Why people hate incels if they are right?

incels actually have point. Chads(tall handsome white men) live life different to everyone's else. Even if you are born into poor family you can easily become model or actor and slay pussy 24/7

Why nobody admits it??

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They're not right tho, they're just a bunch of lazy assholes blaming everyone but themselves for their tragic failure at every aspect of life

They are bot responsible for being born ugly. Ugly people have much harder life and even worse compared to life of Chads. They want people just to admit this simple truth, but yet no one admits. People like to bully less fortunate

Yeah, attractive people have it easier, but it doesn’t make dating women impossible, and they’re just using that as an excuse. They just want to find someone else to blame because they can’t get pussy.

We are hardwired to dislike ugly people.

Christianity, arranged marriages, and women being kinda property never should have happened. This way there would be less ugly people on this world because women are picky as fuck.

Since society is now 'liberated' and women ca fuck Chad without consequence, of course a good amount of men who wouldn't have passed their genes were it not for Christianity/arranged marriages will end up childless.

Most incels aren't born so ugly they can't get a reasonably attractive partner.

The ones who are can still get a reasonably attractive partner, or date someone as "ugly" as them.

The biggest issue with this argument is that it comes from guys who only focus on the most conventionally attractive women and what they are attracted to, and being upset that they aren't attracted to the guys complaining. Be honest: are you looking to date someone with similar values and life goals, without putting looks above everything else? Or are you just upset because your Tinder profile isn't on fire with women wanting to fuck you?

Nothing about life is supposed to be fair. We are nothing but animals. Yes, some people are born with advantages that others aren't. Too fucking bad. You can either sit on the internet and complain about how unfair existence is or you can do what every living being that has ever lived on this planet has done and make the best of it. Contemplate the reality that people who have gone through horrific tragedies like death, rape, torture, disease and disfigurement couldn't give less of a shit about your constant belly aching about how life is unfair because its difficult for you to find a date. Existence is cold and unforgiving. Some people experience suffering and some don't. There is no universal justice. There is no right and wrong. There is no fucking fair. There is existing on this planet and learning to fend for yourself and there is being dead. That's it. Seriously, either nut the fuck up or get off the planet.

Sure ok, being conventionally attractive can be an advantage in life but it's not everything. There are pretty people who got nowhere, and sucessfull ugly people. Take a look at world's to billionares list, they're all just as ugly as regular people

OMG. If you are born ugly, then you work hard on you personality to make yourself desirable for opposite sex. Incels are ugly people with ugly personalities.

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incels are people who are just honest. Work hard, i.e. compensate for bone being 2mm shorter, just to do something that comes natural to some men? fuck that noise.

If life not faire then why complain about incel mass shooters? Life is not fair, duh

You can be born ugly or you can get shot by ugly person who ismad for being botn ugly.

You hate incels because deep down you know they are right about women

Incels are pathological liars. They are literally wrong about everything. Their entire identity is based on their own choices and lies.

>If life not faire then why complain about incel mass shooters?
Because biological imperatives occur as a result of circumstances out of our control. Some shitty virgin getting hold of a gun and killing people are circumstances we can control. Avoiding unnecessary suffering are circumstances we CAN control. We take medication, wear seat belts and put warning labels on dangerous chemicals for this exact reason. You can't honestly be this dense.

>You hate incels because deep down you know they are right about women
People hate incels because we all live in the same reality and deal with the same basic construct of mechanics yet incels are the only people who insist on constantly complaining about it. Yeah, we get it, life isn't fair. Tell that to the third-world children who are born, starve for a few years then die. Tell that to kids born with cancer. Seriously, everybody on this planet suffers one way or another but we're all supposed to stop and join your circle jerk because you've never kissed a girl before? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. People hate incels because you want everyone else to carry the weight of your failures and your suffering and we refuse.

I’m an average looking guy and I don’t really have problems with getting women. Sure, if I was male model tier it might be easier, but incels exaggerate the power of “””Chad”””

Only incels are dumb enough to believe that. They are not right and they do not have a point.

virgin shaming is innate in humans
>People like to bully less fortunate
this pretty much explains everything, nothing you can do about it though

>virgin shaming is innate in humans
Nah. Nobody gives a shit that you haven't had sex. What people give a shit about is the inherent dysfunction or developmental delays that are the reason for your failure to his specific developmental milestones. Whether or not you've fucked before isn't the issue. WHY you haven't fucked before is.

ugly people being born is not out of out control. Eugenics can be a thing, but because hypocrites like youit is illegal and "immoral".

