Do you have any advice on how to deal with the paranormal being whom is in a course with me this semester?

Do you have any advice on how to deal with the paranormal being whom is in a course with me this semester?

Attached: lol.png (993x743, 661K)

Make fun of its pants



I posted this on /x/ and they told me to go to Jow Forums.

You’re full of shit, there’s no threads about this in the /x/ catalog or archives. But you’ve already posted two threads here.

Nah, I'm telling the truth, not lying. I posted a thread on /x/ and they told me to go to Jow Forums and deleted the thread.

I posted one here but it barely got any replies besides my bumps so I made a new one.

What's the advice?
Its pants are very cool though.

spam your shit elsewhere, schizo

Two threads is not spam, and you are being way too close minded. It almost sounds like you are a brainwashed zombie.

Any more advice?

What paranormal being?

The one in my course this semester.


>be me
>bored doing nothing
>spend days on reddit
>nights on Jow Forums
>got a message from a friend
>some bored dudes(they formed a company) want to hire more bored dudes
>imbibed hopes in me second time(first time was knowing a girl wanted to date a geek)
>unlike first time, it is not taken yet
>wrote a boring email
>with five not so boring memes
>got hired
>also got the girl
>right after she agrees to date
>mom awakens me on my bed
>she does ruin my dream and for real
>anyway applied for the job
>waiting in boredom

Details, please.

Can you describe this being for us?

This thread is garbage

you realize this site gets girls raped and beaten right

This isn't a game

People get killed here


If this website is dangerous than this is a good thread compared to the dangerous threads. It would be better if every thread was like this one, in that case.

It is very powerful and stern.

fair enough

you're still a crazy cultish that needs christ

you should watch the news right now

you realize we went through the largest free world shutdown in all of history right

there is about to be a huge war potentially and all you care about is being Sabrina the teenage witch

I'll read your fortune for you if you want to see some magic.

Give me an issue

Attached: Fortune-Teller-OPEN.png (956x535, 455K)

I am Christian. This being is also Christian.

I'd just like some advice about how to deal with such an honorable being.

Go ahead and ask me to summon it so you can ask it a question

No need to, it is almost always in contact with me except for situations when it thinks it is impossible to hide what it is saying, then it doesn't communicate. Like a bird who abandons a touched egg.

Any tips?

who is this question directed to and for what purpose are these tips?

It's directed towards Jow Forums and the purpose is to help me deal with it.

Ok last bump. Any more tips ?

Is there monsters in your closet?

you're a retard

Say that some people are getting uncomfortable by his/her/it's presence and politely ask him/her/it to leave.

Works for me.