My life is over. I've caught multiple strains of herpes from cheap hookers, and now I'm having constant outbreaks...

My life is over. I've caught multiple strains of herpes from cheap hookers, and now I'm having constant outbreaks. I miss being a clean virgin so fucking much, now I'm a walking std that no girl will ever want. Even if I found a girl I loved, I'd just infect her and make her life hell. I'm not settling for ugly fat bitches, wtf do I do?

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You're fucked

that shit is for life

>Consequences for breaking the law
>Told Ya so

Find somebody else with herpes. In the meantime, volunteer as a labrat for doctors figuring out a cure.

This. Life isn't over user. My gf's twin sister has herpes. And she's hot as fuck

Yeah dude like the others said there's herpes dating apps out there and science is still progressing it's not the end of the world bro

Stfu, men will give up a testicle if it means getting pussy. An attractive woman will experience no setbacks whatsoever even of she had hiv. A 5/10 skinny fuck like me will.

Dating sites are shit, herpes will never be cured.

>herpes dating apps
Pic rel.

Saw a dude who used to be my friend and ghosted me, he was with his gf, should've told her he has herpes and he's a bisexual faggot.

Attached: 4091382_stock-photo-puking.jpg (600x543, 25K)


Have more hookers

>laughs manically

Attached: escorts.png (439x186, 6K)

OPs new scene

Spread it to every hooker alive then commit a mass murder/suicide

And that’s what happens when you sleep with prostitues. Sorry, OP. Talk to your doctor about what you can do maybe?

preferably on illegal aliens or enemies of the state

otherwise you go to hell

Herpes is at its worst right when you catch it. Gradually outbreaks will slow down and space out more, and there is medicine you can use to shorten the duration of the outbreak.

A hell of a lot od people have herpes, user. Way more than even realize, because a lot of people are asymptomatic carriers.

It's not the end, user. It's a shock and it's very disheartening, but a lot of people with herpes have healthy lives, sexual and otherwise. You're going to be fine.

You can date people who have herpes as well, including asymptomatic carriers, and you also can take measures to prevent transmission to then have a fulfilling sex life with someone who isn't infected, either, such as using barriers or toys during an outbreak.
It's a hurdle, which sucks, but it's not a death sentence for your love life. I promise.

Find a support network, too. You're going to want some emotional backup right now.

Just take herpes medication then

I was the guy laughing at OP, but that is just because I didn't have the words to help him

Honestly, I wanted to though

Thanks for being the difference

Shut the fuck up, All they teach us in sex is to use a condom and keep your sick out of someone's ass. The chances of getting herpes w to m is supposedly 0.1% per fuck but apparently that's bullshit. Dont act like you know more than the average jor.

I have it for a year, its gotten worse the more hookers I fucked. I know I'm probably infecting them but they're fucking demons so I dont care and they deserve to suffer and the people who fuck them too.

It doesn't do shit and it fucks up your liver

Getting this is a real head fuck which is sad because so many people have it and even more people have it that have no idea they do because it lays dormant for so long and testing is mostly shit and also mostly not given out because it's so common.

It's not over, but it's brutal when you find out. If you can afford the medication it actually works but most people are dumb as fuck and uneducated on the subject so it can feel hopeless but there are people in the know.

Also don't relegate yourself to only going to herpe dating sites, its a common cop out for dumbshits and the apps are expensive and exploitive as fuck. Whenever you have someone treating you as a leper over a common disease, you will know that you are dealing with someone who doesn't understand the subject matter.

I'm assuming if you can afford hookers you can afford the medication and/or have health insurance. The shit works but its a fucking racket and is also why there is a stigma created by the pharmaceutical industry. The fear they created was so pervasive and profitable they will never fucking cure it and it's been ongoing since the 70's.

Dude, don't be an asshole, or you're no better than the people who infected you.

You will lose any and all sympathy for your plight real fast.

1. get yourself treated
2. find someone you like and don't lie or omit it
3. only have sex with them when you are not in an outbreak
4. STAY HEALTHY so your immunity is always as best as it can be
enjoy life again
99999999999999% of people either have or will get herpes one day

sorry but it’s over for you brah

How cheap were those hookers? How easy is it to get herpes from an escort?

Yeeeaaaah, you're pretty much done, OP. You can be that asshole that goes around and makes everyone sick like you, or you can find someone who's got just as many (if not more) cooties than you on their playground and live a happy diseased life together.

Pretty easy considering that the majority of them will consent to unprotected sex for extra cash.

Nigger where the fuck did you get that number from
Herpes is the worlds most common skin condition

I think it's real cool that people are genuinely empathetic and give op solid advice and emotional support and he's like YOU'RE ALL PIECES OF SHIT IT'S ALL POINTLESS FUCK YOU
