Gf left

>gf left
>feeling a bit sad
>everyone says sadness will pass with time
>6 months go by
>feeling so depressed i can't function normally
>mfw i experienced reverse healing
>mfw i don't know if i'll ever be happy again

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Took me a year
Hold on user

>6 months go by

somepeople take longer tan others.

OP here
but is it normal that it keep getting worse

What have you done to make it better? Or did you isolate yourself and continue to think depressingly.

At least you're not a kissless dateless virgin like me.

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if you dont get your shit together and stop moping about the past, youll hurt the people who care about you. those people want you to succeed and be happy, and that's on you.

bear in mind, that group of people includes those you've yet to meet. the sooner you pick yourself up, the less likely you are to miss them and the opportunities they'll open up.

luckily, all you need to turn this around is sheer force of will. for me, i forced myself to do things i knew would be productive, which was to fill all the time i could with extra work. it was harder to feel sorry for myself when i was swimming in responsibilities (and extra cash). start pulling 70-80 hours at your job(s) and you wont have time to feel like a bitch. plus, people around you will recognize your lack of bitchness and eventually you'll start believing it. make her sorry user

All those moments of sorrow are now in Death's hands. A part of your one and only life completely wasted.

You have my pity, for what it's worth.

3 years passed and I'm still sad about ex leaving me.
Does this mean that I really loved her a lot? Maybe. But more probable is that it's because I don't have other options. Maybe that's your case as well.

OP here
started doing fitness, found another girl (that i literally don't care about, and need to breakup with her before she gets too attached to me, so it wont mess her up), started eating healthy food, read a shit ton of articles about moving on after breakup and do everything they advised me...

but still feel like life is meaningless

>don't have other options
you mean you can't find another gf?


>hurrrr i cant find another gf despite having already found my first one just fine

Wow, you breakupfags really are retarded.

Try being a kissless virgin, and never having had a gf for inexplicable reasons despite trying as hard as you possibly can.

Maybe you are just ugly.

you have never experienced the feel of having a girlfriend
you are still living in the matrix
while us breakupfags have tasted the bitterness of the red pill
we suffer the most

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>but is it normal that it keep getting worse
It's not a linear progression. You will get phases where you feel disproportionately shitty about it. It has a lot to do with what occupies your time, but sometimes your brain just digs up old shit out of the blue even when things are going well. That still happens when you're "over it" - whatever that really means, but the difference is you don't react the same way.

breakupfags ruined r9k already

I'm not. I know because girls flirt with me all the time, I'm just too much of a pussy to ask them out, so nothing ever happens.

At least you don't live with the fear that you might die having never kissed or even gone on a date with a girl. Every passing birthday I am filled with dread knowing that I am getting deeper into my 20s and have zero experience.

r9k ruined itself to be fair.

LOL and you say I'm retarded.
I hit on landwhales and they reject me.

So how did you get a gf in the first place?

Being attractive but too much of a pussy to get a gf is worse than being ugly. It's like dangling food in front of a starving man with no arms.

it's not hard to improve your confidence...

My husband left me for another woman 5 years ago. It still hurts, though time does dull the sharpness. I've heard it say that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. I've fucked around with quite a few since then, and I can tell you that this works until you're alone and have time to think again. Love is a double-sided blade, OP. Glorious when in full swing, but it can cut to you pieces too.

There is no one-right-way to get over your ex. The only thing you can do is be good to yourself and to let time scab over the wound. The scar will probably always be there - but with time and enough self-reflection and self-love, you'll learn from it so that you can protect yourself from letting this happen again in the future. (I mean this by spotting behavior patterns and mental and emotional triggers.)

"They" talk a lot of bullshit about how instead of being sad it's over, you should be happy you got to experience it at all - to which I say, "Yeah ok - but that's bullshit.".

The sun will shine again, OP. It will take time and you'll realize that it's never the same with anyone else. However, if you keep pushing through and try to allow the new to grow over the bad and old thoughts, you may find yourself creating something new. Hopefully, better too.
You have my love and support, OP. Shit's hard and it hurts and it does seem like nothing will ever be on the same level of happiness you had, but there are many many new people and things in this world that you've yet to experience. When you're ready - I hope they're as magical as you deserve.

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I texted her and she responded well, we got talking on a regular basis and I asked her out. Easy.

