Be me

>be me
>heavily pregnant
>husband has been less and less interested in sex
>borrowed his car today while mine was in the shop
>found half used box of viagra in his glove box

It's dated to like 6 weeks ago which is when I went from being a little bigger to a lot bigger pretty suddenly. I don't think he's cheating but it hurts so much because I know that he doesn't find me attractive right now and that's why he has the pills but I just want curl up in a ball and cry.

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It doesn't sound like a good idea to have sex when pregnant.

I am a man and I've never had a "real" gf before.

I really don't see what you are complaining about at all here. Just slow down.

I think you are overreacting. It is all fine.

>first world problems

Well user, at least there's a very real biological reason for this.

(Most) men are going to find visibly pregnant women less sexually attractive because, of course, sex drive exists for reproduction. He can't get you pregnant again, so his brain is like "Nah dawg, not right now."
It doesn't mean he's less physically attracted to you as a whole.

At the same time, it probably feels a lot worse to you because of your pregnancy hormones flipping all kinds of switches.

Just keep focused on the fact that it'll go back to normal soon.

Women actually complain when people don't find them attractive, and they complain when people do find them attractive.

in the third world the husband gets AIDs from a hooker then unknowling gives it to the wife and his unborn kid.

yeah so why is OP crying

I am playing the worlds smallest violin for her

>It doesn't sound like a good idea to have sex when pregnant

What? It's not like she could get more pregnant. Damage is done, there's no better time to have sex.

because he’ll probably cheat when she’s not pregnant and may have cheated before she was

Yes but there is a baby there which might be able to feel and hear depending on how long it's been in there.

I can still remember when I was in the womb.

unless maybe he was using the viagra to fuck his wife

>What? It's not like she could get more pregnant. Damage is done, there's no better time to have sex.
Female autism

>of U
>and Me

w a i t

Maybe he has erectyle dysfunction and that’s why he hasn’t been fucking her as often, and so he’s been using viagra.

Those are the times where he had no reason to do it dipshit.

Chin up. If he is buying pills then at least it means he's putting on a show because he cares.

Lol I hope this is bait. Please please please tell me your experience in the womb.

I am telling the truth, it is simple. I had the ability to move my body and I could see red/brown and feel and hear and think and I had spacial awareness.

What is so hard to believe? I can still remember it too.

Life is more complicated than you could think, when you try to "learn" you "unlearn."

Are you sure you aren't just implanting these memories?

Of course I am sure.
Anyways, it's not very interesting or surprising.
It's just trivial for the most part lol.

You should feel good that he cares about you enough to get help, completely for your sake, and he tried to hide it to spare your feelings. He sounds like a good dude.

What ever you say desu ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As a baby I remember it took some time before they can associate their thoughts with words and you can of course think inside the womb but not really with associated words yet.

I also was incapable of liking songs that didn't rhyme until a certain age.

If he doesn't find you attractive then that's just the way shit is. You can wait until you're not pregnant anymore but maybe you'll have stretch marks or leftover weight and he still won't be interested. If nothing else, you'll eventually hit the wall and that'll be that.This is what nobody thinks about before they get married.

I recommend having an adult conversation with your husband about his and your sexual desires and how your sexual perceptions of each other are likely to change through the course of your marriage. If you can't do that or nothing changes then enjoy your shitty relationship. Try meditating.

You better not stay fat after giving birth. I hate those fat mothers that let their body go to shit and wonder why their husband won't touch them

Wow it's almost like most men don't like giant stomachs or something.
OP there's literally nothing wrong with what he's doing and what he's doing is for you, he doesn't find you less attractive or anything like that, but a pregnant woman no matter how beautiful simply will not turn him on. I don't think I could ever have sex with a pregnant girl even if she were my wife either, to be honest.