Does anyone actually think it's harder to be a woman than a man?
Does anyone actually think it's harder to be a woman than a man?
ya, most women
What baffles me is how confident people are when it comes to stuff like this. How can you know that people of the opposite gender have it easier than you do? You can never know.
the biggest adversity anti-sjw faggots face is not getting pussy. that should tell you how easy men have it
It’s just totally ridiculous. Like women always complain about too many people liking them. Meanwhile everyone hates my guts.
My sister was just telling md about how she got caught drunk driving twice but the police let her go. I got pulled over by the border patrol and my car searched just because my car looked a little old. Always get tickets when I get pulled over.
I could go on forever, but I won’t.
Can you imagine actually believing this?
What always makes me wonder is how such thoughts affect a persons real life.
do you mean believing what I wrote, or believing not getting girls is an adversity
From a girl's pov, I never wanted to be a dude exactly because I thought you guys have it much harder than girls. Like seriously, there's always something to be expected of you, you gotta be manly, you gotta be strong, gotta be this and that. While girls as long as you manage to clean and cook well you're all set
I'd say most down to earth girls realize it's harder to be a dude
>as long as you manage to clean and cook well you're all set
yeah youre all set for a life of cleaning and cooking... wow sure is life on easy mode having your best and most viable option being a servant...
yes, I would hate to be a woman desu
Seriously though as a girl you don't need much else.
That's all that is expected from us.
Pretty sure dudes have a lot more to prove than us
Give me one example on where it's harder to be a girl
You realize women can have careers just like men, right? It's literally just that they have the option of being a perma-neet.
It depends on which woman and which man, and it depends on what is supposed to be “harder”
Is getting laid harder when you’re a guy? Hands down, yes. Is lifting weight harder when you’re a girl? Yeah, no doubt. Testosterone is really helpful.
What about living a good life? Well that’s really subjective and is going to depend on the person you ask.
Honestly, you’re just being an edgy, baiting faggot. stfu and gtfo
people having low expectations is not a positive. and any non retard needs more than that to have a fulfilling life
>You realize women can have careers just like men, right?
not really tho
It's all subjective anyway. Both men and women have struggles, but the areas in which they struggle are totally different.
Everyone is seeing what they don't have.
Men have higher sex drive and see how easy getting sex is for women, women don't take advantage of it because their standards aren't humanly, so they still 'have it hard'. I have female friends who are attractive but constantly complain about >tfw no bf because they only hit on model looking guys.
So on.
Oh, well then I'm sorry you don't live in a first world country. Here in the west women can go to college and get degrees just like their male counterparts. In fact the majority of them do.
The first ofcourse.
Boiling down the problems of people to a single point.
>people having low expectations is not a positive. and any non retard needs more than that to have a fulfilling life
Other peoples expectations shouldn't even matter, just your own.
> #
>>You realize women can have careers just like men, right?
>not really tho
Retarded. There are millions of women who have better health, families, lives, and yes, also careers than men.
>There are millions of
this is the equivalent on "I know a guy who smokes a pack a day and hes 100 years old"
we are talking about trends not outliers
>Other peoples expectations shouldn't even matter, just your own.
do you understand how society works?
You can't. It's not clean cut. Everyone's oppressed, you just have different forms of oppression, and everyone wants to say they have it the worst.
There's a romanticism to being so put upon. It's fine until you start lashing out at people who are as sunk as you.
>not really tho
wtf? where are you from? can’t be the us.
You're saying women can't really have careers which is absolutely retarded.
If you can't agree with that I'm sorry for you.
Im saying its harder
It's easier I'd argue.
But go ahead and tell me why it's harder.
Relationships are easier for women because they have way more options, but careers are easier for men because men have superior intellect. Luckily for women they can skip the career and just marry some rich dude, so ya, I guess life in general is easier for women.
Yeah, life is harder when you are literally retarded.
Move this bullshit to Jow Forums or /b/, you don’t need advice on anything.
Yeah, if you live in saudi arabia, china, or any shithole country where women are property and their suicide rates are higher than men
And then you're dependent on someone who doesn't value you.
It's not obvious to me that either sex is in more of a spot. Cage and a grinder. You can live in a cage, but you can't be truly alive in one. The grinder is final, you can either climb out of it or die trying.
im assuming you look something like this pic or you listen to anything those people will spew out. stop. if you go to school and try to excel, anything is possible for everyone.
>And then you're dependent on someone who doesn't value you.
This is ridiculous.
If the man values things in a women like to cook and clean, and she does, then she is valued.
