How do you break up with a girl that will kill herself if you do?

How do you break up with a girl that will kill herself if you do?
I’ve fallen out of love with her but I feel trapped now.

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How did you get in such a situation in the first place? Help her so she can live without you. Do something to help her life out.


She had mental issues coming into the relationship and I told her they were fine. I was wrong. They have torn down everything I loved about her and her (our) life has been a downward spiral, which has made her worse and worse.

I am her whole world, she says constantly that there is no one or thing outside of me that could want or care for her.

Yeah, so, take responsibility.

What she does once you leave isn't your responsibility.

That's not his responsibility. She needs to get real help and not put the entirety of her life onto someone else.

Have you ever seen a rescue swimmer save somebody before?
They swim towards a drowning victim with their feet pointed at them, so if the victim begins to panic and tries to drag them down, they can quickly kick them away.

If you believe that somebody will kill themselves if you leave them, then you need to seek council with a psychiatric health professional. But always remember that you are not responsible for their actions. You have a duty to protect yourself first and foremost, and if somebody tries to hold you hostage then you have an obligation to your own well-being to bail out as soon as possible.

Same here man.

She won’t really kill herself. She’s bluffing. Break up, and if she sends any messages suggesting that she’s gonna kill herself, call the cops on her. Make it clear you’re not fucking around.

Are you supposed to sacrifice yourself her? If she actually will kill herself then tell her family to have her committed. If that fails then she dies and it's something she did to you, not the other way around.

if she dies, she dies


She will not.
And even if she does, it's not your fault.

She has a history of self harm and attempts (before our relationship).
I just really feel like I am to blame, because I told her I could handle her mental issues and they ended up being too much. I almost feel like I got her into a vulnerable position.

I think these threats rarely come true

Tell her if she wants to continue the relationship she needs to seek help via therapy.


That's not something you can really anticipate or prepare yourself beforehand.
As other anons stated before, it's not your fault. You should try to find professional help while prioritizing your well being .

Sorry OP if thats true, its your fault then, and you have to man the fuck up and not back down on your words. You are partly responsible and pulling out now because you're 'uncomfortable' is a pussy move.

My friends ex threatened to do this, they split and she overdosed and ended up in hospital.. tel her family or at least somebody.

Fuck off, how is it his responsibility when she’s wanting to put everything on the line.

It’s his fault that’s shes suicidal?


Treat her threat as being serious and call the proper medical professionals so she can be taken for treatment. Beyond that it is all up to her. If she is faking she will hate you for it afterwards, if she is not she will be in a secure place where she can't until she has had time to calm down.