Being shot in daylight by psycho dude is as random as being born ugly. You don't have control over those two things happenning to you.

Not the guy you responded to but:
>haven't fucked yet because I have no desire to pursue emotionally unavailable women, who just want to fuck around, and only seek to "take" from me while giving little to nothing in return (your vagina doesn't count)

Is this a problem? Honest question. I keep saying I want it to be with someone I like and care about, who likes and cares about me back. I'm not saving it for marriage or wanting it to be magical the first time, but I have to be in a particular place emotionally before I'm willing to even go there, not to mention I need to feel attraction. Am I being too picky or missing something here?

First - I don't hate incels. I just think they are pathetic.
Second - you have weak, crybaby personality, and the word is not responsible for that - you are. Get your shit together!

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>we live in the same reality

no, we fucking don't

get the fuck out my face, reality of chad is as different to reality of incel as reality of starving kid to reality of fucking billionaire

fuck off

Please tell me Mr. Bigshot- what is so great about you, that woman should touch your willy?

Incels think they're right and noncels think theyre right whats new

There is truth to what incels say. Everyone who opens their eyes can see that some people are genetically gifted in certain areas of their lives and thus have it easier to be successful. The same goes for sexual attractiveness. Being sexually attractive is atleast partially genetic.

But incels tend to vastly overexaggerate the genetic portion of it and blaim everything on everyone but themselves. Instead of trying to make the best out of the cards they were dealt, they decide it's better to lock themselves up in their basement and complain on internet forums about how life isn't fair. Worst case scenario they even become violent and shoot up a bunch of random girls. In the end of the day life is all about making the best out of what you have. Everyone is born with certain advantages and disadvantages. It's your job as a human being to identify these and utilize your unique genetic makeup to the best of your ability.

We are all incels at heart... #incelgangout

incels think everybody's an incel and nonincels think everybody is a nonincel whats new

Okay, incel, whatever you say.

Haha yes humans think they are better than other humans what else is new

>Crying like spoiled toddlers about those EVIL, EVIL WAMMYN because they're not sex bots that bend over and spread 'em on demand
>Pissy because women get turned off by petty things like "being massively overweight" and "bad hygiene"

Incel incel incel incel... incel incel, incel?

You are struggling to defend yourself in this situation.

You are being a massive idiot loser and you don't even notice.

I agree completely but why the fuck don't we apply the same standards to the female counterparts of incels i.e. feminists? Both of those groups deserve shaming. Why is everone afraid of bullying them exactly like we bully incels? Those women are much more vocal and have a much bigger negative impact on society thus one would think that they should get more hate.

>You hate incels because deep down you know they are right about women


Will you stop it you kid

What? First of all - I am pretty sure feminists aren't incels counterparts. They definetly get some mad lesby pussy. Second - google feminist rekt videos. Those ar very popular and fun.

>incels actually have point. Chads

You know there's more than literally only two kinds of people right

you people always look at two extremes, chads and incels, sjws and alt-rights, roastie demons and virgin princesses

I'm not an incel faggot or a Chad retard, and most people aren't either, and we get to have sex and be in relationships with a bare minimum of effort with people that are just as average as us.

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Tall handsome white man here.
Hate to burst your bubble but suffering is a human universal.
Throwing a fit over who suffers more and why is not a human universal though.
Do what this info what you will, although I doubt you'll do something useful with it since your genetics just don't allow it.

It hurts their ego. They base a tremendous amount of their worth on being normalfags and thus feel threatened when someone opposes that.

That's sad and disgusting.

>Chads are threatened by incels

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How could that hurt their ego? Thay are not such weaklings as you.

>I agree completely but why the fuck don't we apply the same standards to the female counterparts of incels i.e. feminists?
We do. Women get shamed plenty for their own shortcomings. Just because you don't percieve that there is a female equivalent to an incel doesn't mean that they don't experience societal shaming. We know from hundreds of years of backwards theocratic rule that even executing women for daring to challenge the societal norms of monogamy, chastity and obedience to men was a common occurrence. This is not some "woe is me" white-knighting for women, just a reference to objective history and reality.

There are Robots way more attractive than me, but because they're bitter autists, they get nowhere. Here's the real blackpill. You need looks to get a hook in. It's like a height requirement for a rollercoaster. You have to be "x" tall to ride. Usually the bar isn't that high though. Literally don't be sideshow level deformed (Jeremy Meeks has a weak chin in profile, even models have flaws). But to actually have a decent relationship and build attraction, you need to be competent. You need to be mentally stable. You need to be assertive and enjoyable to be around. It fucking sucks but you can always choose to be a man.

