is a problem with anyone here....just throwing out some ideas.
Maybe his sexual accelerator is in feeling "in control"...inversely, maybe his sexual brake is when he feels "not in control"... your sexual aggressiveness may contradict his own needs.
This is why i recommend the book...helps identify what turn ons and turn offs are. Can then find common ground and use it.
I feel like more than half of these things he doesn’t respond to at all.
I tried wearing a sexy underwear set and crawling towards him and he literally kissed me and then went on his phone...
I'm the guy who wants sex more than my wife.. which is pretty standard - but even then if my wife WAS coming on to me all the time I'd be turned off.
I like to initiate most of the time. Super aggressive women turn me off.
That said I have no idea who your husband is or what he likes. It depends on what he associates with sex and if he's coming home from a hard job he may just want to relax, a good alternative could be to start going to bed earlier with him and waking up early for morning sex so he has more energy.
To clarify, we haven’t had sex in 4-5 months.
The mood has to be very specific it seems. It just makes me sad considering that hasn’t been the case with other partners in the past.
>I don't care if he's tired, I don't care if he wants to sleep, he should have sex with me becauz I WANT TO
Yes, men are just drooling retards that care about nothing but sex. Who cares about his sleep when you want sex?
My wife and I believe my wife has borderline personality disorder.
Intimacy is something that she seems to "avoid" and in general I feel it makes her uncomfortable.
Does he seem in general "avoidant"?
Issue here may run quite a bit deeper than sexual desire/inhibition.
Unclear, we do cuddle frequently and we kiss all the time.
He also tells me constantly how lucky he is that he has me, even when I’m depressed as fuck and literally can’t get up.
Do you have bipolar?
Ive always been very sexually excitable and often use sex/masturbation in my life as a stress reduction.
I was diagnoses bipolar last year...apparently its one of the ways i self soothe.
Its not a bad thing...its all about brain chemistry and what one finds reinforcing/rewarding.
However, when im in a depressed mood/state...sex is one of the only things that i want/need (ill take sex over food) because its one of the strongest rewards (brain chemistry wise). The dopamine hit is like a drug basically.
Coming from one bipolar person to potentially another...
Your need for sex and general depressive states may be due to bipolar...
I know my wife doesnt really want to have sex with me as much when im in a depressive state or seem like im fluctuating alot.
Try to see it from his point of view....maybe he sees you as out of control/unstable?
I just have general anxiety and depression. I take Wellbutrin which is supposed to help with dopamine levels.
I do masturbate when I’m upset but also masturbate all other times too? So I’m not sure it’s related.
When I am really sad though I think about how I want to be fucked HARD. I do fantasize about that consistently when I am upset, but I cannot remember if I masturbate to it.
If you don't have actual arguments against why sexual compatibility doesn't exist, maybe you shouldn't just shit up the thread with your ass-backwards narratives
OP's man has nowhere near the level of sexual engagement that she does, that sounds like compatibility on the sexual level.
Either get over it or present an actual argument as to why sexual compatibility isn't a thing. And no, "It's stupid and a meme" isn't an actual argument. There's a clear qualification of where sex lay for both parties, which would suggest a level of compatibility to come forth from those stances. It just happens in OP's case, it's not a very thorough compatibility.
Wellbutrin was prescribed to me when was having major depressive episode (incuding suidial ideation).
I took it once or twice...but it knocked me out/made me a zombie.
With bipolar...you basically swing (over a period of days/weeks) from depressive states to periods of mania/hypomania (le extremely energetic/little need for sleep/feeling like you can conquer the world).
To change topics to "him". Try yohimbine and arginine. I took it as a workout/weightloss supplement...but it made me consistently horny as a side effect. I would literally wake up with a throbbing errection. I stoppee taking it because it was sexually frustrating (my wife is like your husband...low desire for sex ).
Research supports it as being a treatment for ED and increasing the libido.
Worth a shot.
Wellbutrin has been working for me for the past 4 years so I’m sticking with it.
I don’t sway back and forth like that I don’t think. I know people that are bipolar and I don’t think I am.
I might do some sexually risque thing (like a threesome) but it wasn’t random, it had been planned more than a week in advance. It’s not like I saught out something suddenly, it was planned. I always plan things.
My husband was prescribed Cialis for ED. It was supposed to be taken as desired. He doesn’t take it. I’m not going to force him to take medication he doesn’t want.
Because for thousands/millions of years, humans have bonded and boned each other.
Relationships and marriages are about more than sex.
Especially in todays world...there are a plethoria of devices that can stimulate someone.
But if she is like me...its not exactly the "sex" itself thats the problem. Its the general lack of intimacy.
Thats not a sex problem. Thats a relationship problem.
>Not a sex problem but an intimacy issue
Nicely put.
> I think about how I want to be fucked HARD
Pretty sure you are like a female version of me...
Only...i wish i could have a threesome, but my wife may be too insecure about herself. Other girls turn her on though...and i would be happy to just watch my wife with another girl.
You dont happen to live in texas do you?
Nope, I’m in Chicago.
My husband wasn’t part of the threesome though. I feel like he would never look at me the same after seeing that lol.
Damn...and im assuming you wouldn't be up for it now that youre married?
Driving home now....i really want to fuck my wife hard when i get home and do nasty things to her. But i know shes not up for it...le sexual frustration....
Frustration buddies
the fuck is wrong with him?
On testoserone blockers for hair loss
Doesn’t focus on me at all with the little sex we’ve had (last time was 4-5 months ago).
slip some viagra in his dinner
wait 30-45 min
4-5 months thats ridiculous why does he care so much about his hair loss it happens to every male? does he care about how you feel? dont live in constant frustration femanon do something about it