But no girl since has given me the time of day, be it IRL or texting. They either respond after 6 hours despite being online, or respond with one word answers.

Yes it is. It's near impossible. I've improved everything about myself but still am too much of a pussy to ask out girls no matter how hard I try. I can't bring myself to get the words out of my mouth, or even to send a message to a girl I like.

See, you live an easy life. You don't have the crippling fear that I have. I can't even imagine sending a message to a girl I like, it fills me with dread.

Oh just shut the fuck up.

>I can't even imagine sending a message to a girl I like, it fills me with dread.

Not OP, but it sounds like you need to get out of your own head. You're over thinking it and thus doing harm to yourself.

Yeah im obviously overthinking it. But i can't stop doing that. I dont' know how to. All I know is there's a very loud voice in my head that is saying "if you ask out a girl, she is going to reject you"

Well, you either control your emotions and your head, or allow them to control you. Which is it going to be, pussy boi? People are attracted to confidence. Does this sound like what a confident person does?

Ask yourself: "What's the absolute worst thing that can happen if she says no?"

So she rejects you. Is it the end of your world? Have the stock markets crashed? Is it worthy of commiting suicide? No. No it's not. So she doesn't like you - so fucking what? That's her loss, because you would have treated her like a queen. This girl is obviously not a part of your "tribe". She's out there somewhere; the right one. You'll find her eventually and you two will fit together to perfectly that you don't even have to really put any effort into it. It'll just click and things will naturally fall into place. Until then - find the courage to respect and enjoy yourself and people will eventually see that and maybe even be attracted by it.


>What's the absolute worst thing that can happen

It would be really embarrassing, I would feel completely humiliated. I'd be scared of showing my face in public because of shame. I'd be scared of ever seeing the girl again because I'd worry that she would be judging me and thinking I'm a pathetic beta loser.

You have a legit reason to worry. I have female friends that I'm not even that close to. But when a guy asks them out or when they ask if they want a relationship and they refuse, everyone finds out.

Also that leads to a vicious cycle because no woman wants to take another woman's garbage. They like guys other women like

Have you ever smoked meth or ingested a "research chemical"
Just curious

kinda what i needed to hear

and in which part of your green text did you actually take any action to self improve and find happiness in yourself?

and I don't wanna hear "but its too hard" or "I've no reason to do anything anymore". You're probably thinking that to be happy you need another person to do things for to feel complete, but in reality being happy by yourself is the key and sharing that happiness with someone is the key to a successful relationship. Given that they are happy on their own as well.

>and in which part of your green text did you actually take any action to self improve and find happiness in yourself?

> You'll find her eventually and you two will fit together to perfectly that you don't even have to really put any effort into it. It'll just click and things will naturally fall into place. Until then - find the courage to respect and enjoy yourself and people will eventually see that and maybe even be attracted by it.

That cope lol
Fuck life and fuck this gay earth
You don't owe nothing to nobody
I'm quitting this shit life. I'm gonna have a shit 8-5 job that I'll half ass.
I'll come back to my humble home where I'll grow weed and I'll spend my free time smoking weed and watching movies -the only place where love really exist-
Don't feel sorry for me, I feel sorry for you having to live this travesty of a life
Fuck women I don't need them. I was very happy without them

What a load of bullshit lol
I was perfectly happy alone and I had no need for any women, than this semen demon came in and sucked the life force out of me and fucking broke me

Came here to say something like this. Spot on.

You don't need anyone to be happy. You should be happy being by yourself only.

>bawww I got cheated on life is shit you're all faggots
You must be 18 years of age or older to use Jow Forums.

How the hell do you be happy alone, I've never met a person who was alone and happy. Mostly because they never meet anyone and die in isolation and nobody realizes they're dead until the bills stop getting paid. They're not happy. They're miserable. You cannot be happy in isolation. You will develop psychosis. No man is an island, he always exists in context.

So again, ask yourself: Who is this girl and why should you worry about her opinion? Is she the ultimate female in this world? Is she jesus? Does she have ANY influence over you, your school, your work, or your future? No. She's just a girl. A hot girl you have a crush on, but she's not NO power over you that you don't give her. After you graduate, you'll probably never even see her again in your life - so why give her so much emotional power over you? This applies to anyone. You are only affected by the people that YOU allow. If you don't care about their opinion, suddenly you're free from what you fear.