Because incels always argue in a manner befitting a 9 year old, thus acting like children while expecting to be taken at face value as an adult

Of course tons of people experience life differently. So do people uglier and shorter and shit than you are but you don't give a single fuck about them, do you? The only thing that concerns you is you.

Basically, incels are narrow-minded, selfish children, and so nobody treats them like adults.
They're also obsessed with sex which is usually a bad start to anything.

>You need to be assertive and enjoyable to be around
How do I achieve this?

They only have a kernel of truth. In reality even lonely neckbeards can get a gf. One thing that does get in the way is mental illness though which is probably their real problems. I know it is my problem.

>hurr Jow Forums are incels
>hurr white people have it too easy they can't be incels
choose one Jow Forums you bunch of fucking faggots

Incels are 99.9% bitter, hateful and just downright despicable people(which is why they're incels)
It's not because they can't have sex. It's the reason they can't have sex is why they're detested by society

Getting off of Jow Forums is usually a great start for any positive life change

>they're just lazy and blame others
Says the guy who is too lazy to come up with an argument, while blaming incels

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Because they have to maintain the status quo at all costs.

We are all equal.
Everyone is equal.
If I succeed it's because I worked hard for it.
If you fail it's because you didnt work hard enough.
We are all equal.
The world is just and fair... but it is unfair and you just have to deal with that and work hard because you will be rewarded because life is fair.
We are all equal.

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What a wrong with mass shootings?

Life is unfair. Just deal with it.

You got shot? Boohoo. Maybe if you worked harder and had a better personality that wouldn't have happened.

Did the bait thread using that pic get archived already?

Most incels aren't even ugly. What makes them so unattractive is how rude they are. They don't take care of themselves as much as they need to, then blame everyone else for the fact that they can't treat people right. I dated a guy who identified as an incel. He wasn't physically ugly but what was ugly about him was the fact that he called people racial slurs, talked women down, and was in general a massive douche.

Incels aren't right. They're just assholes. And being an asshole doesn't automatically mean you're right.

>Spoiled Retard that never been in a fight cause privilege

How does it feel to never be able to travel to where the action is in the world?

Must be boring

>I dated an incel
Who are you fooling?

>Chads(tall handsome white men)
Not all Chads are tall. I’ve known some who were 5’7”-9

Delete this image.

We are all equal

Delete this fucking image you incel

We are all equal.

I'm not inferior to anyone. Nobody has it easier or worse.

Fucking delete this.

not an advice request, just some more pathetic bait

>the average person
>not a weakling
This is exactly what I mean.

A thread asking for an actual advise died for this.

>worship school shooters
>spam gore pictures of beheaded traveler girls in Morocco and laugh at them
>advocate islamic law
>want women to have no rights and rape legal
But sure, they are just misunderstood nice guys and it's the fault of girls for not wanting to be with them.

k taking all my money to prostitutes since modern society hates non-fucking males this much

Notice how every incel posts and leaves without replying. They can't handle being told the truth.

>worship school shooters
>spam gore pictures of beheaded traveler girls in Morocco and laugh at them
>advocate islamic law
>want women to have no rights and rape legal

are you a professional retard or what

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good one, you made yourself look retarded.

White women refuse to acknowledge anyone who isnt ultra chad.

They dont want to accept the fact that without those "low ranked men" they would simply perish. They refuse it and still will be arrogant and selfish cunts. Men in power plants, trash men, truckers, sewer cleaners, construction workers, road cleaners/repairers/builders. They ignore all of them and just because they have this kind of work. They find it disgusting to be with males like this. Yet without them they would simply fucking die. Who will bring salad into your store so you can lose 500 pounds from your fat body? Or who will restore power so you can upload your millionth whore picture? How will you take shit if toilet will be clogged?

There are things that women will never ever comprenhend. This is also why they are all trash.

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By ultra chad you mean the 99.99% of men who are not incels?

Lets be realistic here roasty. Tell me when you last time looked at trash man or road worker and said to yourself "Oh man i want to have sex with that guy". Probably never. You dont even think about them. They are out of your filter. Your whole posts "By ultra chad you mean the 99.99% of men who are not incels?" is the very proof of this. You take everyone here who disagrees with your world view as incel but the little you know that 99.99% of men disagrees with your shit. You are looking at the 00.01% of men not at 99.99% of them.

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Incels are less than 0.01% men. The worst, trashiest, dumbest, angriest men. How does it feel to be garbage tier, incel? You chose to be this way.

Men hate incels because they'd rather be in denial about the true nature of women

Women hate incels mostly because of the hate a lot of incels have for women, but also because incels also expose the true nature of most women.

