
>be me
>asian femanon
>8/10 on a good day
>constantly hit on by white guys with asian fetishes online
>weird old men seem to like me too
>also assume im japanese and try to get me to wear kimonos and shit

how do i stop this? i'm too shy to just tell them to fuck off. is there a way to let them down easy and tell them that their fetish disgusts me?

Attached: godly.jpg (300x250, 12K)


Start dating black guys

>wear a kimono

Unironically get a black bf. The guys going for you are already racist, so a big black dude will scare them off.

Trying to get some LBC, bb?

they can smell fear, it's no use

You really have to tell them to fuck off.
There's too many guys out there who see women as objects and don't give a shit about body language.

You could also try the deaf thing where you do random sign language and pretend your deaf. That usually turns shallow guys off for some reason.

pls dont make fun of me but what is lbc ..

Little black cock


sex and sexual encounters kind of terrify me, but i guess thats just the way to go these days.

I think you are a man pretending to be a woman.

i can assure you i'm not, buddo

it is completely ok for white men to find Asians beautiful and sexy. we can always find someone else if you aren’t interested.

Stop posting suggestive pics of yourself online then.

>aware that you’re hot
>dont like it
Please shut the fuck up

i have nothing against white guys in general, but it's uncomfortable for them to project their fetishes onto me .. also please go ahead and find someone else bb

Not op, but being attractive has probably been as much of hindrance as a help

This is a bullcrap post for attention and you know it.

You know that the only solution is to make your shit private or delete it but you come here trying to brag and you even rate yourself just to make people here jealous.

You only care about attention, so much that you are complaining about attention only so that you can get more attention.

Meanwhile a "real" girl has never asked me out before

This actually answers something I was wondering about the other day, which was whether or not asian chicks get hit on by white dudes who aren't weebs and/or old and/or creepy.

>I'm an attractive woman
>Men talk to me
>How do i stop this?
Submerge your face in acid or stab yourself in the face, you could also wear 24/7 a shirt saying "i'm a lesbian" or just not exiting your house ever. Those are some good solutions to your horrible problem of being desired

fuck off

Well as a young adult asian chick, we do get hit on a lot by normal, not weeb men. I notice white guys and black guys tend to do it more, both outgoing types. Been hit on once ever by a hispanic dude. I havent had creepy guys do it after i grew a spine and put a blurry pic of myself as my profile. The one time i went on pof, i was inundated by creepy old men and had to delete my profile. It was interesting.

Don't post pictures of yourself online.


I had the same problem growing up, it was always weird being 13-14 and much older white guys eyeballing me. I just became more Americanized and ditched the dark hair and glasses. Now I'm blonde and super tan, I think someone thought I was Hispanic the other day.

It's a struggle, if you want to stay super Asian that's cool too. You can't feed into their fetish, quiet and submissive they're into that shit. Call them out on their creepiness and move on. Try dating other Asians if you have them in your areas or just avoid basic white bro hang outs? Travel in groups of friends and always have a guy with you?

Works for me!