Take back your strength, man.

keep going then. Try to find something new tho, something to give your life a purpose, right now you're just doing things to replenish all those things in your system that make you feel good, but to sustain it you need a purpose in life, something life long so you have an endgame, like despite anything going wrong there is still one thing you wanna that keeps you going. I know a lot of unhappy fit, healthy people, but they all seem to lack a purpose in life. Do you really think that having a gf that you love is all life has to offer? sure its great but man, next thing you know you're married for 20 years and you're both stuck in a routine that makes you both hate each other and you just end up wondering "where did it all go wrong?".

Another thing you should be doing is taking time to reflect, what went wrong, what went right, what to fix and what to keep doing. Theres a million things to consider and its gonna take forever to fix but with each fix your quality of life improves and you end up knowing exactly what you want, who you want and how to get it and maintain it.

your fault for going after the wrong women or possibly fucking things up by your insecurities or behavior. I'm sure you're a special case that will never recover, sure thats what everyone says kek, less bitching and more improvement

It's easy.

Your happiness shouldn't ever depend on someone else.

Be at peace at being alone, enjoy being by yourself. Continue improving your persona, get fit, eat good, continue your projects, be successful! That's the key. Along the way, money and women will come flocking to you just like that, it's really that simple.

Its not so much about the girl, it's about my self-esteem and ego I suppose. I would be utterly destroyed if I got rejected by a girl.

And above all it's just awkward. I can't think of any social situation more awkward than being rejected by a girl.

Sounds like you need medication and professional help. Jow Forums is not the place to find that.

Never said I got cheated on.
I just got sucked by a succubus and went on to desire something that I didn't need, I.E. a women.
As pretty as she is and as weak as she portray herself to be you don't need her, unfortunatly your body has a way of making it seems like you do need her.

How is it my fault ? First of all SHE went after me, secondly I got attached to her and it wasn't a conscious choice.
If I can't follow my instinct what else can you follow ? Reason ? Haha as if it would be a better choice.
Reason doesn't, exist, truth doesn't exist, justice doesn't exist.
This world is a lie and I'm done pretending I want to be a part of it. I've always been half in it.
I don't want to self improve because I have nothing to improve in.
I don't find any interest in this travesty that we call society
The only thing that made me want to be a somehow normal human being was her.
I longe for something that doesn't exist in this world.
Break the illusion, break the cycle. End humanity

>I would be utterly destroyed if I got rejected by a girl.

You are only as destroyed as you allow yourself to be. You GIVE the power to the person that hurts you by caring too much as to what they think about you. Stop giving them that power to hurt you. It's simple.

It's not about the person or what power i'm giving them, it's about me being a kissless dateless virgin. If I get rejected it means all my worst fears are right and i really will be alone maybe forever

This is about how YOU view yourself. You're the one labeling yourself as a kissless dateless virgin. YOU'RE the one who feels insecure by this. You're the one projecting that low self esteem onto anyone else and you're the one imagining scenarios where somebody validates your worst fears.

So what if you're a virgin? Does that define everything you are? Is that your #1 feature? Does it negate all of your other traits and skills? Is it your top listed thing on your resume? No. No it isn't. Stop being so fucking hard on yourself. Stop judging yourself based on what other people think you should or shouldn't be at whatever age and stage in life you are at.

Yeah sex is fun, but sex and society's obsession with it can be over-rated. There are many many more things going for you in life than your sexual partner count.

Why not try to learn how to love yourself and be gentle with yourself? Honor yourself by learning who you are and being comfortable with that. I'm telling you - people are attracted to confidence. They flock to it like moths to a flame, because they often lack it themselves and they see someone who's cool and seems like they got their shit together and they may wanna learn how to do that too. You might find someone who needs to learn from you someday. Maybe you two can learn together.