The fact you personally don't want to be valued for that but for other things is fine, but you trashing girls who like cooking / cleaning for their guy (which is what you're doing) is just stupid.
>It's not obvious to me that either sex is in more of a spot. Cage and a grinder. You can live in a cage, but you can't be truly alive in one. The grinder is final, you can either climb out of it or die trying.
This isn't very prevalent in first world countries.
You make it sound like husband/wife relationships is by definition the women being subservient to her man, which says a lot about how you think about these things.
in the united states atleast
above 30 it is
Why do we suddenly have lots of Jow Forums incel threads?
>Im guessing you look like strawman.jpeg
>or blindly follow others because if you were able to think freely youd obviously agree with MEEEEEEEEEEE!
heads of male dominated fields consciously or unconsciously do not hire women, women are viewed as mentally inferior (there are examples of this itt) men harass women in the work place
>muhh affirmative action
>you cant even look at women without being accused of rape
the first is massively exaggerated and the second is an outright lie invented by the incel echo chamber on Jow Forums and reddit
We all know women are smarter than men, and that a woman needs a man as much as a fish needs a bicycle. So in conclusion, I'd say women have it easier.
Ya, it's men's fault that women choose to major in gender studies then can't find a job. The patriarchy is using chem trails to brainwash women into choosing shitty majors. Women aren't accountable for any of their actions. Totally
sounds like a load of excuses from a failure. the kitchen would probably be best for you desu.
my mom raised 3 kids by herself and is a production manager at bmw. you know how she did that? she fucking worked for it instead of complaining that the male heads of the company thinks she’s “mentally inferior”. you are one pathetic fucking specimen and you don’t deserve shit. fucking clown
youre putting words in my mouth to make me sound irrational user. stop getting defensive, just because Im pointing out a thing that happens doesnt mean its an attack on youre gender you snowflake
okay kiddo
see my
>my grandad smoked a pack a day and lived to 100
post. I dont care what your mum did, Im talking about larger trends in society. and Im sure your mum has plenty of stories from work she wouldnt tell her son
Maybe if you were male you'd be able to use proper grammar
r u autistic m8?
I think asking such broad, subjective questions is stupid and more effective as bait than a legitimate basis for logical conversation."Man" and "woman" are not metrics that can at all be accurately measured or generalized. Any answer to a question this general is, by virtue of its subjectivity, incorrect.
not an advice request, stupid nigger. reported.
where do you lie on that chart?
>Im sure your mum has plenty of stories from work she wouldnt tell her son
assuming shit doesn’t make it fact dumbass. that’s what’s wrong with you feminists retards. blame everything on the opposite sex for YOUR failures. grow a spine. go to school and actually try.
Im not a feminist, Im not interested in identity politics, Im talking about a specific topic based on facts
Im not a woman
I have a degree in mathematics
>assuming shit doesn’t make it fact dumbass
this isnt even a point, its incredibly likely your mum got raped in the bum lmao
Okay let's check the facts
>women have easy time to find partners dont need to do anything even ugly and fat ones
>free stuff from beta orbiters
>less mortality rate be it from age or physical traumas (women are protected and more safer than men)
>get everything if they divorce
>on average get more help
>far less homeless than men
>can have children only from 12 to 35ish
>Since society push certain standarts they can have children from 18 to 30
>have something to fight for and strive for
>mental health is slightly better
>masters of their destiny
>if you work hard on yourself there are bigger rewards
>more friends
>gets back stabbed far more ofthe than women
>huge stress
>less partners than women
>if you are fat and ugly there is no hope
>society puts everything on your shoulder and if you refuse to comply you are dead weight
>lose hope more easily
>Can get killed any second just by looking wrongly at another male
>Have to train to death to get at least look from woman
>have to learn to death in order to get good work
>have to upkeep civilization which is against him even white females.
here comes the larp
>mental health is slightly better
Men commit suicide far more often than women.
Men commit suicide more often because women are too cowardly to commit suicide
Its almost as if you've projected your own personal issues with stress, anxiety and depression onto the world.
Fun fact, there are actually FEWER women in STEM courses in progressive countries than in countries with poor women's rights.
forgot to add one more pros to woman part.
>deluded and unable to comprenhend male suffering because they are arrogant and stupid.
women in the us go into stupid shit like nursing. i don’t see what point you’re trying to make
That’s because men a better at getting through tough situations better than women, including suicide
Before we go any further I must ask, are you trolling or do you honestly believe that death, fear and anxiety is not a con to being a woman? Do you believe that women are immortal beings who never experience fear or get nervous? Serious question.