>you choose to be involuntary celibate
nani the fuck

The tax system should honestly be revamped.

I am an Incel in the sense that I am involuntary celibate and nothing more. What I think pisses of most people is that people who are attractive and act just as trashy, dumb, racist or bitter can get away with it and receive love.

Combine this with hyper-gamy, normalization of infidelity and low comparative economic prospects in the west and you get angry people.

What did you expect? Jow Forums never gets passed the muh shuddup toxic incel rhetoric.

Genetic lottery

Well it would not be so bad if everyone could marry, hyper-gamy did not exist, adultery was illegal and economic prospects were good.

>I dont chose the words that come out of my mouth
You chose your attitude
You make an active decision to be a jerk to people
You deliberately revel in schaudenfreude
This is why nobody fucks you
Not because you dont have Payton Manning's jawline
But because you cant stop being an asshole to anyone who disagrees with the idea that you're just some hapless victim who has never done anything wrong and legitimately believes all he has to do is be better than the next guy in order to get by.

So why are you waiting until then to stop attacking people and bring rude to cashiers

You are an incel because you chose to be
>sadistic asshole
>jerk to everyone you meet
You are lying when you say there are people who behave like you and are not incels. An incel is defined purely by his behavior. Anyone who is as hateful as you will not get girls either.

One day you will be able to admit the truth that it's all your doing, not society's or women's. Until then you will remain an incel.

Everyone can marry, including gays and you
Hypergamy is an incel meme
Adultery has legal consequences
Economic prospects are good

Literally every single thing you said is false. Why can't incels ever tell the truth?

I'm none of these things. You only need to be shy and below average looking to remain an incel for life.

>Everyone can marry, including gays and you
Sorry I meant enforced marriage prospects and monogamy

>Hypergamy is an incel meme

It is not, see the US particularly california

>Adultery has legal consequences

It does not.

>Economic prospects are good,

They are not. The current economy is dog shit for young people in Western europe (where I live). Entry jobs are limited and the housing market is a bubble. Lending is heavenly constrained and the amount of seniors is putting a heavy burden on the current generation. Student debt is also a problem with high costs of living. In addition to that, an influx of migrants puts heavy strain on the social system that puts the burden, through taxes, on yours truly. Fuck you.

>You are lying when you say there are people who behave like you and are not incels.
It is scientifically proven that people that are more attractive and tall are more deemed more likable even after socially unacceptable behavior.

The rest about what you said it utterly predictable and mostly projecting. You dont know me nor the reason why I am involuntary celibate.

Fuck off liar. Only americans can be incels.

>Hypergamy is an incel meme
There are a lot of dumb things in this thread but this takes the cake. Its 2019 user, its easier to cheat than ever before

It is not scientifically proven. You know this. You will not be able to post any scientific proof. Why do you make such obvious lies? Is it really impossible for incels to say one truthful thing?


Because you aren't right. You've noticed a vague trend and dismissed yourself as completely unfuckablw and choose to whine about how unfair life is.

Anyone can get a gf. Worst case you can't have a 10 which I get the feeling is what you expect. You'll probably get a chick as autistic as you.
And you aren't finding her crying on the internet and looking at endless anecdotal evidence to support your bias. Go live faggot

What is the definition of hypergamy? And is there evidence of its existence? Unless you can answer these questions you are officially known as the dumbest person on Jow Forums. Which makes sense as all incels have an IQ below 80.

The incel who keeps raging in this thread is beyond reason I afraid, user. He has severe brain damage.

So if you aren't responsible and can't control is why are you crying about it? You cant fix it. Find other ways to improve your life.

There's nothing that compares. Complaining online is the next best thing.

Aww man...

The problem is society values sex as a form of currency, which women have been increasingly trained on holding in their favor whereas the threshold for men to obtain sexual value, or currency in this case, is much higher.
Part of the problem is YOU. Quit valuing women so much, if you had wisdom from experience you would realize that your sexual drive causes you to realize how much of a liability they are. You will end up forgoing your needs and catering to theirs, and unless she reciprocates it becomes a endless cycle of self-destruction.

>It is not scientifically proven
It is. It is also proven that rounder eyes, higher lips and a rounder face are perceived as more trustworthy and kind. Taller people also have a higher change on being promoted.

Neuroscience is a bitch.

>experience you would realize that your sexual drive causes you to fail to realize how much of a liability they are.

>Only americans can be incels.
What? why? There are many incels in Western Europe

This is a surprisingly insightful post.

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not Jow Forums