Wife is not bonding with the kid. She doesn't play with him, doesn't talk to him, ignores him...

Wife is not bonding with the kid. She doesn't play with him, doesn't talk to him, ignores him, hires a nanny to do the basic care like feeding him
She had told me she doesn't care for kids before but I expected her to bond during the pregnancy... instead when I confronted her she said
>I only gave birth to him because you wanted him, I never wanted him myself, it's yours so you take care of him I'm not going to waste my time on something I myself didn't want
What do I do? If we divorce she wants the money she spent on the nanny back.

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Sorry you married a psycho that makes more money than you.

Just be Mr. Mom. Maybe she'll warm up. Are you still having sex?

Woah sounds like there's a need for some professional counseling. The fact that she feels this way and still popped one out because she cares about your desires- well kudos to her cause I'd never do that. Maybe should have also been spoken about before getting pregnant as well. But that kids gonna have some issues if she doesn't start pretending.

i think im not going to marry anyone

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She doesn't do pretending. I asked her if she could pretend for the baby's sake and she said no that would only make indifference turn to hate because pretending is mentally exhausting for her and she resents being forced to pretend. Yes, she has autism.

>"Yes, she has autism."
>still had a kid with her because "she'll bond eventually"
Holy shit OP how did you fuck up this bad. I thought she had postnatal depression but this shit goes deeper. Do what said and get counseling.

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Who tf has a kid with autistic woman when she literallly didn't want any kids?

Is she at least hot?

Sounds like she is a psychopath.

Wew. That's dark. And there I thought hormones reprogram women into mothers.

>anime poster has a kid with an autistic girl
This shit writes itself really

>I never wanted him myself, it's yours so you take care of him

So you forced your decision on her? Good luck trying to explain to your son why his mom dgaf about him

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>If we divorce she wants the money she spent on the nanny back.
Well you don't have to worry about that, it's just not happening. She can want it all day and night, but it'll never happen.

She has a duty to take care of the children, it's not an option. Go to couples's therapy and try, and if that doesn't work divorce.

She is obligated to be your wife, yet she is not doing that. It's like you're being a husband to a black hole, the wife just isn't even there. So you should aim to divorce.

Some of what she's doing might be neglect, document it! Also try to get her on recording saying that line you quoted. Reveal this to the court during your divorce so you'll get full custody. Women go nuts during divorces because they want to take whatever they can for free. She'll weaponize the children to compel you to give her things.

Choose something to sacrifice. Like, say, the car... Then tell her she'll never get it. During the divorce, when you guys are negotiating custody, tell her ATTORNEY (with your eyes full of tears) that you'll lose your beloved car, if it means having that extra weekend with your kids. Play up lines like "no amount of money would separate me from my kids, I love them too damn much". And just make sure it's all documented for the court. Use video cameras and stuff for the meetings.

Watch your back, because women always pull the abuse card. My mother stole me from my dad at a young age because she harmed herself, then called the police. She would harm us too, then tell the cops he did it. Child Services was called and we were taken from him. It was awful and I never saw my father after that. Don't expect your woman to be any different. If she can't even love her own kids, she absolutely can't love you, and probably already hates you. Launder and hide your money. Brace for impact.

ditto :/

>on something I myself didn't want
Just to keep you clear OP, she is a grown woman and responsible for her body. She wanted the baby, if she didn't, she wouldn't have done it.

Sure, you influenced her. Perfectly fine and completely normal for a married couple to do. Quite common in fact. But in absolutely no way did you force her, so don't even believe it for a second. She has agency and listened to your desired, and she did it because she wanted to.

and this. Don't fool yourself, she might be autistic, but autistic people are fully capable of love. If she lacks empathy, then she might be legit psycho and you should always have your guard up with her.

This. Its literally impossible for a mother to not bond with her baby during pregnancy and after. If she truly doesn't give a fuck, she is a full blown psychopath and not autistic. She is dangerous.

And for once listen to the tripfag.

Honestly, this post explains a lot of the frankly ridiculous stuff that you post.

She doesn't want custody, she doesn't see a point when she didn't want the kid. She does want her money back however. She says she is ready to give me full custody if I pay her all the money back with interest.

You say that but she is adamant in saying she didn't want it, period. She says she merely let me borrow her uterus to give me the kid I wanted and she didn't, so she is not taking responsibility for it.

This is actually exactly how I see her and Byakuyas relationship playing out

Also I think you're wrong about it being impossible to bond during pregnancy, I read a survey for Johnson's Baby that found more than a third of mothers do not with their baby as much as they should and 18 per cent do not bond at all... I just hoped it wasn't her case too

Note to self: make my husband write down in presence of my lawyer that any baby-making is his sole and exclusive decision and responsibility, I give birth to his kids merely as a favor to him and I expect compensation in case of divorce. I willingly give up any and all custody and parental rights to him in exchange for an acceptable (for my side) severance package. Have him document where he stashes all his money and have me monitor it all, and denounce him for fraud if he tries to launder or hide it, from this tripfag it's obvious men can't be trusted to pay a woman her money back.

Pseudo psychologists are a joke.
This is actually very common that mothers don't bond. They aren't psychopaths. There is post partum depression, in addition it appears she never had any desire for a baby so it is even worse psychologically for her.

Best advice is to work out a deal for divorce and custody. She doesn't want the child, and although she may have tried to keep her relationship, it will only result in resentment from everyone towards each other.

Oh my goodness... this is so hilariously like a fantasy revenge porn it made me chuckle.

I have a laywer in my family, another close friend laywer, and am quite avid about studying law myself. This is so inaccurate is hurts, but then I saw who posted it, and realize I should resist feeding the narcissistic troll.

For the record I have seen once, and only once, where your advice was spot on. This time isn't it and I feel like you genuinely can't see when it is wrong. Poor narcissism.

>This is actually very common that mothers don't bond.
Agreed, it’s gonna get worse for the west too. Just look at all the infant mutilation. This is why men should always marry down and women marry up. For the children. I could never marry up and trust my wife NOT to subconsciously abuse our children.

>tells you she doesn’t like children
>neglect her child
You’re just as wrong for this as she is. If both of you weren’t on board neither of you should have had children. Common fuckin sense, and now you have a mother that doesn’t care for her kid because you couldn’t hold in your fucking nut. Piece of shit.

If she’s autistic you’re retarded. There’s literally nothing wrong with what she said, it’s completely true.

>I only gave birth to him because you wanted him, I never wanted him myself, it's yours so you take care of him I'm not going to waste my time on something I myself didn't want

Wow, you're a fucking idiot, OP

I'm not trying to be mean OP but you make me feel better about myself having not fucked up this badly.

>If we divorce she wants the money she spent on the nanny back.
oy vey!

Single mothers, not even once

She told you she doesn't want a kid BEFORE you had the kid. You should learn from this to listen to people and believe them, don't go around trying to change people or expecting them to change. It will hurt you in the end.

Literal autism. I would say that it'd probably eventually happen, albeit not nearly to the degree you'd ever desire. Knowing someone who has assburgers, at the point where the child is actually intelligible and intelligent, they'll bond because he is her child. But at most they'll ever be a 'friend'. The thing I would be worried about is the kid siding with the mother, and feeling like you were the piece of shit here.

>white western women

It's time for purge. The only one who will save us are asian women.

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Should have browsed Jow Forums for more than 10hours. Then you would know what women are good and bad mothers.

pic related

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Wait is it not illegal to have sex with the mentally handicapped? Much less force them into breeding?