>I don't want to self improve because I have nothing to improve in.
stopped reading there. Why don't you stop being an edgy, emo teenager and realize that life can be good if you make it, you just give up easily because you live in your fantasy world where being sad is "cool" and speaking in retarded poetry lingo is somehow deep and girls should dig it "right????". I'm not trying to make you feel shit, but it sounds to me like you have a lot of growing up to do, a lot of thinking and realizing that life can have meaning, but you have to find it rather than expecting it'll just show up randomly because "it showed up to everyone else and somehow just missed me". Think about it, don't get defensive and really give it some thought.

hey unrelated fag passing by, could you guys help me? Should I insist? She's a real qt and I'm having a real hard time giving up, I already knew she had a bf but she's perfect

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You're forgetting that we were once kissless virgins before.
For me at least the breakup was a much worse experience.
It's almost been a year user, and i have ups and downs. I've been consistently lifting, sometimes it helps, sometimes the voice in my head says "nice pr you broke today, not like it's gonna help you find a gf" and i cry my eyes out.

if she's taken she's taken. people like you are the reason my gf left me in the first place. find someone who is avalible, don't be a fucking asshole...

I think that was romantic, and that she was polite and straight forward with her answer to you. It's nice to know that somebody likes you, and if things don't work out with what's-his-name, then she's got your name on her list of potential future partners that she can think about.

If you really like her, then you'll respect her wishes and back off. She now knows what you really think of her and that is good enough for now. Don't wait for her to eventually come around because you'll risk ignoring all the other beautiful fish in the sea trying to get your attention.

It's the law of the jungle bruh bruh, Chads will get what they want regardless

>slowly backs off for now

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if another chad steals my girl, he better also gets himself some good pumped up kicks

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The sad truth is that I m not a teenager anymore.
I've tried it all. I went back to the arena many times.
I never was a very social guy but I really tried year after years.
I m not saying women should find my darkness cool or attractive but I m down faking how I am.
No I really tried to find meaning but never found it.
I guess I was fucked up since birth. I have always been like that and 20 years of trying havent changed nothing
I m just apatethic. I ll live a life of NPC and call it that.
I m damn sure not the only one.
You people in this thread are too caught up in lies.
Life is a tragedy

Get off your butt and bust a nut in another slut

>5 weeks into the relationship
>user, I love you
>she then proceeds to ask if a guy she met before me will fuck her one more time
>he nopes
>me finds this out 5 months later
>considering her demonstrations of liking me during the relationship (and me feeling guilty of not reciprocating her demonstrations) I proceed to tell her I found out her question and forgive her
>a week later she says she's still thinking
>and doesn't discuss about it
>makes me wait for another 2 weeks
>she breaks up
>1 month since the breakup
>2 months thinking about the whole drama
>i'm finally healing

broken up twice before, yeah. The first girl took me over a year and I frequently relapsed after periods of getting better. It just took time is all.

don't be a creep to her and you might get her as sloppy seconds in a few years IF they break up. Otherwise, you made a good effort. Try another girl.

weed helped for me
but i don't recommend it seeing what it does to some people, they become reliant. i haven't smoked in 2 years

I want to break your ex's nose.

Yes, it’ll get worse before it gets better. You have to process your emotions and that’s obviously going to feel bad. But the fact that you’re going through this is a good sign. It means you are processing it. Other people just go straight into the next relationship and they never truly get over it, and it comes back to bite them later.

At least now I know that my thoughts and my suffering are understandable

>I've improved everything about myself but still am too much of a pussy to ask out girls no matter how hard I try
I honestly don't understand what the fuck is your problem. She is a person, just talk to her. Just say hi. Don't even try to ask her out at first, just have meaningless conversation. Then, when you feel comfortable enough, escalate.
Repeat until you are ready to ask someone out.
You aren't suffering enough if you can't fuck ask a question to someone. Go fuck yourself.

Been over two months for me. I still have hope that he will turn around, since I know he doesn't hate me but he's trying to act like he doesn't like me. I'm finally getting him to talk a bit more. He dumped me and gave me bullshit excuses about me living too far and him not being ready for a relationship after 6 years. I know its really because he's got some sexual issues to work out (can't finish and he's got issues relating to an injury he got in a car accident). I feel for him and I'm willing to try to help him through it, but he's got to decide he's ready for that.

It's been awful for me. He broke it off right before Thanksgiving, so I had that and a lot of personal issues going on at the same time. I have cried so much. More than I ever thought possible. Once I get my car fixed here in the next few weeks, I'm going to start hitting the gym again and see if that helps. I wanted to get on antidepressants (never been on them before), but it's been difficult in my state because I don't have insurance.

Just keep trying, OP. That's what I'm gonna do. One of my friends told me the day after to not give up, and that's what I intend on doing, even though I have been suicidal at times since then. I just try to think about what he said and push through it.