I'm a dude. I bash feminists online and in talks with friends (Im not obnoxious with this bashing)
Still I recognize that women don't have it easy. On average they are weaker, have far less emotional control (they are act out their emotions and aren't really aware of them), they have a timer set for starting family, their brains chemistry makes them cowards (if something bad has a 0,00000000000000001% chance of happening it will definetly happen... especially if children are involved)
They have advantages in how society treats them (the society is far far faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more lenient when woman misbehaves), men innate hornines means that even sub average women can be extremely picky when it comes to sexual partners.
Women don't have it better or worse, they just have it all different.
the only country in the world where women commit suicide at higher rates than men is afghanistan
in china women get to walk all over men because dumbshit chink boomers aborted all their daughters so there's a massive surplus of lonely horny beta males
It depends on the situation. There are times I'm glad I'm a woman, such as with fashion and make-up. But when I think about pregnancy, I hate the fact I'm gonna have to be the one going through all the painful shit if I want to have a child. It just makes me anxious to even want a child at all, because I really dread having to go through the whole process.
For OP's sake ilI hope he/she is actually arguing that both sexes have it shit in different ways.
The 'problem' is that females get their shit fixed by males.
The problem also being that males get their shit fixed by killing and destroying things.
I would 100% choose being a woman based on your description of how both sexes have it 'hard'
Women live life on tutorial mode and any man who doesn't admit that straight away is a cuck
k. im just gonna go ahead and disengage now.
Kek. Deluded female. Hows your liberal studies going?
Let's be real y'all. Women have it FAR more easier in this life than men. The women will scream and shout that NO WE DONT but they are just completly delusional if they are willing to ignore this fact. Im just hoping the men will create artificial wombs soon so we wont have to keep those retards.
Future is bright.
If you take a group of men an organization organically emerges. Everyone goes along really well and everyone knows what to do.
If you take a group of women they will gossip about one another, make some mortal enemies, outcast some because "nobody likes her"
You women are more vicious and agressive then men. Its only when you face someone stronger than you you claim victimhood.
The most common type of domestic violence is mother beating up her children.
Women live life on easy mode. Even fat fucking slags can get laid somehow.
“Can” does not mean “should”
You're probably referring to the ways by which men acquire wealth and status from other men.
Guess what drives them to do that?
To provide for their wives and future offspring.
Because my child will live before yours IF I have to choose.
It's hard in different ways and either one would want the pros of the other without the cons. The grass is always greener.
Idk, I think I'd do anything to not have one week, every single month without fail until I'm in my 50s where I'm bleeding and in pain.
Being a man is definitely good enough for me.
>Unironically believing that the ability to give yourself up as a human fleshlight to random people somehow makes life easier
I think there’s perks and downsides to being each sex. No one will really ever know because you can’t truly experience being both.
nope women have it easy
this is the most overweight boomer "happy wife, happy life" post ive ever seen
I respectfully disagree.
You can disagree shit faggot woman.
As a chinese person, you dont know what the fuck you’re talking about. There is not a big shortage of woman in china, despite the one child law. Lots of people just had their 2nd kid in secret, and those girls are coming out of the woodwork now. Also, chinese women commit suicide at rates far higher than chinese men.
Anyway it’s worse being a woman in china. If you’re not married by 30 you may as well kill yourself there. You cant divorce because its a big shame. Men are allowed to beat their wives and children there, and men can do infidelity but a woman absolutely cannot. This thread is chickenshit
>Guess what drives them to do that?
To provide for their wives and future offspring.
Fucking kek. Ok. So I guess we're going to sit here and pretend like all males who acquire wealth and status only do so because they're just genuinely good hearted altruists and that greed and vanity don't exist. Cognitive fucking dissonance at its finest.
I was about to write the angriest response because these fucking misogynistic man children are completely incapable of conceptualizing an existence outside of their own
But I gotta say
You did a much better job of it than I
Bravo, user
>Fucking kek. Ok. So I guess we're going to sit here and pretend like all males who acquire wealth and status only do so because they're just genuinely good hearted altruists and that greed and vanity don't exist.
No we're not, but we're defenitly not going to dismiss the ones who do or let people like you make them think it wouldn't be appreciated if they would do so.
>Cognitive fucking dissonance at its finest.
Literally triggered by good father figures, you must have a fun life.
>If you’re not married by 30 you may as well kill yourself there. You cant divorce because its a big shame. Men are allowed to beat their wives and children there, and men can do infidelity but a woman absolutely cannot.
based, fuck women
also fuck chinks
How about fuck you.
Go rage punch the wall you shitty angry little faggot, and get off the damn internet